Journey To Become A True God

2037 Fou Nari's sword skills

"Is this woman's swordsmanship really that good?" Ye Chen asked Zhi Fuxe.

"He is a master, he is one stage below Grandmaster, so you can say that he is quite great" Zhi Fuxe said to Ye Chen.

"Okay I understand" The explanation given by Zhi Fuxe.

That means Fou Nari is a very great woman, she is a master.

She was a master of the sword that was quite recognized, so that meant that Fou Nari's sword skills weren't a joke.

Fou Nari entered the arena, she was confronted by a man carrying a katana sword in his belt.

This will be a very interesting battle to watch, this is a sword user battle, who will win this match.

Fou Nari looked at her opponent, her opponent this time was wielding a sword, that meant she would face an opponent on a par with herself.

Fou Nari seems to be serious, she won't hold back when her opponent is a swordsman.

"I am Guan Thai" this person introduced himself to Fou Nari.

"I know you" Fou Nari said that he knew about Guan Thai.

"Then we can start this battle" Guan Thai said to Fou Nari, he was ready to fight Fou Nari.

"if you two are ready, then let's get started" seeing the two of them ready Lei Qiaolin decided to immediately start the match.

Fou Nari took out a sword, he removed the sword from the scabbard.

A fine and luxurious thin sword was seen in front of everyone, for the first time in a match.

The hilt of this sword has a cool dragon engraving.

"So that's the weapon, it's a Tier 9 sword" Everyone was shocked when they saw the weapon that was brought out by Fou Nari.

There is no need to ask again, it is clear that the weapon used by Fou Nari is a high-end weapon and a dangerous weapon.

"That's it, it's a sky-splitting weapon, Sky dragon sword" said Zhi Fuxe looking at the weapon that was issued by Fou Nari, it was one of the swords capable of splitting the sky.

"sky dragon sword" Ye Chen looked at the sword in Fou Nari's hand, it seems that it is one of the great swords if used by the right person.

"That sword is very sharp, if the wielder is strong, she can cut anything even if it's the opponent's sword" Zhi Fuxe told Ye Chen about what Fou Nari's sword could do.

"Se does have a good sword, but a good sword is not important for a Master Swordsman" Ye Chen said to Ye Chen.

"huh?" Zhi Fuxe was confused when she heard this, she was confused about what Ye Chen just meant.

"You will understand when you reach a certain level" Ye Chen said to Zhi Fuxe.

"what are you hiding, you should have told me" Zhi Fuxe looked displeased, she wanted to know what Ye Chen meant.

"hehehe" Ye Chen just chuckled, he didn't want to tell Zhi Fuxe what he meant.

Zhi Fuxe seemed to be annoyed, herself annoyed when she saw what Ye Chen was trying to hide from her.

"Why is he being so mysterious, what exactly happened?" Zhi Fuxe tried to find out, she was quite curious about what Ye Chen had just said.

"clang" the battle started, Guan Thai and Fou Nari started their attack, both of them showed their strength and started to clash swords.

"clang. . ., clang. . ., clang. . ., clang. . .," the attacks of the two collided against each other, the sound of their swords making quite a shrill sound.

Guan Thai swung his sword very fast, he swung his sword in a very fast motion.

Katana users are required to be fast in swinging their swords, otherwise it is certain that they will not win the match.

Fou Nari keeps pace with Guan Thai's speed, she follows the movement of Guan Thai.

Fou Nari's way of playing the sword is really very good, she is able to play her sword very well so that she is able to fend off all her opponent's attacks very easily.

"This woman strong, she should have a chance to beat the opponent in the second move onwards." Ye Chen analyzed Fou Nari's attacks and moves.

Fou Nari seems far superior when compared to Guan Thai.

If Fou Nari wanted to, she should be able to launch a counterattack towards the enemy.

"She's still holding back her attack, it should have been a complete defeat to Guan Thai" Chu Yuechan agreed with what Ye Chen said, he totally agreed with what Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen was very skilled at analyzing the opponent's strength, so it was not surprising that Chu Yuechan would immediately agree with what Ye Chen said.

"consecutive hits" Guan Thai began to show his skills, he started a complicated and continuous slash towards Fou Nari.

"come on . . ." some people started to support Guan Thai, they supported Guan Thai's aggressive attack towards Fou Nari.

Fou Nari was still quite relaxed, he was still quite relaxed when receiving an opponent's attack.

"Come on. . ." Guan Thai tries to hit Fou Nari, but somehow he always fails to hit Fou Nari's body.

"Your experiments are quite good, it's a shame that your attacks are still very easy to predict," said Fou Nari to Guan Thai.

Fou Nari told Guan Thai's biggest weakness, he said that Guan Thai's moves are very easy to guess, so it's not surprising that Fou Nari can know every Guan Thai attack.

"impossible" Guan Thai did not believe what Fou Nari said, he did not believe that his every move could be easily blocked by Fou Nari.

"I will show my abilities" Fou Nari said to Guan Thai, she will show her true strength.

Fou Nari started to make an attack, when she started to make an attack, Guan Thai swiftly parried Fou Nari's attack.

"I can definitely parry his attacks very easily" Guan Thai was too confident, he was too confident in his abilities.

"Slashes. . . , Huh . . . . ?" Guan Thai couldn't believe what was happening, his arm was hit by Fou Nari.

"Why, I should have parried the attack just now." Guan Thai started to question what had just happened.

"What was that, the attack just now should have been restrained" Everyone looked at Fou Nari, they all didn't seem to know what Fou Nari was doing.

"I see" Ye Chen was aware of Fou Nari's attack, he was quite aware of Fou Nari's attack.

Just now Fou Nari made a shadow in front of the sword, that made the opponent think that he had parried Fou Nari's attack, even though he did not parry anything and Fou Nari's attack instead hit his body.

"how?" Fou Nari asked Guan Thai.

Fou Nari shows her strength, she shows her prowess in battle.

Guan Thai looked at Fou Nari, it was clear from the attack just now, he already knew the distance between the two.

"I won't be able to win" Guan Thai knows that he can't win, he knows his strength and ability is not comparable to Fou Nari.

Fight or not the result would still be the same, he had no chance of winning.

"Okay, I give up" Guan Thai decided to give up, he would not win against Fou Nari.

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