Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 155: A conversation spanning 0 years

Mount Wa collapsed, and Lanke was gone. Master Qishan, who was respected by the world, protected half of Lanke at the last moment of his life, and it was also where the missions of various countries in the world were located.

Looking at the dilapidated Lanke, the big clock lying on the ground crookedly, and the monk Lanke chanting the Guangming Sutra, the sound of chanting bursts, and the Zen reverberates here.

On the ruins of Lanke, a blurred figure walked out of the ruins. The thousand-year plan had come to naught, so the blurred face of this figure was very puzzled, wondering why the thousand-year plan failed.

Thousands of years ago, when he was in Nirvana, he left behind many arrangements. He collected Yulan bells made of copper from the Yulan flower field. in this way.

Not long ago when the Buddha's gatha was opened, the last green pear on the pear tree was dropped, so his arrangement was quietly opened. The green pear is not important, but the person who eats the green pear is important.

Pluto was right in front of him, but he was powerless. The Buddha looked at the tall crowned man with a sword and said, "I never thought that after a thousand years, Pluto would have so many followers. It seems that the eternal night is coming."

The sound of the Buddha spread into the distance, and Jun Mo, who was walking, was very angry. Because of the Buddha's words, Pluto was angry that he had so many followers.

Jun Mo held his sword forward and asked, "Sang Sang is innocent, but the Buddha sect intends to accuse him of the crime of eternal night. How dare you ask the Buddha what he means?"

Sang Sang is innocent, but the Buddhist sect wants to add this crime, that is incompatible with etiquette, how can there be such a reason in the world.

The Buddha whose figure became thinner and thinner, looked at the cultivation level, which made it difficult for him to see the depth of the practitioner, he asked: "You are a bit late, at this moment I can't do any harm to the underworld girl. harm."

With the help of the Washan mountain range, the opportunity in exchange had already ended with the collapse of the Washan mountain and the damage of Lan Ke. Now he is just an obsession left by that person back then.

The master looked at the Buddha who was about to dissipate, and stopped Jun Mo who was holding a sword. The master calmly looked at the Buddha in front of him, and said: "I have read your prophecy in the Tianshu Mingzi scroll, and it is indeed very interesting, but I am very puzzled by the month you predicted."

"Although there is a moon in the world, I have never seen the moon, so Buddha, did you really see the moon?"

The Buddha shook his head and said, "When the Dharma is at the end, the night will come and the moon will appear! I have never seen it before, and I certainly won't see it in the future, but after all, the world has not yet come to the end of the Dharma."

The Master smiled slightly and said, "I'm looking forward to the end of Dharma, but it's really hypocritical for millions of people to chant scriptures day and night in exchange for day and night appearances as a prisoner in the Tiankeng."

He has been to the tiankeng, and naturally he has also seen those serfs in naked clothes, looking at the short sky at the bottom of the tiankeng, reciting the light sutra left by the Buddha, but he was not strong enough at that time, But when he is strong enough, he can't find a reason to take care of those things. Saving people is very simple, but if you want to save the hearts of thousands of people, it is indeed even more difficult.

The Buddha said calmly, "Washan collapsed, Lan Ke was destroyed, and the suspension naturally lost its proper meaning. In fact, I wrote a prophecy on the Tianshu Mingzi scroll, but I erased it later. .”

Although he is a Buddha, he also has selfish intentions. He didn't want the second half of the prophecy to be passed on to the world, so he had no choice but to erase the prophecy that had been written.

After the master heard another prophecy, he began to recall the days in Xiling, which were probably the most leisurely days in his life. After thinking for a long time, he said: "When the Dharma is at the end, the magic wears the Buddha's clothes, and the mouth Chanting the light, is it not?"

Although the Buddha erased the prophecy, but what people do in the world will always leave traces, and the other prophecy written by the Buddha is naturally the same.

The Buddha was shocked when he heard the words. He looked at the practitioner, and suddenly asked: "So I have selfishness, and tens of thousands of people are prisoners, just for the present day and night. If I lose day and night, will I be able to exist in the world safe and sound? The anger of millions of people, what can Xuankong use to resist."

In Yan Se's carriage on the ruins, Sangsang suddenly became holy and extraordinary, and she no longer looked like the little black and thin girl back then.

The Buddha, who was still thinking about what to say, was unable to speak for a long time, his figure began to be unrestrained at an extremely fast speed, and the Buddha looked at the practitioner without joy or sorrow, and uttered the last prophecy of this life.

"The moon is..."

The Master frowned and said, "What is the moon?"

Before the Buddha finished his sentence, he disappeared into the human world. In the Xuankong Temple thousands of miles away, on the huge stone statue of Buddha, several cracks appeared across the whole body of the stone statue.

Then the stone statue of the Buddha collapsed, and the monks of the Xuankong Temple fell to their knees one after another, chanting the Guangming Sutra, trying to get some enlightenment from the Buddha.


on the hill!

Looking at the Buddha who had completely disappeared, Su Xuan said: "True Buddha, false Buddha? No matter whether it is hypocritical or not, the Buddha still chose the human world after all. It is only the means of the Buddha, which is not very glorious."

The power of the Buddha just now comes from the Buddhist believers, the most devout beliefs, but in Haotian's world, how can there be so many people who believe in the Buddha?

Therefore, this Buddha chose to imprison tens of millions of people and chant scriptures day and night to provide them with faith. If the Buddha successfully stops, then the Buddha will definitely become the savior, but once he is defeated, then Even if his soul is scattered, he may not even have a name after his death.

Mo Shanshan frowned tightly, and she asked a question that didn't quite fit at this moment, "Will the world's defeat of Tang really come?"

She is a bookworm, the unmarried wife of Su Xuan, a disciple of Guanshan Sect who knows the Taoism, but she is also a disciple of Mochiyuan in Dahe Kingdom. Even if she hates Wang Shusheng, the disciples of Mochiyuan are still her senior sisters and sisters after all. How could she watch helplessly that the Dahe Kingdom, which Sulai had a good relationship with the Tang Kingdom, fell into the flames of war.

After rubbing Mo Shanshan's beautiful nose with his finger, Su Xuan said calmly: "Since the master has made a choice, the world's destruction of Tang will inevitably come. At this time, none of us can change the truth."

"If there is no Xiling, I am afraid that the Tang Dynasty will sweep all the countries in the world in a very short period of time, but when the Tang Kingdom is the only one, how many crimes will appear in the world, even in the peaceful Tang Kingdom before, wouldn't there still be many injustices? So Conscientiousness requires balance, after all, in this world, only when your cultivation is strong enough will anyone listen to your reasoning."

Mo Shanshan said, "Are we going to join the war too?"

Su Xuan replied: "Naturally, we all have identities, and we have already decided on our positions. At most, we will not work hard."

He has suffered a lot, whether it is the Taoists in Zhishou Temple or the priests of Xiling, for whatever reason, they are extremely respectful to him, isn't this much better than suffering blank stares?

After all, reach out and don't hit the smiling face!




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