"Capture this city within an hour!"

The leading Punisher shouted, jumped off the low-altitude hovering aircraft, and landed on the street like lightning. The weapon in his hand was already ready. He opened fire on the robots without hesitation, firing bullets and energy bombs. It shot out and destroyed some robots instantly.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of thunder warriors wearing golden power armor jumped out of the plane or poured in from outside the city. Their rumbling footsteps were sonorous and powerful, and they rushed towards the Doom robot in unison.

The battle broke out, and the thunder warriors in golden power armor showed extraordinary combat abilities, nimbly avoiding the robot's attacks, and at the same time fighting against the enemy with amazing strength and speed. Sparks were flying, energy was flying, the battlefield was changing rapidly, golden figures and cold machines were intertwined.

The whole city suddenly turned into a battlefield, and bullets ignited blazing flames in every corner of it.

The glass windows of high-rise buildings shattered in the explosion, and the scattered fragments shone in the sky like stars. Traces of bombed buildings on the streets were everywhere, and smoke and dust filled the air, making the sky dark and heavy.

In the urban area, Thunder Warriors shuttled through the broken streets, their metal armor flashing with cold light, and they fought fiercely with the robots.

But the unstoppable blood flowed from between his fingers, dripping onto the ground, and his steps began to falter.

However, the sound of battle still reached his ears and eyes clearly, forcing him to face it all head on.

Hearing this, Taskmaster was not angry. He just lightly scratched the shield with his sword, then made a sword show and rushed over.

It was a man wearing a golden bracelet. He was holding a blade that was still dripping with blood in his left hand. He had another knife on his shoulder in his right hand and was looking at him with a smile.

"Ho ho eh."

He turned around and saw several more golden-armored warriors rushing over. Master Mimic had no choice but to withdraw his sword and fight with these golden-armored warriors.

"Humph, you have to look at me, trash."

The thunder warrior with cracked armor stood up from the ground, suddenly pulled out a sharp blade, and swung it at the Imitation Master in front of him.

However, none of the citizens dared to come out to feast their eyes like this. They just stared at the scene outside the window in horror, watching the fierce battle between the super soldiers and the robots with fear.

His mind was in chaos, and he could only silently pray that this nightmare would end soon.

The young man's heartbeat accelerated and his whole body seemed to be trembling. He subconsciously lay down under the table, as if hoping that in this way he could isolate himself from the battle outside.

"Why are you here?"

The corners of the Absorber's mouth raised slightly, and he clenched the iron chain in his right hand, his knuckles making a slight snapping sound. As he exerted force, a layer of light silver metallic color gradually coated his fingers.

He looked at the struck golden-armored warrior with a half-smile, a look of fanaticism in his eyes.

"Ah Fak"

Before the absorber lost consciousness, he finally saw who had attacked him.

He raised his head, but he only had time to catch a glimpse of a bright sword flashing by, and then a sharp pain hit him from his neck, and blood spurted out.

The man turned to look at the naked upper body man who was retracting the chain, and his voice came through the mask: "Stop playing around, Absorber. You have taken Emperor Doom's money, so you have to do things properly."

The absorber sneered and looked at the man wearing the white skull mask, with a mocking smile on his lips: "What about you? Taskmaster, aren't you the dog raised by the Red Skull?"

The iron ball fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust. The man standing in the distance is holding a huge chain, and the other end of the chain is connected to the iron ball.

The young man lying under the table stared at the battle scene outside the window in stunned silence. He never thought that he would witness such a fierce battle with his own eyes, and it happened in a city he was familiar with.

The appearance of his power armor was deeply dented and cracked by the huge impact force, and some fragments even flew out from the golden armor.

Just as the silver gradually climbed up to absorb people's chest, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky, instantly attracting his attention.

However, Taskmaster seemed to have already sensed his intention, and quickly raised his shield to block the blow, and then quickly pierced the gap between the thunder warrior's helmet and breastplate with the tip of his sword.

With a loud bang, the golden-armored warrior was hit by the iron ball, and his whole body flew backwards like an impacting meteor.

Opposing him was a blurry figure whose outline was almost invisible. He held two shining blades in his hands and rushed towards one aircraft after another, piercing their engines with the shining blades in his hands.

Taskmaster cursed under his breath almost subconsciously.

The battle between the golden-armored warriors and the robots was like a visual feast, with all kinds of shining energy, shocking explosions, and the sounds of metal collisions constantly reaching his ears.

This layer of silver gradually spreads like liquid metal, spreading from his fingers to the entire palm of his hand, and then extending up his arm.

The absorber's eyes widened, his hands involuntarily loosened the chains he was holding, and he tried to cover the wound on his neck.

Energy beams, flames and bullets shuttled through the air, forming a tragic scene. The walls of the building were riddled with bullet holes and blast marks, and rubble and debris were scattered everywhere.


"What's going on?" Master Mimic heard the movement behind him and instinctively glanced back, just in time to see Bai Ye holding a knife and Absorbing Man who had lost his life breath.

There was a sudden shout from the other side of the street, which attracted everyone's attention.

However, at this critical moment, a bullet suddenly shot out and missed Taskmaster's sword, causing it to slightly miss its target.


He held a shield in his left hand and a sword firmly in his right hand. His figure was gloomy and majestic, giving off a cold and stern aura.


A man wearing a white skull mask, a hood, and a black cloak suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

"I've been waiting for this day!"

If anyone dares to walk out of the building where he is at this time and look up at the sky illuminated by the fire, he will see various green aircraft with strange shapes roaring and shooting in the sky.

As the sound rang out, a huge iron ball flew out, traveling through the air as quickly as a cannonball, and then hit a golden-armored warrior hard.

He did not dare to hesitate, and immediately jumped out of the circle surrounded by several golden-armored warriors, quickly threw away the knife and shield in his hands, and fell to his knees with a plop.

"I surrender!"

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