In the afterglow of the setting sun, Bai Ye continued to lead the soldiers forward on the grassland. Although their footsteps were heavy, their eyes flashed with a firm light. The wind on the grassland blew gently, bringing the unknown breath from afar and taking away their fatigue.

The crowd walked along a winding path, surrounded by dense grass, and occasionally a few small animals shuttled through it. However, just as they were about to walk out of the grass, suddenly, a low roar broke the tranquility of the grassland. The soldiers' hearts tightened suddenly, and they all clenched their weapons and looked around vigilantly.

There was a commotion in the grass, and then dozens of huge creatures suddenly jumped out. They were tall, their skin was covered with thick ice, their heads were in the shape of deer, and their antlers were sharp and curved. These creatures were the previously mentioned radiation giant ice super brave deer head zombies, with red light flashing in their eyes, like two burning flames, which was chilling.

"It's those monsters!" a soldier shouted in fear, his voice echoing on the grassland with a tremor.

Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately shouted loudly: "Don't panic! Keep the formation and prepare for battle!" His voice was steady and powerful, like a shot of cardiotonic, which made the soldiers feel a little more at ease.

However, these zombies were very fast, and they rushed to the front of the soldiers in an instant like lightning. Although the soldiers tried their best to resist, the zombies' strength and speed far exceeded them, and soon several soldiers were knocked to the ground by the zombies.

"Use fire attack!" Bai Ye shouted. He knew that these zombies were covered with ice, and fire attack might weaken their defense.

Hearing this, the soldiers lit the torches in their hands and threw them at the zombies. The flames burned on the zombies, making a sizzling sound. However, these zombies did not seem to be afraid of fire, and they still attacked the soldiers frantically.

"These monsters are not afraid of fire!" a soldier shouted in fear.

Bai Ye frowned, knowing the horror of these zombies. He looked around, looking for an opportunity to fight back. Suddenly, he noticed the ice armor on the zombies. Although these armors are hard, they also have obvious weaknesses - that is, their joints.

"Aim at their joints!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. He rushed to the nearest zombie first, swung the long sword in his hand, and accurately hit the zombie's knee joint. With a click, the zombie's knee was shattered, and it screamed and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the soldiers followed Bai Ye's approach and concentrated their firepower on the joints of the zombies. Soon, several zombies lost their combat effectiveness due to joint damage. However, there were so many zombies that they continued to rush towards the soldiers.

"This is not a solution!" a soldier shouted anxiously.

Bai Ye also understood this truth, and he had to come up with a more effective tactic to deal with these zombies. He carefully observed the zombies' attack methods and found that although they were powerful, their movements were somewhat stiff. He thought of an idea.

"Listen, everyone!" Bai Ye shouted, "These zombies are stiff, and we can use this to fight back. We will be divided into two teams, one team will be responsible for attracting the zombies' attention, and the other team will attack from the side."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They quickly divided into two teams, one team held torches and weapons to attract the zombies' attention, and the other team quietly went around the side of the zombies.

When the soldiers who attracted attention began to attack fiercely, the soldiers on the side took the opportunity to launch a fierce charge. They held long swords and spears and launched a fierce attack on the joints of the zombies. Soon, several zombies fell to the ground because of joint damage.

Bai Ye was overjoyed when he saw this, and he continued to command the soldiers to attack. With their joint efforts, the number of zombies gradually decreased. However, at this moment, a zombie with a larger body rushed out of the bushes. Its body is twice as tall as other zombies, and it is covered with thicker ice armor. Its eyes flashed brighter light, as if it could see through everything.

"That's their leader!" A soldier shouted in horror.

Bai Ye also recognized the identity of this zombie, and he knew that this would be a more difficult battle. However, he did not retreat, but stepped forward and faced the zombie leader.

In the battle, Bai Ye showed amazing courage and strength. He flexibly dodged the attacks of the zombie leader while looking for opportunities to counterattack.

However, the power of the zombie leader was also extremely strong. Every attack of it could bring a gust of wind, which made Bai Ye feel a little strenuous. But Bai Ye did not give up, and he continued to fight. He knew that only by defeating this zombie leader could the battle be completely ended.

In the fierce battle, Bai Ye finally found an opportunity. He took advantage of the zombie leader's unpreparedness and swung out the long sword in his hand. The long sword, with a sharp sword energy, hit the zombie leader's chest directly. There was a loud bang, and the zombie leader's chest was smashed to pieces. It let out a shrill roar, and its huge body shook a few times before finally falling to the ground. Its fall was like the collapse of a mountain, and the surrounding soldiers felt a strong shock.

"The leader is dead!" A soldier shouted excitedly, his voice full of joy and excitement.

Bai Ye also breathed a sigh of relief. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and showed a tired but victorious smile on his face. He knew that although the zombie leader was defeated, the battle was far from over. They still need to continue to face the remaining zombies until they are all eliminated.

However, just as they were preparing to continue fighting, a miracle happened. The zombies that were originally attacking them like crazy stopped attacking as if they had lost their command the moment the zombie leader fell. They began to look around, with confusion and uneasiness in their eyes.

"They seem to have lost the leader's control!" a soldier said in surprise.

Bai Ye also noticed this. His heart moved and he immediately shouted loudly: "Now, everyone, fight back with all your strength!"

The soldiers cheered up after hearing this. They picked up their weapons and launched a fierce charge against the remaining zombies. Without the command of their leader, these zombies became chaotic and were quickly defeated one by one by the soldiers.

The battle was finally over, and the soldiers sat together tired but excitedly, celebrating this hard-won victory. They know that without Bai Ye's wise command and brave fighting, they may not be able to defeat these terrible zombies.

Bai Ye also felt a sense of relief and pride. He knew that victory in this battle was not only an affirmation of their courage and strength, but also an inspiration and motivation for their future battles. He believes that in the days to come, they will be able to overcome more difficulties and challenges and protect this grassland and their homeland.

As night falls, the wind on the grassland gradually subsides.

Under the vast sky of the grassland, the night is low and the stars are dotted, like a handful of bright diamonds scattered from the sky. Beside the fire, the soldiers sat in a circle, and the firelight illuminated their tired and satisfied faces. Bai Ye sat in the center of the crowd, his eyes were deep and firm, as if he could penetrate the fog of the night and look straight into the dawn of the future.

On the fire, several pieces of barbecue made a sizzling sound under the licking of the flames. The aroma was fragrant, arousing the appetite of the soldiers. Bai Ye reached out and picked up a barbecue, gently blew away the charcoal ash on it, and then handed it to a soldier next to him. The soldier gratefully took the roast and took a bite with a satisfied smile on his face.

"This meat is so delicious!" the soldier exclaimed, "I am so happy to be able to eat such fresh barbecue on the grassland."

Bai Ye smiled and nodded. He also picked up a piece of barbecue and tasted it slowly. His heart was filled with emotion. Although this battle was difficult, it also made them more united and stronger. He believes that they will be able to overcome more difficulties and challenges in the days to come.

"Bai Ye, your battle command just now was so awesome!" A soldier said excitedly, "If it weren't for you, we would have been defeated by those zombies."

Bai Ye shook his head humbly and said: "Actually, everyone has a contribution. It was our joint efforts that won this battle. However, we still need to take a good look at what we did well and what we didn't. There are shortcomings.”

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to recall the battle just now, discussing their respective performances and feelings.

"I think we were a little panicked at the beginning of the battle and were not well organized," said a soldier. "If we could respond more calmly, we might be able to find the zombie leader's weakness faster."

"You are right." Bai Ye nodded in agreement, "We did lack organization in the early stages of the battle. This was my mistake as a commander. I should have made decisions more decisively and guided everyone to quickly adapt to the rhythm of the battle."

"However, our tactic of dividing into two teams to attack was really effective." Another soldier added, "This allowed us to concentrate our firepower on the zombies' weak points and achieve victory."

"Yes." Bai Ye affirmed, "The success of this tactic is due to everyone's tacit cooperation and brave execution. Each of us played an important role."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They began to discuss every detail of the battle in more depth, sharing their experiences and lessons learned.

"I think we can be more precise when using fire attacks." A soldier said, "We can make some simple flamethrowers and spray flames into the joints of zombies, which can more effectively weaken their defenses. "

"This is a good idea!" Bai Ye praised, "We can try to make some weapons like this and see if they can come in handy in the next battle."

The soldiers expressed their approval and support. They began to discuss animatedly how to make and use these simple flamethrowers.

The atmosphere around the fire became more and more lively, and the soldiers' faces were filled with excitement and anticipation. They know that through continuous summary and improvement, their combat effectiveness will become stronger and stronger.

Bai Ye looked at these soldiers who were full of vigor and vitality, and his heart was filled with relief and pride.

The night gradually deepened, and the flames of the fire gradually extinguished. The soldiers packed up their things and prepared to rest. They know that tomorrow is a new day, and they will continue to move forward on the grassland to protect the tranquility and peace of their homeland.

Bai Ye stood up and looked at the dark night sky in the distance, his heart full of determination and belief. He knew that as long as they were united and moved forward bravely, nothing could stop them from moving forward. In the days to come, they will create more brilliant records and a better future.

In the late night on the grassland, the embers of the fire still emit a faint red light, reflecting the thoughtful faces of the soldiers. As the joy of victory gradually faded, a kind of confusion and curiosity about the unknown world began to grow in the hearts of the soldiers. Bai Ye looked at the silent and focused soldiers around him, and knew it was time to discuss in depth the mystery they faced together - why there are zombies in this world, and these zombies don't seem to belong to their universe.

A soldier broke the silence first. He raised his head and looked at the dark night sky, with a hint of confusion in his voice: "Bai Ye, what do you think these zombies are? They don't look like they belong to our world. They look more like they come from Creatures from another universe."

Bai Ye took a deep breath, knowing that this was a question that needed to be answered carefully. He spoke slowly: "Your guess is not unreasonable. These zombies are indeed abnormal, and their power and characteristics are beyond our previous knowledge. Perhaps, they are really creatures from another universe, due to some unknown The reason was transported to our current world."

"Then where did they come from?" another soldier asked curiously.

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "In the depths of the universe, there are countless parallel universes, each with its own unique rules and creatures. Sometimes these universes intersect for some reason, Such as black holes, wormholes and other celestial phenomena. Perhaps these zombies have traveled through a universe full of radiation and mutation in some way that we have not yet understood.”

"Then why did they attack us?" Another soldier asked.

Bai Ye shook his head and said he didn't know: "This may be their instinct, or they have received some kind of instructions. But no matter what, we need to be prepared to deal with it. The power of these zombies is powerful and weird, we It cannot be taken lightly.”

The soldiers nodded, and they began to realize that the appearance of these zombies was not accidental, but had a deeper reason. They began to discuss how to strengthen defenses, how to study the weaknesses of these zombies, and how to prevent similar cosmic creatures from invading again.

"Perhaps we can find some scientists or experts to help us." One soldier suggested, "They may have a deeper understanding and research on these cosmic creatures."

Bai Ye nodded in agreement: "This is a good idea. We can try to contact some scientists or research institutions to see if they can provide some help and suggestions."

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