Journey To Become A True God

2168 Xue Rong was curious about Ye Chen

Xue Rong understood, she understood what Ye Chen said.

"You guys are brave enough to receive power from Vengeance Fate Sect," Ye Chen said to the bandits who received power from Vengeance Fate Sect.

"So what if we have the strength of the Vengeance Fate Sect, is it a problem for you" the three bandits asked Ye Chen.

"Of course, you guys got the power of Vengeance Fate Sect, that means you can be exterminated." Ye Chen could exterminate them, he had enough reason to exterminate the people who had joined Vengeance Fate Sect.

"Wavy Wind Slash" Ye Chen used his wind power, a wave of wind appeared and instantly overtook the three bandits in front.

All the bandits were immediately rolled over by the wind wave and their bodies shattered.

"arghhhh. . ." the screams of these people resounded extremely powerfully, they all died very quickly.

"That's great" Xue Rong was surprised by Ye Chen's strength, she didn't expect Ye Chen to have such great strength.

Ye Chen was extremely strong, he only needed a few seconds to kill the three bandits that had gotten Xue Rong into trouble.

From this alone, you can see the difference in strength between the two, where Ye Chen's strength is much stronger when compared to Xue Rong.

"good, I've finished them" Ye Chen has finished these people, now it only remains to focus on the injured female student.

"let's bring them back" Ye Chen invited Xue Rong to bring the injured female disciple back to the Sect, they might need more treatment.

"let's go" Xue Rong agreed, she agreed to come with Ye Chen.

Xue Rong was also injured, her smooth hands were injured from the attack from the enemy.

"You'd better use this" Ye Chen gave a pill to Xue Rong, he hoped that Xue Rong would be cured.

"thank you very much" Xue Rong thanked Ye Chen, it seemed that he no longer hated Ye Chen, Ye Chen seemed to be a very kind and helpful person.

Xue Rong ate the medicine given by Ye Chen, when she ate the medicine given by Ye Chen, her wounds healed very quickly, it didn't even leave a scar.

"You have very good medicine, it should be very expensive medicine" Xue Rong saw that Ye Chen had expensive medicine.

"Not really, it's not too expensive." Ye Chen said that it wasn't too expensive.

"This medicine was created by Ye Chen and Fairy Zhen, the two of them made this together and reached the highest level of being able to quickly repair broken webs without leaving any marks, it is especially suitable for use on women as they don't like scars.

Ye Chen and Xue Rong returned to Frozen Cloud Sect, when they returned, they were immediately greeted, everyone asked the condition of the two.

"what happened to you guys, did you guys get in trouble?" Xue Himi asked Xue Rong, she wanted to know what happened.

Xue Rong explained everything to Xue Himi, she told her about the attack by the dark horse bandits.

"Are they back?" Xue Qinmo didn't expect that when the dark horse bandits came back, they would definitely take revenge on them.

"They dare to come back, this time we must crush them to the root." Xue Sunzhe was going to crush the dark horse bandits to the root.

"No, they are very strong, those who are now are not our opponents, they have obtained the power of Vengeance Fate Sect." Xue Rong explained that the enemy had become so strong that even he was unable to defeat them.

"Vengeance Fate Sect?" Xue Himi, Xue Qinmo, Xue Miya, Xue Sunzhe were shocked when they heard this, it means that the enemy now has terrible strength.

"This is dangerous, I think we should report this to the mistress" Since the situation is getting out of control, they might need Xue Zhirou.

"You recover first, we will talk to the mistress" Xue Himi told Xue Rong to rest, she must be tired after doing battle with the enemy.

"You too, you guys have done a good thing" Xue Himi also told Ye Chen, Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci to take a break, they had done a very good thing.

"Thank you very much" Ye Chen thanked, himself thanked Xue Himi's kindness.

Xue Himi, Xue Qinmo, Xue Miya, Xue Sunzhe left, they left immediately and waited for Xue Zhirou to come out.

"let's rest" Ye Chen invited Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu to rest, it seemed they needed to rest for a while.

Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu immediately agreed, the two agreed and followed Ye Chen, the two of them went to their rooms.

Xue Rong saw Ye Chen, she became curious about Ye Chen.

"That person, is he just a male disciple of Jade Lotus Peak?" Xue Rong wanted to know if Ye Chen was only a male disciple of Jade Lotus Peak, why would he have such strength, it was definitely not normal.

Unknowingly, Xue Rong became very interested in Ye Chen, she became very interested in Ye Chen, it had been a long time since there was a man who made Xue Rong interested.

"Fairy, come with me, I will treat your wound" the disciple said to Xue Rong, she wanted to treat Xue Rong's wound.

"I'm fine, you guys just focus on treating the injured female disciple." Xue Rong was fine, the injuries she received had completely healed, the pills Ye Chen gave him had completely recovered her.

"but?" The female disciple said to Xue Rong, she still had to confirm Xue Rong's condition.

"I said I'm fine" Xue Rong said that she was fine, she didn't need treatment.

"Okay, I understand" the female disciple understood, she immediately went and treated the injured female student.



Inside the room, Ye Chen was living together with Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu.

"Ye Chen, what happened, who is they" Xia Qingyu asked Ye Chen, she wanted to know which group had carried out the attack.

"They are just a bunch of ruthless people who kill and pillage, I heard they like to rape and kill woman they meet." Ye Chen explained the situation to Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu.

"They look quite dangerous." Mu Nianci felt that these people made a very dangerous group.

"Of course they are very dangerous indeed, they also have the support of Vengeance Fate Sect," Ye Chen said to Mu Nianci.

Mu Nianci and Xia Qingyu nodded, which meant they were a dangerous force and had to be exterminated as soon as possible

"With Xue Zhirou's strength, she should be able to do that." Ye Chen believed that Xue Zhirou would be able to do it.

"Didn't you say that she was injured" Xia Qingyu said to Ye Chen.

Xue Zhirou should be injured, so Xia Qingyu wasn't sure if he could handle this matter alone.

"I still don't know the strength of the enemy, let's see first, if the situation gets worse, then I will help them" Ye Chen said he would help if the situation got worse.

Xia Qingyu nodded, as long as Ye Chen was around everything should be fine.

"Okay, I'll help you guys." Ye Chen said that he would help Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci, he would help them improve their strength and cultivation.

Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci were shocked when they heard this, they had a bad feeling when they heard this from Ye Chen.

Ye Chen drew closer and started to extend his hands towards Xia Qingyu and Mu Nianci, it was time to help these two, they needed a little help to soften the bones.

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