Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 184: The battle between the world and Haotian

"Enough, you ants!"

Haotian looked at Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan who were in love with each other, and sneered: "Since you ants want to go against the sky, then I will kill you together! The ants who have taken the heavenly book are still ants."

From the moment she woke up, she knew that the old man lied to her, so in many eternal nights after that, she has been looking for a way to break the contract.

And this method is to descend into the world and take on a human body. The heavenly book can change the sky, but it cannot change Haotian as a human. If she falls into the world, then she will be the person with the highest cultivation level in the world.

Haotian's indifferent voice echoed under the blue sky!

Under the blue sky, dark clouds rolled in, thunder bursts, wind and snow mixed with thunder and lightning, appeared under the blue sky together. Haotian, who had never been really angry, became really angry after being exposed to having bridal chamber with Ning Que.

At this moment, hearing the thunder in her ears, Mo Shanshan broke free from Su Xuan's arms. She looked at this scene like the end of the world, and said solemnly: "This is Yong Ye?"

This is somewhat similar to the coming of the eternal night in her imagination, but she believes that once they can, they can prevent the eternal night from happening.

Su Xuan lightly scratched Mo Shanshan's beautiful nose, he looked at the alcoholic and the butcher in panic, and said, "Whether it's the coming of eternal night, please explain to me, after all, you two, but from the last elder The only one who survived the night."

I don't know when the last long night started, and when it will end, but fortunately, there are always people who gave up their dignity as a great practitioner and survived.

The drunkard looked at the indifferent Haotian, and the thunder and lightning under the blue sky, and roared at Chen with a trembling body: "Chen, where is the book? Didn't you say that Taoism has a way to stop Yongye? Now Yongye is coming , where is the Heavenly Book of your Daoist sect?"

The butcher didn't speak, but continued to hold the whetstone and sharpen the knife that kills a pig. He knew very well that from the moment he and the drunkard came to Qingxiaduo, they were doomed to be with Chen, that is, Grasshopper on a rope.

Chen said: "Why panic, how can a Haotian who can't return to the sky be able to activate Yongye, you have lived countless years as a drunkard, don't you even have bad eyesight?"

After hearing Chen's words, the panic-stricken drunkard calmed down after a long time. He said, "Haotian? Why did I forget? She is still in the human world. How can you activate the eternal night in the human world?"

He was indeed a little too flustered just now, he and the butcher have been hiding for so many years, now it's time for them to avenge their revenge, their relatives, friends, and so many people have all died in Haotian's hands!

Haotian was still gathering momentum, Chen looked at Su Xuan who was still motionless, and asked: "Nephew Su, the time has come, what are you waiting for?"

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan and retreated a few feet, and said: "I am waiting for the seven volumes of heavenly scriptures to turn into a sword. I have thought about it for a long time. Back then, the patriarch of Taoism left seven scrolls of heavenly scriptures to restrain Haotian, but Haotian was also there Keep awakening, don't forget that Haotian has eaten a lot of people, so we should kill the gods with one blow of the sword!"

In the crimson gourd on Su Xuan's waist, the seven volumes of heavenly scriptures have lost their original appearance and turned into their original appearance, the original rules of this world.

Under Su Xuan's guidance, the original rules of the seven volumes of heavenly scriptures turned into a simple long sword with the word morality on it.

Chen thought for a while and said: "You have to hurry up. After all, Haotian is ready to make a move. It's hard for me to guarantee whether Li Huan, the master of the academy, will stand on the side of the world."

The disciples taught by the master with the way of benevolence and forgiveness are indeed much better than Ye Su. Among the younger generation, if Su Xuan was not born, then Li Slowly would be the most dazzling practitioner.

Su Xuan looked at the scene under the blue sky, and said: "It will take some time to destroy the book of heaven and cast a sword. It is not easy to fight against Haotian. Let's have fun."

He has to see the strength of this Haotian first, holding the seven volumes of heavenly books can open up the world, then he can naturally do the same thing with the sword of morality cast by the seven volumes of heavenly books, but he has to make the world and the sky one. Fighting, he wants to tell the world that man will conquer the sky!

Even if you can't win, tell the world, and dare to draw your sword in the face of Haotian!

After Chen heard this, he nodded and said: "You really have good intentions, if that's the case, let me wait first!"

A dao sword was held in Chen's hand!

Holding the Dao sword, Chen grasped the entire Zhishou, and in an instant, Chen reached the wonderful state of Zhishou Guan's first generation of temple masters, the founder of Daoist gamblers.

"Pure realm!"

So he slashed at Haotian with a dao sword. Although it was a mediocre dao sword, Haotian looked at the dao sword with serious eyes.

Haotian had seen such a state many eternity nights ago, a state that would not be disturbed, when Chen entered the pure state, Chen's sword naturally also entered the pure state.

Haotian saw that she came to her in an instant and broke the Dao sword of the law of space and law of time in front of her. She sneered and said: "This seat is the sky, you ants, how can you go against the sky!"

Endless light appeared under the blue sky, and the sun radiated fiery light, breaking through Su Xuan's paper-like water curtain in an instant, and the scene of the sun and the moon appearing under the blue sky again.

Jun Mo, who was heading to the camp of the Allied Forces of the Temple, looked at the bright moon above his head, and said, "Is that you, teacher? Teacher, once you want to help a group of juniors."

He was very angry, angry why the elder brother didn't tell him the truth, angry why Sangsang was Haotian, angry that Haotian wanted to launch Yong Ye, angry that Haotian ate the junior uncle.

Then he wants to go to to fight against the sky, and save Sangsang for the younger brother, because he never believed in Taoism, and Sangsang's life will be left behind.

Jun Mo, the second student of the Academy, stepped into the camp of the Allied Forces of the Temple, as if he had entered the land of no one, but all the temple cavalry or temple practitioners who dared to step forward to stop him were killed by Jun Mo with a single sword!

At this time, Chen Pippi, who was hiding in a certain military tent, took Tang Xiaotang's hand, and also walked out, heading towards the battle between the world and Haotian.

Facing the siege of two great cultivators of the Pure Realm, Haotian still did not fall behind. To be more precise, the three of them never broke Haotian's divine splendor.

Seeing the stalemate in the battle, Liu Bai stopped looking at Li Slowly, and said, "Mr. Da, the Lord and I are on the side of humans. I hope you will also choose to stand on the side of humans."

Say it!

Liu Bai drew his sword!

Don't you see that the sword of the great river is coming from the sky!

As the first sword fairy in the world, in terms of the power of killing and cutting, probably no one in the world can surpass him. Da Hejian followed Chen's clean Dao sword, wiping out the most original strength of Haotian bit by bit. Shenhui.



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