Bai Ye led the soldiers out of the dense forest, and a vast grassland suddenly opened up before them. On the grassland, the breeze blows, and the grass sways gently, making a rustling sound, as if telling the story of this land. The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the grassland, giving the land a golden coat.

The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. They had experienced countless challenges and dangers in this forest and finally came to a relatively open place. However, Bai Ye remained vigilant, knowing that in this unknown land, peace would always be short-lived. He looked around, observing the movements around him, looking for possible threats.

At this moment, a low roar broke the tranquility of the grassland. The soldiers were alert. They clenched their weapons and stared at the direction of the sound. I saw dozens of giant radiation wolves suddenly rushing out of the grass, their eyes flashing with green light, and their bodies exuding a strong radiation aura.

"It's a radioactive wolf!" a soldier exclaimed. Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They knew that these radioactive wolves were more ferocious and dangerous than ordinary wolves. Bai Ye reacted immediately. He waved the long sword in his hand and shouted loudly: "Get ready to fight! Protect each other and don't scatter!"

The soldiers nodded to express their understanding. They quickly spread out and formed a semicircular formation, protecting Byakuya in the center. They clenched their weapons and stared at the rushing radiation wolves, preparing for this sudden battle.

The radiation wolves roared and rushed towards the soldiers. They were extremely fast and were in front of everyone in the blink of an eye. The soldiers waved their weapons and started a fierce battle with the radiation wolf. For a moment, the sounds of clashing weapons and the roars of wild beasts intertwined, resounding throughout the grassland.

Bai Ye was in the center of the formation, waving his long sword and constantly attacking the rushing radiation wolves. His swordsmanship is precise and sharp, and every swing of his sword can accurately hit the radiation wolf's vitals. However, these radioactive wolves did not seem to be afraid of Baiye's attack. They rushed towards the soldiers one after another, trying to break through their defense lines.

Bai Ye felt anxious when he saw this. He knew that continuing like this was not the answer. He must find the weak points of these irradiated wolves to win. He carefully observed the attack methods of the radiation wolves and found that although their speed was fast, their movements were somewhat stiff. When Bai Ye's heart moved, he immediately shouted to the soldiers: "Pay attention to their movements! Although their speed is fast, their movements are stiff! We can take advantage of this!"

The soldiers nodded to express their understanding. They began to consciously avoid the attacks of the radioactive wolves while looking for their weaknesses. Soon a soldier seized the opportunity. When a radioactive wolf attacked and failed to adjust his movements in time, he jumped up and stabbed the wolf's abdomen with the spear in his hand.

As the wolf fell, other soldiers seized the opportunity and launched a fierce attack on the radiation wolf. They took advantage of the radiation wolf's weakness in its stiff movements and continuously launched attacks to knock down the radiation wolf one by one. However, there were so many of these radioactive wolves that even if a few fell, there were still a large number of wolves that continued to charge towards the soldiers.

Bai Ye knew that these radioactive wolves must be dealt with as soon as possible otherwise they would be in a difficult battle. He took a deep breath and concentrated all his strength to attack a huge radiation wolf leader. The wild wolf leader is the leader of these radiated wild wolves. He is larger and more powerful than other wild wolves. Bai Ye knew that only by defeating the wolf leader could he completely neutralize the radiation wolf's attack.

He brandished his sword and charged towards the wolf leader. The leader of the wild wolf roared and came forward, its claws flashing with cold light as it clawed at Bai Ye. Bai Ye dodged the attack of the wild wolf leader and stabbed it in the eye with a sword. However, the wild wolf leader's reaction was extremely fast. He quickly adjusted his posture to avoid Bai Ye's attack and at the same time opened his big mouth to bite Bai Ye.

Bai Ye was shocked. He didn't expect this wild wolf leader to be so difficult to deal with. He quickly retreated and distanced himself from the wolf leader while looking for the next opportunity to attack. At this moment, he noticed a strange light shining in the eyes of the wild wolf leader, which was a strong radiating light. Bai Ye's heart moved and he understood the weakness of this wild wolf leader - its eyes!

He immediately shouted to the soldiers: "Attack their eyes! That is their weakness!" The soldiers nodded in understanding. They began to focus their firepower on the radiation wolf's eyes. For a moment, the battlefield was filled with screams and the sound of weapons clashing.

Under the fierce attack of the soldiers, the radiation wolves began to appear in chaos. They lost command and scattered. Bai Ye took the opportunity to swing his sword and launch a final attack on the wild wolf leader. He stabbed the wolf leader's eye with his sword, and a strong radiation energy suddenly burst out from the wolf leader's body. With the fall of the wild wolf leader, the remaining radiation wolves also lost their fighting spirit and fled in all directions.

After the battle, Bai Ye and the soldiers sat on the ground exhausted, panting heavily. They looked at the fallen radiated wolf on the ground and couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and fear in their hearts. They knew that they were able to successfully defeat the Radiated Wolf this time because they were united and fought together.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the battle on the grassland has ended. The corpses of dozens of giant radioactive wolves lie there quietly. Their fire of life has been extinguished, but the traces left behind are enough to make people feel awe.

The bodies of the radioactive wolves were huge, several times larger than ordinary wolves. Their fur was dark gray with a hint of silver, as if they were the marks left by the years. Their muscles were still tight and full of strength, as if they were ready to leap up and pounce on the enemy again. However, at this moment, these once ferocious creatures could only lie there quietly, letting the wind blow through their fur and bring up a gust of dust.

Each wolf's body had deep wounds, some of which were traces of swords and some of which were holes pierced by spears. The edges of these wounds were charred and exuded a faint smell of radiation, proving how powerful they once were. On their chests, an obvious dent showed the location of the fatal blow, which was the mark left by the White Night Sword.

The eyes of the wolf corpses had lost their vitality, but they still maintained a ferocious expression, as if telling of their bravery and unwillingness in life. Their pupils had dilated, but the green light in their eyes seemed to solidify, becoming a symbol of their identity. This light is both a sign of radiation and proof of their existence.

Among these corpses, the most eye-catching one is the largest wolf leader. Its body is larger than other wolves and its muscles are more developed. Its fur is covered with scars, but each wound looks extremely hideous, as if telling its battle experience before its death. On its chest, a huge wound runs through its entire body, which is the mark left by Bai Ye's last blow. It lies there quietly, as if guarding its territory and people.

The blood on the wolf's body has solidified, forming a thick layer of blood scabs. These blood scabs present a strange color, with both dark red bloodstains and light yellow radioactive substances. They are intertwined to form a unique pattern, as if it is a combination of nature and technology. These blood and radioactive substances are mixed together, exuding an indescribable smell, both bloody and a strange smell of radiation.

Around the wolf's body, the grass has been crushed into a mess. These wild wolves used to run, hunt, and fight on this land before they died. Their existence brought life and vitality to this land. However, they have left now, leaving only these corpses and traces of destruction. These traces seem to tell a tragic story, a story about survival, fighting, and death.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the corpses of these radioactive wild wolves appear more tragic and solemn. They used to be the overlords of this land and the creatures at the top of the food chain.

"We have to leave here quickly." Bai Ye stood up and said, "These radioactive wild wolves are only part of the threat on this land. We still need to face more challenges and dangers." The soldiers nodded in agreement when they heard this. They knew that the road ahead would be more difficult to walk. It was really impossible.

After Bai Ye and the soldiers finished fighting, the corpses of radioactive wild wolves were scattered on the grass. Although these wolf corpses exuded strong radiation energy, in Bai Ye's eyes, they were not useless, but potential resources. He knew that in this barren land, any resource seemed precious.

"We can't leave these wolf carcasses like this." Bai Ye said to the soldiers, "The materials on them may be used to make the props we need." The soldiers nodded and began to deal with the bodies of these radioactive wild wolves.

First, Bai Ye instructed the soldiers to wrap the wolf carcasses with special protective clothing and gloves to avoid direct contact with radiation. They carefully peeled off the wolf skins, which were tough and thick and could be used to make armor and cloaks. The soldiers cleaned the wolf skins, removed the blood and dirt on them, and then dried them on the grass to let the sun and wind take away the remaining radiation.

Then, the soldiers began to deal with the wolf meat. Although the wolf meat was no longer suitable for consumption due to radiation, their bones and teeth could be used to make weapons and tools. The soldiers used stone knives and axes to split the wolf bones and took out the bone marrow and tendons inside. The bone marrow is rich in nutrients and can be stored as emergency food. The tendons are used to make bowstrings and ropes, and their toughness and elasticity are excellent.

When dealing with wolf teeth, the soldiers encountered some difficulties. These wolf teeth are sharp and hard, and it is difficult to process them into a suitable shape with ordinary tools. But Bai Ye thought of a way - he asked the soldiers to fix the wolf teeth on the wood and then heat one end of the wood with fire. As the temperature of the wood rises, the wolf teeth begin to soften. At this time, the soldiers can take the opportunity to grind the wolf teeth into sharp arrowheads and dagger blades.

In addition to wolf meat and wolf teeth, the soldiers also extracted a substance called "radiation essence" from the wolf corpses. This is a pale yellow liquid that emits a faint light. Although it cannot be eaten or drunk directly, it is a powerful source of energy. Bai Ye asked the soldiers to collect the radiation essence and store it in a special container for future use.

After processing all the wolf corpses, the soldiers began to use these materials to make various useful props. They first made a batch of armor and cloaks with wolf skins. These armors can effectively resist the enemy's attacks, and the cloaks can provide additional warmth for the soldiers at night. During the production process, the soldiers also gave full play to their creativity and embroidered various patterns and texts on the armor to increase its beauty and practicality.

Then the soldiers made a batch of weapons and tools with wolf bones and wolf teeth. They made spears and arrow shafts with wolf bones. These weapons are durable and extremely sharp. Wolf teeth are used to make arrowheads and dagger blades. These weapons can exert great power on the battlefield. In addition, the soldiers also made bowstrings and ropes with wolf tendons. These tools play an important role in exploration and survival.

In the process of making weapons and tools, the soldiers continued to explore and innovate. They tried to combine different materials to create more practical props. For example, they found that combining wolf skin and wolf bones can make a shield that is both light and strong. This shield can effectively resist the enemy's attack and is easy to carry and operate.

In addition to making weapons and tools, the soldiers also used radiation essence to make some special props. They found that radiation essence can be used as a source of energy to power some special equipment. For example, they made a lighting device called "radiation lamp". This device can use radiation essence to emit bright light to provide lighting for soldiers at night. In addition, they also used radiation essence to make some weapons that can emit radiation energy. These weapons can cause great damage to the enemy on the battlefield.

The whole production process lasted for several days. During these days, the soldiers worked day and night. They used their wisdom and hands to turn the bodies of these radioactive wild wolves into various useful props. These props not only improved their combat effectiveness but also provided more guarantees for their survival in this barren land.

When all the props were made, Bai Ye stood aside and examined the results. He nodded with satisfaction and said to the soldiers: "You did a good job. These props will be important tools for our next exploration and battle." The soldiers smiled proudly when they heard this. They knew that these props not only represented their hard work but also their wisdom and creativity.

In the following days, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward with these newly made props. They crossed the grasslands, climbed over the mountains, crossed the rivers and continued to move towards unknown lands. These props became their right-hand men in exploration and battle, allowing them to deal with various challenges and dangers more calmly. And this experience has also become a precious wealth in their lives, allowing them to learn to cherish resources, innovate and create, and unite as one to face unknown challenges together.

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