Journey To Become A True God

2149 Zhao Yanyan told Shui Yixian's situation to Ye Chen

"then what to do with this woman" the concubine asked Yun Galaz, what should they do Shui Yixian, whether they should leave this woman or not.

"Don't worry about this woman, as long as she is inside, then everything will be fine, make sure no one approaches or interacts with her, that might set her free" Yun Galaz said to the concubine, he ordered leave and not let others come.

"Okay, I will do it" the concubine understood the order given, she will do what Yun Galaz.

Yun Galaz, Yun Tazung and Yun Rahin, they had finished restraining Shui Yixian, everything should be normal and they would no longer have to worry about any more trouble happening to them.

Shui Yixian closed her eyes, she sat cross-legged and started cultivating.

Shui Yixian didn't try to destroy this barrier, she deliberately didn't do it because she can't to destroy the barrier.



Qing Cheng run quickly, she Run and headed back towards the Sky Cloud Peak Star Realm.

Qing Cheng still didn't understand what happened, why Shui Yixian decided to fight alone and make her leave, exactly what Shui Yixian was trying to do.

On her return, Qing Cheng ran into Li Jingyi and Zhao Yanyan, what a coincidence that the two of them were doing housework and training the ladies of the Jade Lotus Peak.

At Ning Xia's request, Zhao Yanyan together with Ye Chen's lady decided to train the Jade Lotus Peak's female, they could assist in battle and would become a force that could support their activities.

"you guys are here" Qing Cheng said to Zhao Yanyan and Li Jingyi.

"what's wrong" Zhao Yanyan asked, she saw Qing Cheng whose breathing was irregular, it seemed that Qing Cheng had just run away from something.

"It's a little dire" Qing Cheng said to Zhao Yanyan, he said that something dire happened.

"What happened, quickly tell me" Zhao Yanyan told Qing Cheng to calm down, that way the two of them could understand what happened.

"sister Yixian is in trouble, she was caught by the enemy" Qing Cheng said to Zhao Yanyan.

"Impossible" Zhao Yanyan couldn't believe it when she saw this, to be honest it was hard to believe what Qing Cheng said.

"Doesn't she have a strong cultivation and is on par with sisters Huang Ying and Yue Ya" Li Jingyi said to Qing Cheng.

"That's the problem, he was caught by a strong barrier and couldn't leave plus the person who caught her has the same abilities as Sister Yixian, they can also see one's future and destiny."

"You mean they are from the Immortal destiny Star Realm" in this world only people from the Immortal destiny Star Realm had the same abilities as Shui Yixian, so Zhao Yanyan immediately understood what Qing Cheng said.

"That's absolutely true, plus they're going to sacrifice little sister Xing Mei" Qing Cheng told what she found.

"impossible" Zhao Yanyan started to worry, it seemed that this matter was serious and not to be trifled with.

"This might be troublesome" Zhao Yanyan said that this might be troublesome.

"Xing Mei, I think I've heard of it" Li Jingyi seems to have heard of this name, it's familiar to her.

"She is one of my acquaintances, she is a mischievous and quite a good girl, she also sticks with her husband, it has been quite a while since we last met, she should have been touring the God Realm during that time Zhao Yanyan explained what she needed to explain to Li Jingyi.

"Okay, I understand" Li Jingyi understood, she could understand what Zhao Yanyan said and maybe she was someone close to Ye Chen.

"If what you say is true, we should go and help her." Zhao Yanyan should probably go and help Shui Yixian and Xing Mei.

"where is husband, have you seen him" Qing Cheng asked Zhao Yanyan, Shui Yixian ordered to tell Ye Chen about Xing Mei's problem

"he is currently on earth" Zhao Yanyan told that Ye Chen is currently in the process of recovering Ling Yin memories  .

"Isn't it done yet, doesn't she remember us?" Qing Cheng asked Zhao Yanyan.

"Perhaps already, I will see them and tell them this matter." Zhao Yanyan was going to tell Ye Chen about this matter.

"Sister Jingyi, you send people to see the situation in the Immortal destiny Star Realm." Zhao Yanyan said to Li Jingyi, she told Li Jingyi to immediately send people to see what the Immortal destiny Star Realm is doing.

"I will do it" Li Jingyi understood, she would do as Zhao Yanyan said.

"In the current situation, there were only Mei Yueli, Song Ziyu and Mu Lanyin, so Li Jingyi would probably send them over to oversee the Immortal destiny Star Realm".

"Tell them not to attack, only to watch the movements of the Immortal destiny Star Realm." Zhao Yanyan emphasized not to do anything strange, this situation might be more complicated than they thought.

"I understand" Li Jingyi understood, he understood very well what Zhao Yanyan wanted.

"sister Cheng, you can also come with them, you and sister Lanyin are really good at working together" Zhao Yanyan said to Qing Cheng "

I understand, I will do my best" Qing Cheng understood, Zhao Yanyan knows very well about her and Mu Lanyin, as long as the two work together, then everything will be fine.

Qing Cheng went to find Mu Lanyin, Mei Yueli and Song Ziyu, after that they went straight to the Immortal destiny Star Realm to make observations and check every move made by the Immortal destiny Star Realm.

"I will go and see husband, sister I leave this place to you, please don't come out if the situation is not urgent, there are still bad people trying to kidnap you" Zhao Yanyan said to Li Jingyi, she handed this place to Li Jingyi.

"I will stay here, I don't want to trouble my husband" Li Jingyi understood, she knew that the situation was not good and he could only stay in this place.

Zhao Yanyan went to earth, she would tell Ye Chen about this matter.

since Shui Yixian said to find Ye Chen, then this matter has something to do with Ye Chen.



Ye Chen was now with Su Mengxin, Ling Yin and Lin Rouxi, the four of them sleeping together in the same bed.

"slurp. . . ., Chuuuuu" Su Mengxin and Lin Rouxi helped Ye Chen, the two of them helped clean up Ye Chen's younger brother.

Both of them were quite tired after exercising almost all night, that's why in the morning both of them helped Ye Chen by using their mouths.

"husband, come to my house for a while" Lin Rouxi said to Ye Chen, she invited Ye Chen to visit her parents.

"That's right, come to my place too." Su Mengxin agreed, she wanted to take Ye Chen to her place.

"Of course, after you guys are done, let's go." Ye Chen didn't refuse, he joined Lin Rouxi and Su Mengxin.

"thank you very much" after that the two returned to serve little brother Ye Chen with their mouths, they licked and ate Ye Chen's big thing.

Ye Chen naturally couldn't stand the way the two sucked him, Ye Chen didn't last long when receiving attacks from Lin Rouxi and Su Mengxin.

Ye Chen had finally reached his limit and gave his all to Lin Rouxi and Su Mengxin.

"ahhh" Lin Rouxi and Su Mengxin shouted, both of them receiving Ye Chen's Yang Qi.

"this is too much" both of them complained, they should probably take another shower.

"It's still early, you guys are already very excited" Ling Yin woke up, she didn't participate because she was still quite tired after everything that happened.

"how are you feeling, are you comfortable and okay?" Ye Chen asked Ling Yin.

"That's okay, I feel much better, though it's still a bit of a pain in my waist" Ling Yin said to Ye Chen.

"That's a normal" Su Mengxin said to Ling Yin, this was normal, so Ling Yin had to get used to this kind of thing.

After they finished helping Ye Chen, they took a shower together then had breakfast and started to go to Lin Rouxi's house.

The four of them were warmly welcomed by Sui Xi, They brought good gifts for Sui Xi's aunt.

After visiting and giving gifts to Sui Xi, he went to Su Mengxin's place.

Su Mengxin's family was quite busy, so they weren't home and only had the maids around.

Su Mengxin was used to this kind of things, she was used to what happened, so she wasn't surprised.

Finally they spent time at Su Mengxin's mansion until the afternoon, they enjoyed the swimming pool and everything in Su Mengxin's mansion.

"You guys are here, I was looking for you guys earlier" when Ye Chen, Su Mengxin, Lin Rouxi and Ling Yin were relaxing, they were approached by Zhao Yanyan.

"little sister Yanyan, what happened ?" Su Mengxin and Lin Rouxi asked, they wanted to know why Zhao Yanyan was in this place.

"I came to tell husband something." Zhao Yanyan said that she came here to tell Ye Chen something.

"Did something happen?" Ye Chen asked Zhao Yanyan, there must be a reason why Zhao Yanyan wanted to meet him.

"This is indeed a problem, Sister Yixian was caught" Zhao Yanyan told Ye Chen what happened.

"how is that possible?" Su Mengxin, Lin Rouxi and Ye Chen couldn't believe it, they couldn't believe it when they heard what Zhao Yanyan had to say.

"This is indeed possible, plus Xing Mei is also in trouble" Zhao Yanyan said to Su Mengxin, Lin Rouxi and Ye Chen.

"what happened, why suddenly, did she go to investigate the matter alone" Ye Chen remembered that Shui Yixian investigated about Xing Mei, unexpectedly that she was actually caught by the enemy.

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