Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 137: The reunion with the disciples of Mochiyuan

A few days later, under the watchful eyes of many people, the ox cart entered the small town of Washan. After asking the monks of Lanke Temple, it drove straight to the Mochiyuan residence.

After walking for a few more miles, an inn with a bit of Buddhist style caught their eyes. Even from Su Xuan's point of view, this inn can be regarded as one of the best in the small town of Washan. The residence assigned by Lanke Temple to the disciples of Mochiyuan is excellent, and Lanke Temple really puts a lot of effort into it.


Qingniu yelled a few times, and stopped in front of the inn. Mochiyuan disciples standing at the inn's door looked at the stopped female cart, and they were very happy. Although they didn't know this ox cart, they knew the pull cart of Qingniu.

On the wasteland the year before last, when the future national teacher Daoshi of the Moonland Kingdom forced the disciples of Mochiyuan to change camps, it was this green ox who, with a heroic posture, used a pair of front hooves to move Daoshi, who had already reached the realm of Dongxuan. Shi was trampled to death.

Seeing this ox now, they naturally knew who the person sitting in the ox cart was.

The two Mochiyuan disciples looked at each other and smiled, then trotted all the way into the inn, shouting excitedly while running: "Sister Zhuo, the mountain master is here."

The disciples of Mochiyuan in the inn ran out of the door after hearing the words of the mountain master. Zhuo Zhihua, who was practicing on the second floor, heard the obviously excited words of the disciples of Mochiyuan, Also hurriedly ran down the stairs to the door.

At this time, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan also got off the bullock cart, seeing Zhuo Zhihua running all the way, Mo Shanshan also went up to meet them, the two hugged each other tightly, and they separated after a long time.

At this moment Zhuo Zhihua looked at Mo Shanshan and asked: "Shanzhu, the Dahe National Road Hall sent a message to the Mochi Garden a few days ago, and the elder Zhishou Guanxichen will go to the Dahe Kingdom to hire him soon. How can you and Mr. Su come to the Yulan Festival at this time?"

Although the Yulan Festival is a rare event in the world, although it is very grand, it is held once a year, but there is only one evening ceremony. She really doesn't understand why the two people who fell in love with each other not long ago appear here again On Yu Lan Festival.

A little shyness appeared on Mo Shanshan's face. She looked at Su Xuan, blinked at Su Xuan, and motioned Su Xuan to explain to her seniors and sisters. After all, every woman is looking forward to the most solemn in life. Serious funeral.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan, without pretending to be profound, but with a little apology, he said: "We need to pick a good day and auspicious day for the evening ceremony, so naturally we can't make it hastily, besides, one of my elders is still wandering in the South China Sea. It would be a little regretful for that elder to participate, besides, the Mountain Lord and you have not seen each other for many days, so naturally we should see each other, so the Mountain Lord and I came to Washan to participate in the Yulan Festival at the invitation of Master Qishan .”

Whether it is the first time in the last life or in this life, it is the first time for the ceremony of the fainting ceremony, so it is necessary to be more cautious. As he is a disciple of the Guanshan Gate and a practitioner of the six realms, if the ceremony is held, some elders must be present Well, his teacher passed away a long time ago, so the only one who can bear the responsibility is Chen who is still wandering in the South China Sea.

After hearing Su Xuan's ending, Zhuo Zhihua breathed a sigh of relief. She knew a long time ago that, as a bookworm, the Mountain Lord, although he has many and some identities and status in the world, They are not small, but she knows that those people cannot be a good match, and now seeing the mountain master and Su Xuan walking together, the huge rock in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Juzhi Hua Ping looked at Su Xuan and said: "It turns out that this is the case, so I don't worry. The teacher told me when I came here that I must personally confirm the fainting date with Mr. Su. Although Mochi Garden is a small family, it is always It's still the owner of the mountain's natal family, so they should prepare some dowry."

After Mo Shanshan heard this, the blush on his face became heavier. Surrounded by Mochiyuan disciples, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan walked into the inn.

After taking his seat, Mo Shanshan said: "Although the date of the evening has not been fixed, there is still a lot of time. Don't worry too much about the dowry. As for the amount of dowry, how can he care about it?"

When she was in Mochiyuan, she vaguely sensed that her teacher's thoughts, if other people propose marriage, they might be flatly rejected, but Su Xuan was different, and alarmed the elder Xi Chen who had practiced in seclusion for many years. Walking down Taoshan in person to go to the Dahe Country to propose a marriage, her teacher is probably wishing that she would get married as soon as possible, out of sight and out of mind!

Su Xuan took a sip of the peach blossom wine habitually, and he thought of the teacher of the mountain master, Wang Shusheng, a talisman master who was hailed by the world as famous as Yan Se. It was too far behind, so when he went to Chang'an and passed Mochi Garden, he had already discussed his cultivation with that Wang Shusheng. He believed that it was a discussion that Wang Shusheng still remembered deeply.

Zhuo Zhihua nodded and said: "Shanzhu, it's one thing for Mr. Su not to care, but if Mochiyuan marries a girl without a dowry, wouldn't it make the world look down on Mochiyuan."

Her junior sister still thinks the problem is too simple, even Su Xuan doesn't Zhishouguan doesn't care, but Mochiyuan cares!

Mochiyuan and Zhishouguan are married, if the dowry is less, then wouldn't it be telling the world that Mochiyuan is mean.

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan pondered for a long time before saying, "Senior Sister Zhuo, that's the only way to do it first."

Zhishouguan's betrothal gift is extremely precious, so after Mochiyuan takes out the dowry, it will definitely hurt his muscles and bones. The future life of Mochiyuan's disciples may become extremely difficult for a long time.

Looking at Mo Shanshan with a worried expression, Su Xuan glanced at the fresh young girl seated in the inn, and said as usual: "Shanshan, don't worry, the dowry matter, I am afraid that in Dahe Kingdom, there are many powerful families If they want to establish a relationship with Zhishouguan, a little property is nothing more than a thousand stones to them."

This is also an inevitable thing, since they want to build a relationship with Zhishou, they must obey Zhishou's arrangement from now on. People at both ends of the first mouse never have the last laugh.

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan frowned and said, "But I don't want to involve your and my evening ceremony with other things."

After hearing this, Su Xuan smiled and said: "In the first place there would be no involvement, those people will not be able to reach the top of Peach Mountain if the evening ceremony is held on Peach Mountain, just send some priests away."

Mochi Garden needs to prepare a dowry, and the big and powerful families of Dahe Kingdom donate their property to help, so they can naturally participate in this dark ceremony, and the matter can be stopped here, it is impossible to come to his dark ceremony, so that they can use his name to die in the world Show off?

Presumably, after such a thing happened, the Tribunal Division would be very happy to carry out the ruling.


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