Journey To Longevity

Chapter 34 Ambush

In the secret realm, there is a place where five peaks are connected. The peaks are like five fingers facing the sky, one short and four long.

In the middle is a low, wooded basin through which three meandering rivers flow.

Zhang Shiping is standing on the edge of a cliff more than ten feet high at the moment. He swung the Luo Jun sword in his hand vigorously, and the corrosive green liquid fell on the grass leaves on the ground, bubbling out. White smoke, instant grass rot and earth scorched.

At his feet, there were several ferocious carrion flies dripping with green blood, the size of a human head, and their sharp mouthparts shone like metal.

This kind of carrion fly, which is not considered a first-order group of monster beasts, usually builds a nest in the stone caves on the mountain walls surrounded by green fly grass. Although this green fly grass smells bad, it can make a kind of demon-inducing incense, which is relatively rare outside.

Zhang Shiping blocked the opening of the hole with burning wet wood, and then sent out a fireball the size of an egg.

Amidst the thick smoke, he put on his gloves, held his breath, and quickly pulled out the root and ground of the green fly grass, rolled it into a ball, stuffed it into the jade box, and then snapped out of the box. Paste a talisman and seal it up.

After finishing this task, Zhang Shiping left without hesitation. After being more than a hundred feet away, he took a few breaths of fresh air.

After all, the thick smoke can't stop the large number of carrion flies inside for a long time, because the animals caught by these carrion flies are habitually thrown into the Luciferia lucidum, and they suck the stinky liquid after they rot.

Of course, the growth of these green fly grasses is also extremely strong.

After staying away, Zhang Shiping chose a small rock pool with a clear bottom, took out a few green fly grass from the box, squeezed out its juice, and then took out a bag of white bone meal and a box of fresh water from the storage bag. Yellow sandalwood powder, the three are mixed into a ball to make a demon-inducing incense that is as thick as eight little fingers.

Immediately after that, he washed off his bad smell in the small rock pool. The picked and tanned animal skin gloves still had a strong pungent smell of attracting demons after washing, so he casually discarded them not far away.

After a while, Zhang Shiping was about to fly away with the weapon, but when he took out the magic weapon, he stopped suddenly, used the Qi restraining technique and the invisibility technique, jumped onto the tree next to the small rock pool, and hid himself in the dense forest. inside the leaves.

There was a rustling sound from the half-person-high grass.

He stared intently at the swaying grass, and after a while, a big wild boar with hooked fangs and drooling came out, holding animal leather gloves in its mouth, chewed it two or three times, and then swallowed it. .

After seeing that this was just an ordinary wild boar, Zhang Shiping relaxed.

After a few breaths, after the wild boar ate the animal skin gloves, it walked visibly wobbly, as if drunk. After all, this kind of ordinary beast can't resist the medicinal power of Yaoxiang.

If it is a first-order monster, it can still resist for a while, but for a second-order monster, the efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced.

He didn't intend to add a pig's hind leg or a pig's skin to the storage bag, so he flew away directly.

In mid-air, he took out the map and looked at it. The mountains below were full of yin, which was many times more yin than the mass graves in the world.

The map shows that this place is rich in Silver Star Flower, one of the thirteen auxiliary medicines in the foundation-building elixir. Zhang Shiping chose a place where no one was around, landed, and put away the flying magic weapon.

The soil here is dark, he picked up the soil on the ground, squeezed it lightly, water dripped out from between his fingers, it was extremely moist.

Zhang Shiping scanned with his spiritual sense and kept searching for the nearby elixir. In fact, doing so was not very useful, because the elixir would emit special aura fluctuations except at certain times, such as flowering period, in order to attract spirit insects to pollinate.

At other times, some spirit flowers and grasses have a self-obscuring instinct of treasures, and will not emit extremely conspicuous fluctuations of spirit energy.

However, when the elixir is absorbing spiritual energy, there will always be some phenomena. The direction of the spiritual energy flow will change slightly, and it will no longer be scattered and disorderly.

The purpose of cultivating the spiritual consciousness is to detect the aura, and to find the elixir through the flow of the aura. Of course, in the process of investigation by the divine sense, if one is lucky, it is also possible to directly discover the elixir.

This kind of work is a test of patience. You may not get anything for half a day, just like fishing. The more anxious you are, the worse it will be. Zhang Shiping was expressionless and calmed down his mind. He had been gone for a long time.

This place is indeed a secret place. He has discovered many elixir that are slowly absorbing spiritual energy along the way. Except for an 80-year-old Huang Linggu grass, the other medicinal materials are all 20-30 years old. He received dozens of elixir plants of this age along the way, and found that his storage bag did not have enough jade boxes to store elixir. After installing it, no elixir with a year less than 50 years old was picked again.

Gradually, as he walked farther and farther away, the ground under his feet became softer and softer. He entered a swamp with thatch that was as tall as a person, and underneath was a thick layer of blackened thatch. The water came out.

Zhang Shiping's movements became more careful, and he kept sweeping with his divine sense, this time more to prevent the monsters hiding inside from sneaking attacks.


After passing a low bush growing in the swamp, he turned back and circled around, and finally found a tree hole the size of two fists in the middle of the branched trunk of the bush. Inside grew an elixir with purple-black leaves and purple petals with silvery spots.

This is exactly the silver star flower and plant he was looking for.

He quickly took out the Luo Jun sword, cut off the bush from the root, carefully uprooted the 200-year-old elixir, and took out the jade box to seal it.

It's just that generally speaking this kind of elixir is guarded by monsters, Zhang Shiping was suspicious, but anyway, he won't worry about it anymore when he got the elixir.

Perhaps the monster was out hunting and he took advantage of the loophole. He quickened his pace a little and left this place.

Another day passed, and on the way, he encountered several monsters hiding in the thatch and ambushing in the swamp mud, and he would fight if he could.

But Zhang Shiping tried to get rid of the ones that felt like they were going to be in a stalemate for a long time.

Only once, he encountered a snake tortoise, this first-rank high-grade monster, hard to hurt with a sword, and the venom sprayed out of the snake's tail could easily penetrate the aura shield.

If it weren't for the thick soil and purple gold shield, then this trip would be dangerous.

Zhang Shiping didn't want to waste any more mana, so he took out an ice cone talisman, three seven-cent-long ice cones in the shape of a Chinese character, and stabbed towards the snake turtle, hitting the blue aura on the snake turtle's body, slightly blocking it.

The snake turtle watched Zhang Shiping fly away, it chased for a short distance, looked farther and farther, then shook its head, the little mung bean blinked a few times, and then got into the swamp again.

After flying far away, Zhang Shiping saw that the snake and tortoise were not chasing him, so he stopped, looked around, and found that he was almost out of the swamp.

Suddenly, he stared at the foot of a two-person-high mound, where several silvery flowers grew.

If you don't like these plots, then I will finish writing it quickly and send it out earlier. I as soon as possible. Thank you for your favorites and recommendations!

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