Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 164: Princes and generals would rather have...?

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Outside the gate of Su Mansion, iron hooves sounded, war horses neighed endlessly, and Mo Shanshan in the courtyard was very angry. Probably no woman could keep calm enough when being humiliated like this, even if that person was a well-known rune master.

Mo Shanshan drew a talisman in the air, and then another block appeared in the well. She said: "Master Yan Se, even if you are Su Xuan's uncle, you shouldn't say such a thing. It really does not match your identity."

She is a bookworm, who she marries is her own business, why should this master Yan Se question it, it is not related to her, so she is very angry.

Yan Se looked at the block drawn by Mo Shanshan, and praised: "You are a bookworm, but Su Xuan's handwriting is extremely bad, but my apprentice's handwriting is very good."

As an elder, he shouldn't have acted like this, but Su Xuan's behavior was too much. He would naturally do this to tell Su Xuan that he was very angry.

After hearing this, Mo Shanshan was even more angry, because this was no longer a question, but a blatant provocation, provoking this marriage between her and Su Xuan, provoking the relationship between her and Su Xuan.

"Master Yan Se, as the great priest of the temple, I respect you for calling you uncle, but this does not mean that you can talk nonsense so unscrupulously." Su Xuan held the Dao sword in his hand, looked at Standing on the steps of the gate, Yan Se said: "After all, I am a disciple of Zhishouguan, I understand the motive of your nonsense, but I am very angry at your nonsense, my sword is also angry."

In his opinion, no matter what kind of reputation a sword is given, since the day it was born, a sword is designed to kill people. This is the answer that people have found in countless years of practice.

Yan Se looked at Su Xuan, who was rarely angry, and knew that he had gone too far after all, but for his apprentice, he had to do so, and he said: "But no matter what, in the eyes of the world, I am still you." Master uncle, do you want to kill me today? Just because of a few words, verbal provocation."

Hearing Yan Se's words, Su Xuan laughed angrily and said, "Uncle Yan Se, you came to block the door of my house, but you said such a remark, don't you feel ashamed? You said that the words were provocative at this time, but in my opinion Here comes the humiliation.

I know what you're waiting for, you're waiting for the Shocking Array, but Suzaku is going home tonight, and won't come to Yanming Lake, after all, this is Master's Tang Country. "

When speaking the second half of the sentence, Su Xuan's voice suddenly increased, so that Li Qingshan outside the door, leading the ballad of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry, also heard the second half of Su Xuan's sentence.

So Xu Shi, who was sitting on the horse, was furious. In the dark night behind him, the most elite Xuanjia heavy cavalry in the Tang Kingdom was also very angry.

Outside the door, Xu Shi jumped off his horse, handed the horse to Wang Jinglue beside him, walked into the courtyard standing beside Yanming Lake, and came to Yan Se's well.

As a soldier, Xu Shi knew very well that the guards of the Tang State were always soldiers in the army, who had been stationed on the frontier for decades. He retorted: "Mr. Su's words are very bad, and what you said is not correct. The Tang State is the Tang State of the Tang people, if you dare to stir up dissension again, I will put you two in a prison in the army, so that you can experience what real despair is."

For this time, he brought almost half of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry from the Tang Kingdom, several practitioners from Tianshu who stood on the upper realm of knowing fate, and almost all the disciples from the south gate of Haotian Road, including the national teacher, came to the bank of Yanming Lake , Master Huang Yang will also lead his disciples to help out after asking His Majesty for instructions.

Even if Mo Shanshan trapped Tianluo with blocks, it's not that the Tang Kingdom didn't have rune masters, nor did it have array masters. When the God-shocking Formation came into being, Su Xuan would have no choice but to catch him without a fight. Even a practitioner of the sixth realm could not act recklessly in Chang'an.

Su Xuan calmly looked at Xu Shi, who was talking eloquently and full of benevolence and morality, and said: "The Tang Dynasty is the Tang Dynasty of the Tang people, but why is the Li family who stayed on that dragon chair for a thousand years? And who else? Don't tell me that the blood is pure, everything seems to be a shock array set up by this master."

The Tang Kingdom has experienced countless crises for thousands of years. In each crisis, the master's startling array has continued the existence of the Tang Kingdom, but in fact, the longer it exists, the more darkness there will be, and the more it will be. secret.

Xu Shi said angrily: "I, the great ancestor of the Tang Kingdom, rose up on the bank of Weisi and established the Tang Kingdom for a thousand years. How can you, a Taoist disciple, question it?"

Su Xuan felt Mo Shanshan's slightly trembling hands, and he sighed deeply: "General Xu Shi, in a sense, I was originally from Tang Dynasty, but we have no household registration and no guides, so naturally we can't be counted as you guys. I thought that Tangren, I was admitted to the academy after going through many hardships, but the fact is that ordinary people like me naturally cannot make choices when faced with certain things, so I fled Chang'an and went to Taoshan to worship Entered the concept of knowing and guarding, and went down the mountain to take revenge after learning."

Mo Shanshan listened to Su Xuan's past, and held Su Xuan's trembling hand very distressed. She wanted to say something to comfort Su Xuan, but she didn't know what to She tightly held Su Xuan's left hand which was not holding a sword.

There was silence inside and outside the Su Mansion. Who would have thought that this rumored Daoist practitioner would have such a tortuous experience.

After hearing this, Xu Shi said, "Why don't you go to the Chang'an government office to beat drums and complain?"

After hearing this, Su Xuan laughed and said, "Then why didn't the ancestors of the royal family of the Tang Dynasty rise up on the bank of Weisi and ask for justice at the temple?"

"General Xu, do princes and generals care about each other?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was outraged, because if such a remark spread, it would definitely shake the foundation of the Tang Kingdom.

Xu Shi looked at Su Xuan coldly, and he said: "Mr. Su, you are provoking Tang, and you will pay for your actions."

He knew very well how much temptation this sentence would cause to those ambitious people in the Tang Dynasty, such as those in Qinghe County, who always wanted to restore the country, such as some cynics.


The mountain behind the academy!

The master, who was eating barbecue, suddenly put down the chopsticks in his hand when he heard Su Xuan's words that princes and generals are kind.

The master looked at Li Manman who was standing aside, and said: "The words Su Xuan said are indeed impeccable, but they are not very applicable to practitioners. After all, practitioners need to have a minimum qualification to step into the world. The path of practice, but such a sentence is enough for ordinary people in the world."

Li said slowly: "This is how it will cause many murders!"

The master said: "Eternal night is coming, the sky is getting dark, can't you vent the anger that has accumulated in your heart for many years?"

After slowly deliberating for a long time, Li said in a very embarrassed way: "Naturally, we should vent!"




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