Journey To Become A True God

1912 Unreasonable request to Yue Ya

And now that this beautiful goddess was in Ye Chen's hands, Yue Ya was unable to put up a fight against Ye Chen.

"no" Yue Ya tried to defend herself, she tried to defend against Ye Chen's attack.

"Just give up, I know that you won't be able to win against me" Ye Chen told Yue Ya to just give up, she wouldn't be able to win against Ye Chen.

"How could I give up on a guy like you" Yue Ya refused to give up, she didn't want to give up on Ye Chen.

"Too bad, you should have given up quickly, I wouldn't have hurt you" Ye Chen said to Yue Ya.

Ye Chen told Yue Ya to just give up, that way Ye Chen wouldn't do anything bad to Yue Ya.

Yue Ya had pride, she would not give up when facing Ye Chen.

Ye Chen pinched Yue Ya's Cherry bud, when Ye Chen did that, Yue Ya immediately screamed and got very wet.

"This is too inconvenient, what the hell" Yue Ya started to lose her mind, she couldn't control herself.

The stimulation by Ye Chen was too comfortable, Yue Ya had to admit this.

"Looks like he just reached the peak" Ye Chen saw that Yue Ya had just reached the peak, it seemed that she had just reached the peak of happiness.

"How do you want more?" Ye Chen asked Yue Ya, Ye Chen asked if Yue Ya still wanted more.

"Of course, I want more" Yue Ya had given up, she wanted more from Ye Chen, she wanted Ye Chen to show herself the real world.

"I will definitely make you feel comfortable" Ye Chen promised Yue Ya, he would make Yue Ya feel very comfortable.

Ye Chen brought his lips closer, he started to kiss Yue Ya who was in front of him.

Yue Ya greeted Ye Chen, the two started to have a mature kiss filled with love.

It was a pride for a man to be able to kiss Yue Ya who was recognized as one of the goddesses in the God Realm.

An opportunity like this was something that wouldn't just come, an opportunity like this was almost impossible for normal people to get.

Yue Ya liked this, she really liked what Ye Chen was doing.

Yue Ya couldn't control her mind, she was actually being controlled by an enormous lust.

"Hehehehe" Ye Chen chuckled, he seemed very happy when he saw Yue Ya who had completely become a woman full of lust.

Ye Chen had turned this beautiful goddess into a lustful woman, if other people saw her they would definitely not believe what they were seeing right now.

Ye Chen and Yue Ya continued to kiss, both of them enjoying the god kiss with great passion.

Ye Chen unbuckled Yue Ya's belt, he wanted to see the beautiful goddess in front of him.

" do not do it . . ." just as Ye Chen was about to unbuckle Yue Ya's belt, Yue Ya immediately stopped Ye Chen, he didn't let Ye Chen do that.

"Why?, haven't I seen it?" Ye Chen asked Yue Ya, even though Ye Chen was quite excited, he really wanted to eat the beautiful goddess in front of him.

"You are too greedy, don't do that, I won't let you do that again" Yue Ya said to Ye Chen.

Yue Ya wouldn't let Ye Chen eat her so easily, Yue Ya still wasn't willing to do that.

"but . . .." Ye Chen was quite disappointed, he was quite disappointed when he saw Yue Ya rejecting what he was doing.

"You can't refuse" Yue Ya said to Ye Chen, Yue Ya told that Ye Chen couldn't refuse what she wanted.

Yue Ya knew that Ye Chen was a person who didn't like to push woman, since Yue Ya didn't want to then Ye Chen shouldn't be pushy.

"Even if you say that, it seems like the younger brother below is getting into a bit of trouble" Ye Chen said to Yue Ya.

Ye Chen had a problem, what just happened still made Ye Chen's younger brother who was below excited.

Yue Ya looked at Ye Chen's little brother, she could see a big bulge under Ye Chen.

Yue Ya's face immediately turned red when she saw this, this huge bulge made Yue Ya's face look like an Apple.

Yue Ya of course knew what it was, she knew that it was something that belonged to a majestic man.

"That's huge" Yue Ya admitted that Ye Chen had a huge capital, as a young man, this naturally surprised to Yue Ya.

"what is it?" Ye Chen asked Yue Ya, Ye Chen wished Yue Ya to help him, surely it would be a great thing.

"I won't do that, you can ask your other woman to help you" Yue Ya refused to do such a shameful thing, she didn't want to do such a shameful thing.

How could her a goddess do that, to be honest this was an impossible thing to do.

"Come on, do you have the heart to let me be like this?" Ye Chen tried to persuade Yue Ya, would Yue Ya have the heart to do something like this.

"Why not, it's your problem not my problem" Yue Ya said to Ye Chen, Yue Ya turned her face away from Ye Chen's big thing.

If Yue Ya kept looking at Ye Chen's enormous thing, Yue Ya felt that she might go crazy.

Yue Ya was still a woman, when she saw a big male thing like Ye Chen's, she would definitely get excited, that's why Yue Ya tried her best to avoid this matter.

"Dear Goddess, will you have the heart, didn't I take care of you sincerely" Ye Chen said to Yue Ya.

Ye Chen was like a child, he was whining at Yue Ya.

Yue Ya's heart was a little confused, to be honest what Ye Chen did made Yue Ya feel confused and helpless.

Yue Ya still had a conscience, she couldn't possibly ignore Ye Chen who was in trouble.

"Stop whining like that" Yue Ya said to Ye Chen, Yue Ya asked Ye Chen to stop whining, this gave Yue Ya a headache.

"If you don't give me what I want, then I won't stop." Ye Chen threatened Yue Ya, if Yue Ya didn't give Ye Chen what he wanted, then Ye Chen would not stop.

"You troublesome brat" Yue Ya said to Ye Chen, this was the first time anyone dared to threaten Yue Ya, if people could do this to Yue Ya, then they would definitely lose their lives instantly.

"Hehehe, you know that I am a troublesome person" Ye Chen said to Yue Ya.

"Come with me" Yue Ya told Ye Chen to come with her.

Ye Chen looked very happy when he saw this, to be honest he didn't expect Yue Ya to agree so quickly.

"I am so lucky" Ye Chen felt that if it was luck, he could make Yue Ya help him.

Ye Chen couldn't wait, he wanted to see if the goddess Yue Ya would help him, Ye Chen was curious about Yue Ya's abilities.

Ye Chen and Yue Ya were looking for a quiet place, they were looking for a place away from human eyes.

"It seems that this place is quite far from human eyes." Yue Ya saw that this place was quite hidden, no one should find them.

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