Bai Ye was also hit by this energy. He felt a huge force impacting his body as if to tear him apart. However, he did not give up but gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up. He knew that this was the critical moment and he had to protect his soldiers.

He took a deep breath and mobilized the remaining energy in his body to prepare for the next challenge. However, at this moment, he suddenly found that the soldiers who fell to the ground actually emitted a faint light. These lights gathered together to form a powerful energy barrier to protect him and the soldiers.

"What's going on?" Bai Ye asked in surprise.

A soldier stood up with difficulty and replied: "We just realized a special way of energy fusion in the battle that can gather our energy together to form a powerful defense barrier."

Bai Ye was delighted when he heard this. He immediately realized that this might be the key to their victory over the next challenge. He shouted loudly: "Don't give up, let's gather energy together to resist this dark energy together!"

With Bai Ye's loud reminder, the soldiers immediately realized that these black shadow monsters were extraordinary, and their attack power far exceeded the previous giant radioactive bacon monsters. After feeling the fierce attack, the soldiers' faces showed an unprecedented solemnity.

"Retreat!" Bai Ye shouted again, his voice echoing in the cave, and he seemed very firm. He knew that without knowing the specific abilities of these black shadow monsters, a rash fight would only cause unnecessary casualties.

After hearing the order, the soldiers turned around and ran in the direction they came from without any hesitation. Although their movements were a little slow because of the previous battle, everyone tried to escape from this dangerous place at the fastest speed.

While running, the soldiers kept looking back to check the movements of the black shadow monsters. These monsters did not stop attacking because of their retreat. On the contrary, they seemed to be enraged, faster and more fierce.

"Hurry! Faster!" Bai Ye urged the soldiers loudly while running. He knew that if they could not get rid of these monsters as soon as possible, they would probably be caught up and surrounded.

After hearing Bai Ye's urging, the soldiers ran harder. Their footsteps made a "dong dong" sound on the ground of the cave, echoing throughout the space. Their breathing also became rapid, but everyone gritted their teeth and insisted on not falling down.

During the running process, the soldiers constantly used the weapons in their hands to resist the attacks from the black shadow monsters. Their swords flashed coldly under the reflection of the firelight, and every collision with the monster's attack would make a harsh metal collision sound.

However, these black shadow monsters did not seem to be afraid of the soldiers' counterattacks, and they continued to chase them. They were extremely fast, and every attack almost hit the soldiers' bodies. But the soldiers relied on their firm belief and tenacious perseverance to dodge the monsters' attacks again and again.

"Don't stop! Keep running!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, and his voice echoed in the cave. He knew that only by running all the time could they get rid of these monsters.

Finally, after a long run, the soldiers saw the exit in front of them. They were happy and sped up their running speed. However, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from in front of them, blocking their way.

"Oops!" Bai Ye was startled, and he immediately waved the long sword in his hand to attack the black shadow monster. The soldiers also stopped and launched a counterattack against the monster. However, this black shadow monster seemed to be stronger than before. Its attack power was more fierce and its defense power was stronger.

In the fierce battle, although the soldiers fought hard, they still couldn't defeat the black shadow monster. They were forced to retreat again and again by the monster and were almost trapped in this cave.

"Can't give up!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. He gritted his teeth and swung his sword hard to fight the monster to death. Every attack of his was full of power to try to find the monster's weakness.

In the fierce battle, Bai Ye finally found the monster's weakness-its eyes. He immediately changed his attack strategy and launched a fierce attack on the monster's eyes. Under continuous attacks, the monster's eyes were finally severely damaged and let out a shrill roar.

Taking this opportunity, the soldiers launched attacks and launched a final charge against the monster. With the efforts of everyone, the monster was finally defeated. It let out a roar and fell to the ground.

Although the monster was defeated, the soldiers did not stop to rest. They knew that there might be more dangers hidden in this cave. So they continued to run forward and finally came to the exit.

When they walked out of the cave, they were greeted by warm sunshine and fresh air. The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had finally escaped from that dangerous place. They looked back at the cave with awe and gratitude in their eyes.

Bai Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he and the soldiers had survived this life-and-death test. He patted the dust off his body and said to the soldiers: "We succeeded! But this experience tells us that there are still many unknown dangers here, and we need to move forward more cautiously."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, knowing that the road ahead would be more difficult, but they also believed that as long as they were united, nothing could stop them from moving forward. So they set out on their journey again and continued to move towards the unknown depths...

In the dim cave, Bai Ye led the soldiers to move forward. Although their steps were heavy, each step seemed firm and powerful. After the previous fierce battle, they knew that they might encounter more ferocious enemies next, but they did not retreat, but chose to face it bravely.

Deep in the cave, another abandoned delicatessen came into view. This delicatessen looked abandoned for a long time, with thick dust and mildew on the walls, and the doors and windows were dilapidated. However, the most disturbing thing was that there was an unpleasant stench emanating from the delicatessen, which seemed to be a mixture of the corruption of meat and the pungent smell of some unknown chemical substances, which made people want to retreat.

Bai Ye frowned and waved to the soldiers to stop. He looked around, trying to find some clues from the surrounding environment. However, apart from the unpleasant stench, he did not find anything unusual.

"The smell here is too wrong." Bai Ye whispered, his voice echoing in the empty cave.

The soldiers nodded in agreement, and they all felt the invasion of the stench. However, they did not retreat, but held their weapons tightly, ready to deal with possible enemies at any time.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in the delicatessen. Then, dozens of giant radioactive steak monsters rushed out of the store. These monsters were hideous in appearance, emitting strong radiation light, and looked extremely ferocious.

"Prepare for battle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice full of firmness and decisiveness.

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately entered the combat state, and they raised their weapons and attacked the monsters. However, these monsters did not seem to be afraid of their attacks, but became more ferocious. They waved their huge claws and launched a fierce attack on the soldiers, and each attack was amazing.

In the fierce battle, Bai Ye constantly commanded the soldiers to fight back. Sometimes he rushed towards the monsters and launched a fierce charge, and sometimes he retreated to the side to observe the battle situation and find the best time to attack. His movements were swift and decisive, and every attack was accurate and powerful.

The soldiers also showed their strength under Bai Ye's command. They charged or shot from a distance, fighting desperately with the monsters. However, these monsters seemed endless. Every time they killed a group of monsters, new monsters would rush out of the delicatessen.

"This is not a solution!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "We must find their weaknesses to defeat them in one fell swoop!"

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew that only by finding the weaknesses of these monsters could they get out of the current predicament. However, these monsters looked extremely powerful and seemed to have no obvious weaknesses.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly shouted: "Bai Ye! Look at the eyes of those monsters!"

Bai Ye immediately looked up and saw a strange light flashing in the eyes of those monsters. He immediately realized that this might be the weakness of the monsters.

"Everyone pay attention! Attack their eyes!" Bai Ye shouted loudly.

The soldiers changed their attack methods after hearing this. They concentrated their firepower and launched a fierce attack on the eyes of the monsters. Sure enough, these monsters became extremely panicked after their eyes were attacked, and their attacks became less fierce.

"It works!" Bai Ye was delighted and continued to command the soldiers to attack. Soon, the monsters fell to the ground and turned into black smoke that dissipated in the air.

With the fall of the last monster, the deli returned to calm. The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had finally gotten rid of these difficult monsters.

"Well done!" Bai Ye walked up to the soldiers and patted their shoulders, "We successfully found the weaknesses of these monsters and defeated them. This shows that as long as we unite, nothing can stop us from moving forward!"

The soldiers nodded in agreement, and the joy of victory appeared on their faces. They knew that the road ahead might be more difficult, but they also believed that as long as they united, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

After a short rest, Bai Ye led the soldiers forward again. They walked out of the deli and entered a deeper cave. In the next journey, they will face more challenges and dangers, but they did not retreat but chose to face them bravely. Because they know that only after experiencing these challenges and dangers can they become stronger and better protect their homes and loved ones.

Deep in the dim cave, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward. Although their steps were tired, their hearts were full of determination and courage. They knew that the road ahead was full of unknowns and dangers, but it was these unknowns and dangers that made them cherish every breakthrough and discovery more.

As they went deeper into the cave, they came to a strange area. The trees here were tall and lush, completely different from the previous barren scene. What's more surprising is that a strange plant similar to potato chips grows on these trees. These potato chips are golden in color and exude an attractive aroma. They are no different from the potato chips people see every day, but they are obviously fresher and more natural.

"What is this?" A soldier picked up a potato chip curiously, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Be careful, don't eat it casually." Bai Ye reminded, but his eyes couldn't help being attracted by these potato chips. He walked under a tree and observed these potato chips carefully. He found that these potato chips not only looked attractive, but also seemed to contain a powerful energy.

"Let me try it." A brave soldier took the lead in putting the potato chips into his mouth and chewed them carefully. A satisfied expression appeared on his face, as if he had tasted the world's delicious food.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" The other soldiers gathered around and asked curiously.

"It's so delicious! I've never eaten such delicious potato chips!" The soldier replied excitedly.

Hearing this, Bai Ye couldn't help picking a potato chip and putting it in his mouth. Sure enough, these potato chips have a crispy texture and rich taste, which makes people have endless aftertaste. Moreover, in the process of tasting, he also felt a warm force flowing in his body, as if injecting new vitality into him.

"These potato chips are not only delicious, but also provide us with energy." Bai Ye said with surprise, "We can pick more for backup."

The soldiers took action after hearing this, and they climbed up the tree to pick potato chips. Soon, they collected a large pile of potato chips, enough for them to consume for the next period of time.

After enjoying these delicious potato chips, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward. They found that the forest where potato chips grew was very vast, as if there was no end. Moreover, in this forest, they also encountered some other strange plants and animals. Although these creatures have strange appearances, they seem to contain powerful energy.

In the process of exploration, Bai Ye and the soldiers gradually discovered that this forest seemed to be a mysterious world. Everything here is full of unknowns and possibilities, waiting for them to discover.

However, as they went deeper into the woods, they also encountered some dangers. Some ferocious beasts and plants began to attack them, trying to stop them from moving forward. However, under the leadership of Bai Ye, the soldiers relied on their firm beliefs and the power of unity to overcome these dangers again and again.

In a fierce battle, Bai Ye and the soldiers encountered a huge beast. This beast was huge and powerful, as if it could easily destroy everything. However, Bai Ye did not retreat. He led the soldiers to launch a fierce attack, trying to defeat the beast.

After a fierce battle, Bai Ye and the soldiers finally found the beast's weakness. They concentrated their firepower on the beast's head and finally defeated it.

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