Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 135: chatting on the road

Remember in a second【】

Near the small town of Washan, the green cattle stopped from time to time to nibble on the Yulan flowers blooming on both sides of the road, so naturally they walked more and more slowly. The slow-moving green cattle pulled the quaint carriages, attracting the attention of many passers-by.

Compared with the chill near Chang'an, it is already springtime near Washan, and the bullock cart driving on the road with some Yulan flowers in full bloom is quite red and dusty.

In the compartment, Mo Shanshan opened the curtain and was very happy to see the practitioners coming in. Because the Yulan Festival is held, the disciples of Mochiyuan will also come to participate in this grand event, and they can see Mochi on the Yulan Festival. Yuan's seniors and sisters are naturally very happy.

Ever since we parted ways with Senior Sister Zhuo and the others on the wasteland, we only met with Senior Sister Zhuo and the others when we returned to Chang'an with Su Xuan, and met Senior Sister Zhuo and the others when we returned to Mogan Mountain. Now that I think about it carefully, I haven't seen each other for nearly half a year. .

At this moment, Su Xuan sighed and said, "I'm afraid there won't be much peace in the Yulan Festival this time. Since Liansheng made waves in Lanke that time, I'm afraid there will be another wave this time. The Buddhist Sect Xuankong Temple sent to intercept Ning Many ascetic monks who lacked two masters and servants were killed."

The Xuankong Temple of Fozong summoned ascetic monks from the tiankeng to encircle the daughter of Hades, but his fellow townsman used extremely insidious methods to kill several ascetic monks in the Dongxuan realm and an ascetic monk who knew his destiny. For the loss, Fozong Xuankong Temple must respond.

Perhaps the chief lecturer with strong defensive power will also appear in front of Master Qishan's cave reed in Lanke Temple to prevent Ning Que from picking green pears.

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan thought of Sister Zhuo and the others, and the disciples of Mochiyuan would also go to Lanke Temple in Washan to participate in the Yulan Festival, so Mo Shanshan was very worried about the safety of Sister Zhuo and the others. No matter how far it is, Senior Sister and the others should have already arrived at Mount Wa, so let's hurry up! I'm afraid that the city gate will catch fire and the fish in the pond will be affected."

Whether it is the thirteenth gentleman of the academy or the ascetic monks of the Buddhist sect, once a fight occurs on the Yulan Festival, the practitioners participating in the Yulan Festival will inevitably be involved, and they must be involved with a clear stand Otherwise, he will be given a big hat by the Buddhist sect.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan, who had a little worry on his face, and said, "Don't worry! Some news, even if it is well hidden, will be known by many people by now. After all, Qi Nian was also in Yanming Lake at that time. If you want to come to Qi Nian Not so stupid yet, dare to make a fuss about the disciples of Mochiyuan."

He is very clear about Qi Nian's character, Qi Nian is really courageous and dares to deceive many people, but he had a friendly exchange with Qi Nian on a certain road before, and Qi Nian understood in the wild just like the Buddha did back then. There are more than ten months in the world, so naturally I won't do any stupid things anymore.

Looking at the slowly changing scenery outside the window, Mo Shanshan said: "After all, I haven't seen you for a long time. I still want to see Senior Sister Zhuo and the others earlier so that we can catch up on the past. According to what you said, the Yulan Festival is about to become less peaceful, so it should be even more so." Go early, this Yulan Festival is likely to be the last Yulan Festival in the world."

Lanke Temple in Washan has a long history and has never fallen down after thousands of years of wind and rain. However, the wind and rain that Lanke Temple has experienced for thousands of years is not as good as this time when the daughter of Hades asked for green pears.

But no one knows what choice Master Qishan will make. The green pear on the pear tree in front of Master Qishan’s cave has already left the last one, and it has become the only green pear left in Lanke Temple. Qingli is very cherished. If Master Qishan really wants to hand over the green pears to Sangsang, it will be a difficult matter for several of them.

Su Xuan rubbed the ends of Mo Shanshan's hair, he said with a smile: "You are right, if the Buddhist Sect Xuankong Temple really wants to make a big move this time, the disciples at the back of the academy will not stay out of it. The Houshan disciples who have shown their strength will definitely be as shocking as Ke Haoran back then, and I am afraid that this ancient temple that has gone through thousands of years of wind and rain will be destroyed in one fell swoop."

Everyone knows that the master made a choice and let his personal disciple Ning Que take the daughter of Hades to the Rangke Temple in Washan to ask for green pears, but who knows that the master's choice now is only for better choices in the future, because few people You know, there will naturally be people who can't help but jump out and want to test it out.

But many people forget that the master is extremely defensive, even if the master knows, some of the calculations are still the same. After Ke Haoran was punished by heaven and died, the master went to Taoshan alone, drank happily, and cut off the whole mountain with just one sword peach blossom.

Mo Shanshan knew in his heart that Su Xuan and the master had a deep bond on Haotian's launch of Yongye. Although Su Xuan did not reveal the master's plan, since the master hurriedly asked Ning Que and Sangsang to worship heaven and earth, she already knew After guessing some truths, she said: "Master, the choice made by the old man is really surprising. It is really inappropriate to just use the whole world to gamble on the relationship between Haotian and Ning Que."

Su Xuan smiled and said: "Everyone knows it's wrong, but for the world, this is the best way. If Xiling knows the truth and Sangsang restores Haotian's divinity, then it will be the best way for the world. It is the most dangerous thing, besides, the master is still in the world at this time, whether it is you and me, or the temple master, the chief lecturer or the sword master and other practitioners, you must make choices according to the master's choice .”

This is a very helpless thing, the master is as tall as the sky, and the master's cultivation has reached the realm of no moments, ignoring all the rules in the Haotian world. Such a cultivation realm already belongs to the state of detachment, and has already jumped out of the three realms Besides, not in the five elements, who can say anything about the choices made by such a character?

"Master is still in the world at this time." Mo Shanshan considered Su Xuan's words, and after a while she asked: "Is it possible that Master will leave the world?"

Su Xuan looked at the seven volumes of heavenly books randomly placed on the bookcase in the carriage, and said, "Haotian is in the sky, and no one can do anything against

^0^Remember in one second【】

Haotian came to the human world, and when he wanted to find his master, he had already exposed his flaws, but Haotian had experienced countless eternal nights, and if he wanted to keep Sangsang, the master would definitely pay a very heavy price. "

The sky does not give birth to a master, and the eternity is as lonely as a long night. In the long night of the Haotian world, because of a master, there is a moon. So whether it is because of a master that there is a moon, or because there is a moon, what is the meaning of life in the world? Just ushered in the wife.

But all in all, Master taught his apprentices to be really good, and his fellow townsman should feel lucky to have such a protective teacher.

Mo Shanshan sighed, "Should we do something?"

Su Xuan thought for a while, then said with a smile: "I should go and send a peony fish to my master, and then give me a pot of good wine, so I can do my best for my master!"



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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