Journey To Become A True God

2132 airplane attacked by unknown group (2)

"where is Su Wansen, tell me right now, you might be saved if you say it" this man said to Lin Rouxi.

"he is not in this place" Lin Rouxi said to the man in front of her.

"Don't lie to me, I won't be fooled by you." This man didn't believe it, he didn't believe what Lin Rouxi said.

"It's up to you to believe it or not, in fact, there are only us in this place, it seems that you hijacked the wrong plane, this plane was given to us" Lin Rouxi said to the man in front of her.

"don't mess with me, I can kill both of you easily" this man said to Lin Rouxi, he can kill Lin Rouxi and Ling Yin easily.

"I should be the one saying that, you better go and don't bother us" Lin Rouxi said to the person in front of her, she didn't like seeing this person bothering her.

"Damn bitch, I will kill you" Lin Rouxi's words were uncomfortable, this made these terrorists angry.

Lin Rouxi snapped her finger, water droplets appeared on Lin Rouxi's finger, Lin Rouxi immediately shot the water towards the enemy in front of her.

This terrorist knew what Lin Rouxi was doing, he realized that Lin Rouxi was a cultivator, so he took the initiative to directly repel Lin Rouxi's attack.

He used his two swords to parry Lin Rouxi's attacks, for him it would be very easy to parry Lin Rouxi's attacks.

This person did not know that Lin Rouxi was very strong, Lin Rouxi was very strong and could kill him very easily.

"Clank" water droplets shot by Lin Rouxi easily crushed the enemy's two swords, it went straight through the enemy's body with great ease.

The enemy that was hit by Lin Rouxi's shot immediately fell down, he fell on the spot.

This person convulsed several times, a huge wound appeared on his body and made him unable to fight back any longer.

He who was in the early stages of the ancient warrior realm had easily lost at Lin Rouxi's hands.

"let's go" after crippling the person in front of him, he directly took Ling Yin.

"Is he okay?" Ling Yin asked Lin Rouxi.

"Don't think about that person, he is not a good person" Lin Rouxi said to Ling Yin, she told Ling Yin not to think about bad people who want to kill them.

If they had not fought back and had the strength, then it would probably be the two of them right now who had died in this place.

The results of the training carried out by Lin Rouxi produced very good results, she was able to defend herself from enemy attacks.

Ling Yin understood, she would not bring up this matter anymore.

On the other side, Su Mengxin also met someone, this person was using a chain on his body, blocking Su Mengxin's path.

Su Mengxin stopped, she stopped and looked at the enemy in front of her.

The enemy in front wore a skull mask, they clearly had a hideous appearance.

"What do you want?" Su Mengxin asked, she asking what the person in front of her.

"Tell me, where is the place of Su Wansen, otherwise you will die" said the terrorist to Su Mengxin.

"Why are you looking for my grandfather, do you need something with him?" Su Mengxin asked the man in front of her.

"grandpa?, so you are the granddaughter of Su Wansen, very interesting" this man is interested in Su Mengxin, he is interested when he listens to this matter from Su Mengxin.

"That's right, so what do you want?" Su Mengxin asked the person in front of her, Su Mengxin wanted to know what this person wanted, was she targeting her grandfather for money or something.

"You don't need to know about the business we have, just tell us where he is right now," the man in front said to Su Mengxin.

"What if I don't tell you, what will you do to me?" Su Mengxin asked, she would not tell this matter to the terrorists in front of her.

"If you don't want to, then I'll torture you, let's see if a pretty girl like you can survive the torment I gave you, maybe you could become disabled when that happens, you definitely don't want your face to be smashed right" this man said to Su Mengxin, he gave a pretty stern warning to Su Mengxin.

"Did you think I would be afraid of the warning you gave?" Su Mengxin was not afraid of the warning given by this person, she was not afraid of the warning given by this person.

"You dare to go against me, then don't blame me for being rude to women." Since Su Mengxin was not afraid of him, then these terrorists had no choice but to defeat and destroy Su Mengxin, that way Su Mengxin would know that he had made a bad decision. wrong.

This person used the chain weapon on his body, He wanted to fight Su Mengxin by using the chain on his body.

The chains on this person's body began to rotate and emit fire, this person began to rotate the chains, the chains burned and destroyed everything around.

"ahhh. . ." the flight attendants were scared, they were all scared when they saw what was happening, they saw that the person in front of them was a very strong person, it would be a problem for them to get out of this place alive, they would probably be burned to a ashes by this person.

Su Mengxin was very relaxed, she was able to calm in the face of the enemy in front of her.

"Maybe I should use Celestial Red Ribbon." Su Mengxin used Celestial Red Ribbon, she wanted to use Celestial Red Ribbon to fight the enemy in front of her.

"hahahaha, children's weapon" saw the Celestial Red Ribbon, which was issued by Su Mengxin, the terrorist immediately laughed at Su Mengxin.

Su Mengxin didn't really consider what the person in front of her said.

"feel this" the terrorist used the chain in his hand towards Su Mengxin, he aimed at Su Mengxin's body.

Su Mengxin used the Celestial Red Ribbon, using the Celestial Red Ribbon Su Mengxin parried the enemy's attack.

"Clanks . . ." The enemy's chain immediately shattered into pieces when it hit the Celestial Red Ribbon, it was obvious that the difference in strength between the two was very great.

"No way, my strongest chain, how did you do it?" The terrorist couldn't believe what he was seeing, how could Su Mengxin break his chain so easily.

"You will know soon enough." Su Mengxin used the Celestial Red Ribbon, the Celestial Red Ribbon shot out and penetrated the body of the man in front of her.

"uh" this man didn't have time to dodge Su Mengxin's attack, without realizing that his body had been penetrated by the Celestial Red Ribbon.

"Impossible" he did not expect that his body would be penetrated by the Celestial Red Ribbon.

The Celestial Red Ribbon stretched out and began to destroy the enemy's internal body, in an instant the enemy fell to the floor.

"Let's go, if you stay here, you will die." Su Mengxin said to the flight attendants, she told them to come with her.

Su Mengxin already knows the purpose of these people, it seems that the purpose of these people is her grandfather.

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