"The physical strength of these vampires is beyond imagination!" Bai Ye exclaimed, "We must find their weaknesses to defeat them!"

The soldiers nodded after hearing this. They began to observe these vampires carefully and tried to find their weaknesses. After some observation, they found that there seemed to be a special energy fluctuation on the horns of these vampires.

"Maybe we can start with their horns!" A soldier suggested.

Bai Ye nodded in agreement and immediately ordered the soldiers to concentrate their firepower on the horns of the vampires. With the bombardment of energy beams and shells, the horns of the vampires began to crack gradually. When the horns were completely shattered, the bodies of the vampires began to crack and finally fell to the ground.

However, this was just the beginning. More vampires attacked the soldiers. The soldiers did not retreat. They followed Bai Ye closely and fought fiercely with the vampires. In this battle, they not only showed excellent fighting skills but also fully demonstrated the spirit of teamwork. They covered each other and fought together and finally successfully eliminated all the vampires.

After the battle, the soldiers sat on the ground exhausted but satisfied, breathing heavily. They looked at the corpses of vampires on the ground with gratitude and gratitude in their hearts. They knew that if it were not for Bai Ye's wisdom and their courage, they would have died under the attack of these vampires.

"Bai Ye, you are really our hero!" A soldier shouted excitedly, his voice full of admiration and gratitude.

"It's not the credit of all of you." Bai Ye smiled and shook his head, his eyes full of admiration and pride. "In this desert, each of us is indispensable. As long as we unite as one and move forward courageously, nothing can stop us."

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, and their faces showed a firm look. They knew that the road ahead was still long, but they were ready to face all challenges.

After a short rest, they continued to move forward towards their destination. In the following journey, they encountered more challenges and difficulties, but they always maintained a firm belief and a spirit of unity. They supported each other, fought together, and went through many difficult times together.

Finally, after a long journey, they arrived at their destination-an ancient ruins hidden deep in the desert. The ruins were buried by thick yellow sand, with only some ruins exposed. However, for Bai Ye and the soldiers, the ruins meant that their mission was about to be completed and that they would face new challenges and opportunities.

They carefully entered the ruins and began to explore this mysterious place. In the ruins, they found many precious cultural relics and treasures, but also encountered many unknown dangers and difficulties. However, no matter what difficulties they encountered, they did not give up but moved forward firmly.

Finally, after arduous exploration, they found the core area of ​​the ruins - a huge temple. This temple is the most important part of the ruins and the ultimate goal of their trip. In the temple, they found a legendary artifact. This artifact has a powerful power that can change the fate of the whole world.

As the artifact fell, the whole temple seemed to tremble, and the air was filled with an indescribable silence. The soldiers were stunned, looking at the artifact that was broken into several pieces, and their hearts were full of shock and regret. They knew that this artifact was of great significance to the whole world, but now, it has disappeared because of a careless mistake.

"I...I..." The soldier who accidentally broke the artifact stuttered and tried to explain, but couldn't say anything. His face was full of regret and self-blame, as if the whole world was collapsing before his eyes.

Bai Ye walked up, patted the soldier on the shoulder, and comforted him softly: "Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. Although the artifact is precious, our mission and team spirit are more important. Since the artifact has been broken, let's move on and look for other valuable discoveries."

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, they knew that Bai Ye was right. Although they felt sorry for the broken artifact, they couldn't give up. They sorted out their emotions and continued to explore the temple.

The structure inside the temple is complex and mysterious, and various ancient patterns and characters are carved on the walls. The soldiers took out their cameras and began to take pictures. They knew that these photos would become precious memories of their trip.

Deep in the temple, they found a huge stone door. The stone door was closed, and complex runes and patterns were carved on it. The soldiers tried to push it open, but no matter how hard they pushed, the stone door did not move.

"It seems that we need to find a way to open this door." Bai Ye carefully observed the runes and patterns on the stone door, trying to find clues.

The soldiers nodded when they heard this, and they began to look for clues everywhere. After some efforts, they finally found a stone slab in a corner of the temple. This stone slab was engraved with a complex string of codes and patterns, which matched the runes and patterns on the stone door.

"Maybe this is the code to open the stone door!" A soldier shouted excitedly.

Bai Ye took the stone slab and studied it carefully, then nodded and said, "Yes, this is the code to open the stone door. Let's try it together."

With the joint efforts of everyone, they finally successfully opened the huge stone door according to the code and pattern on the stone slab. The stone door slowly opened to reveal a passage leading to an unknown area. The soldiers cheered excitedly. They knew that this passage would lead them into a new world.

However, when they stepped into the passage, they found that it was not as beautiful as they imagined. The dark and humid air in the passage was filled with an indescribable stench. The soldiers took out flashlights to illuminate the front and moved forward carefully.

As they went deeper, the passage became narrower and narrower and full of various traps and obstacles. The soldiers had to move forward more carefully for fear of falling into the trap if they were not careful.

After a hard trek, they finally came to the end of the passage.

In the dark passage, Bai Ye led a group of soldiers to continue moving forward. The air in the passage was damp and cold, and the light of the flashlight swayed in the dimness, reflecting their resolute faces. Their footsteps echoed in the empty passage, as if it was the only melody in the silent night.

The heartbeats of the crowd gradually became rapid in the silence, and everyone felt the upcoming unknown challenge. Bai Ye clenched his fists, his eyes were firm and deep, as if he could penetrate the darkness ahead. He knew that as the leader of the team, he must remain calm and firm to lead the soldiers through the difficulties.

Suddenly, a half-open stone door appeared in front of him, and a ray of bright light shone through the crack of the door. The soldiers quickened their pace and approached the stone door. When they walked out of the passage completely, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

They came to an abandoned bookstore. The interior of the bookstore was spacious and bright, and the tall bookshelves were filled with various books. Although they were old, they still exuded a faint book fragrance. However, this quiet atmosphere was soon broken.

Dozens of giant radiation savages suddenly rushed out from behind the bookshelves, their skin showing a strange green, and their eyes flashing with fierce light. These radiation savages made a deafening roar and rushed towards the soldiers waving their huge fists.

"Get ready for battle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice full of calmness and courage. The soldiers picked up their weapons and took defensive postures.

"Keep the formation, don't panic!" Bai Ye ordered again. The soldiers quickly adjusted their positions and formed a tight defensive formation. They held their weapons tightly, ready to meet the attack of the radiation savages.

The radiation savages roared and rushed over, and their speed was extremely fast, like green lightning. The soldiers pulled the trigger and launched a fierce attack on the radiation savages. However, these radiation savages did not seem to be afraid of the threat of bullets. They rushed towards the soldiers frantically, trying to defeat them in hand-to-hand combat.

Bai Ye's heart tightened when he saw this. He knew that these radiation savages were stronger than any enemy they had encountered before. He quickly observed the battlefield situation and looked for a breakthrough.

"Concentrate firepower on their heads!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. The soldiers adjusted their shooting angles and launched a fierce attack on the heads of the radiation savages. This trick really worked, and some radiation savages fell to the ground under the bombardment of bullets.

However, more radiation savages continued to rush over. They seemed to be enraged, and their attacks became more crazy and fierce. The soldiers kept retreating, but their formation remained very tight. They knew that as long as they maintained unity and courage, they would be able to defeat these radiation savages.

"Don't give up! We will definitely be able to defeat them!" Bai Ye encouraged loudly. His voice echoed on the battlefield, giving the soldiers confidence and courage.

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, they gritted their teeth and continued to fight with the radiation savages. Their attacks became more fierce and accurate, and radiation savages continued to fall under their attacks.

However, the number of radiation savages was still huge. They seemed endless, constantly rushing out from behind the bookshelf. The soldiers' physical strength was gradually exhausted, but they still insisted on fighting.

At this moment, Bai Ye noticed a detail. He found that there was a fixed pattern in the attacks of these radiation savages. Whenever they rushed to the bookshelf, they would pause for a while, as if they were looking for something.

Bai Ye's heart moved, and he quickly observed the books on the bookshelf. He found that one of these books was particularly special, with a sparkling gem inlaid on its cover. The gem flashed an alluring light under the light, which seemed to attract the attention of the radioactive savages.

"Quick! Take that book away!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. Upon hearing this, a soldier quickly rushed to the bookshelf and pulled out the special book from it. Just as he just pulled out the book, the originally crazy radioactive savages suddenly stopped attacking, and they turned around and rushed to the bookshelf.

"Get out of here!" Bai Ye ordered loudly. Upon hearing this, the soldiers rushed to the door and they successfully escaped from the bookstore. When they looked back, they saw that the radioactive savages were fighting for the special book in front of the bookshelf, completely without the previous ferocity and madness.

Bai Ye and the soldiers stood outside the bookstore, breathing heavily. They looked at the radioactive savages fighting for the books, and their hearts were full of gratitude and emotion. They knew that if they had not found the special book in time, they might have all been buried in this abandoned bookstore.

"We are so lucky!" a soldier exclaimed.

"No, this is not luck." Bai Ye shook his head and said, "This is a victory of our unity and wisdom. When facing difficulties, we must remain calm and firm and look for breakthroughs. Only in this way can we overcome all difficulties."

After listening, the soldiers nodded one after another. They knew that Bai Ye was right. They thanked Bai Ye's leadership and their courage and persistence. They knew that they would continue to face more challenges and difficulties in future expeditions, but they were ready. They will unite as one and move forward to explore more unknown areas and find more treasures and secrets.

After escaping from the bookstore of the crazy radiation savage, Bai Ye and the soldiers remained highly vigilant and continued to explore deeper into unknown areas. They walked along a winding path, and the surrounding environment gradually became desolate and mysterious.

Suddenly, a faint whimpering sound came into their ears, attracting their attention. Bai Ye signaled the soldiers to stop and listen carefully to the source of the sound. They looked in the direction of the sound and saw a small, mottled wild dog curled up in the grass, with fear and helplessness in his eyes.

Seeing this, the soldiers came forward to check. They found that although the little wild dog was thin, its eyes showed tenacity and courage. It seemed that it had lost its ability to move because of its injury and could only lie helplessly in the grass.

"It's so pitiful." A soldier whispered.

"What should we do?" another soldier asked.

Bai Ye squatted down and carefully observed the injury of the little wild dog. He found that the little wild dog's left leg seemed to be scratched by something. Although the wound was not deep, it was bleeding. He took out some medical supplies from his backpack and began to treat the wound for the little wild dog.

Under Bai Ye's guidance, the soldiers took action. Some of them cleaned the wound for the little wild dog, some bandaged it, and others comforted it. The little wild dog seemed to feel their kindness, gradually relaxed its vigilance, and began to accept their help.

After some efforts, the little wild dog's wound was finally treated. It gently shook its tail, as if to express its gratitude to them. Bai Ye looked at this cute little wild dog, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart. He knew that although this little wild dog was just an ordinary animal, it gave them warmth and companionship at the critical moment.

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