Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 203: What about Peach Blossom Sword God?

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There is an ancient moral sword on the top of the cliff, which falls down the river gracefully. Deng Tai'er's twelve flying swords are all stopped by this ancient moral sword.

Although the Twelve Flying Swords are good, they can be used as an ancient moral sword that has cut through gods. After being provoked by these Twelve Flying Swords, they will become brilliant.

Fighting in a group where the water and the sky meet, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this immortal's supernatural powers of controlling the sword are very good.

Even if the Peach Blossom Sword God Deng Tai'a made a move, he would not have the slightest advantage, but he could foresee the cruelty of the next battle.

After Su Xuan signaled Mo Shanshan to be at ease, he walked through the air and came to the river, looked at Deng Tai'a who was holding a peach blossom branch, and said, "Mr. Welcome! I don't know why Mr. Deng is here!"

Deng Tai'a looked at Su Xuan in the air, and snorted coldly: "Aren't you afraid of falling even if you stand so high? Isn't Mr. Su not clear why I came to Shangyin Academy? Since immortals have come to the world, why bother to ask questions knowingly? Deng does not allow immortals in the world."

Hearing the words of the Peach Blossom Sword God that no fairy queens are allowed in the world, the disciples of Shangyin Academy all showed astonishment on their faces. They thought it was just an ordinary sparring, but they didn't expect it to be a game of life and death.

Mr. Shangyin Xuegong, headed by Qi Yanglong, the chief sacrificial wine of Shangyin Academy, quickly made the disciples of Shangyin Academy retreat several tens of feet before stopping, for fear that the battle between the two would affect the disciples of the academy .

Su Xuan shook his head and said with a smile: "There are no immortals in the world. Mr. Deng's words are wrong, but Zhenwu reincarnated in the world, Baidi reincarnated in the world, and Lu Zu reincarnated in the world. Why did Mr. Deng come to me? You know It's not a good habit to disturb other people's meals!"

Regardless of all kinds of reasons, all kinds of rules, and high-sounding moral articles, one thing must be considered, and that is the problem of cultivation level. To put it bluntly, a big fist is the last word.

It just so happened that Baidi reincarnated with hard fists, Zhenwu reincarnated was a relative, Lu Zu reincarnated with high cultivation, and only he had created a remarkable vision when he came to this world.

Deng Tai'a gently shook the peach blossom branch, and said: "But they are all in the human world now, and they are all human beings. Their luck is naturally also in the world, but Mr. Su is very different. If you want to fish for luck, you should bear it." The consequences of fishing luck."

The Twelve Flying Swords had already been released, but they failed to make any meritorious deeds, which made him think highly of this immortal who had fallen into the mortal world.

Su Xuan said sadly: "Where does this luck come from? Don't you hear the will of heaven and people's hearts? If there is no head of the world, where will this luck come from? The gate of heaven is not open, and the princes of the world's dynasties and powerful families control the luck. What's more, it's different from fishing with immortals, and if it's really peaceful for thousands of years, even if immortals are fishing for luck, what big fish can they catch?"

From the point of view, ordinary Li Shu Qianshou are the creators of luck. It is true that few Li Shu Qianshou are able to enjoy the blessings of Qi luck.

With the gate of heaven closed, only princes and generals will benefit. Immortals in this world may not be very good, but without immortals fishing, this world will definitely not be so good.

Deng Tai'a listened to Su Xuan's sophistry, and said with a smile: "Differences in ways do not conspire with each other!"

Su Xuan shook his head and said: "Peach Blossom Sword God, the swordsmanship is as good as the sky, so what can he do against me?"

As soon as the words were finished, the law of the sword body of the ancient moral sword circulated, and the sword energy criss-crossed, knocking down Deng Tai'er's twelve flying swords into the water of the Taotao River.

The ancient sword of morality is horizontal under the blue sky, and Su Xuan stands under the ancient sword, showing the style of a practitioner of the six realms.

Deng Tai'a raised his head and said with a smile: "The immortal still has such strength in the world. It seems that you may not be a small person in the world, but this is the world after all."

"Sword rises, formation rises, soldiers dissolve!"

Twelve flying swords flew out from the river one by one, covering Su Xuan's whole body. This is the sword formation he has practiced for a long time. The formation is dispelled by famous soldiers, and it is specially designed to kill immortals and those who want to ascend.

The sword formation was full of murderous intent, Su Xuan waved his sleeve and said, "Sword formation is a good way, but Mr. Deng really thinks that this formation can trap me?"

"Not in the same dust!"

The next moment Deng Tai'er's Twelve Flying Swords flew around like headless chickens, and they couldn't find Su Xuan, even though Su Xuan was there.

In terms of swordsmanship, Su Xuan may be far behind Deng Tai'a, but in terms of entering the realm of the Great Dao, this world is far behind the Haotian world, and the great practitioners in the Haotian world can travel far beyond the world up.

At that time Zhan Tian, ​​the laws of heaven were revealed in the world, so naturally he saw more, learned more, and learned more, but the rules in this world are restrained, and only at the first-rank level can he control the power of heaven and earth, and it can't last long .

Seeing this, Deng Tai'a said: "Taoist supernatural powers, with just this move, Mr. Su has defeated the dragon and tiger, but these are not enough!"

The next moment, Deng Tai'a waved the peach blossom branch in his hand, and the peach blossom branch pointed at Su Xuan, with the sword energy flying across, faintly trying to destroy Su Xuan's mysterious artistic conception.

After a long time, Deng Tai'a said: "This is not a martial artist's method. Immortals are also ascended by humans, but I have never seen your method."

He has seen a lot of the methods of the Three Religions, but he can easily block them like Su Xuan.

It was almost nonexistent, so he had some doubts about where this Su Xuan came from.

After this battle, he must go to the ancient books to find out the life and past of this immortal, and find out who this immortal was before he ascended.

Su Xuan looked at the twelve flying and said with a smile: "This is indeed not the method of a martial artist.

Then Su Xuan held the ancient moral sword and slashed towards Deng Tai'a. This sword is half of the world, and the power of heaven and earth is endless.

The rules that do not belong to this world have mobilized the power of heaven and earth in this world, and suddenly the blue sky above the river has frequent visions.

At this time Deng Tai'a called back the flying sword, retreated again and again to stop the decline, and said via voice transmission: "You are not a fairy from this world, where did you come from."

This Su Xuan's previous methods were incompatible with Wu Fu and the Three Religions, but at that time he only thought that he learned the methods in the sky, but now it seems that people outside the world, so it is so!

Su Xuan stood in mid-air with his sword in his hand, and also said via voice transmission: "I came to this world from the outside world. Mr. Deng's swordsmanship is good, but I really don't agree with Mr. Deng's philosophy. Mr. Deng likes to take care of himself."

Peach Blossom Sword God's swordsmanship is indeed good. If placed in Haotian's world, he is not inferior to Liu Bai's great practitioner, but this world still restricts the practitioner's development after all.


Deng Tai'a sighed and said: "Mr. Su this time, but I lost the sword competition. The green hills will not change and the green water will flow forever. I hope Mr. Su will not do such stupid things as a fairy fishing for luck in the world."

Then the Peach Blossom Sword God, who had come quickly, rode backwards on a donkey and left in a boat. On the river, the lone boat carrying the donkey headed towards the East China Sea.

At the same time, the palace of Shangyin Academy has already exploded, and that is the third peach blossom sword **** in the world!

They were actually defeated by their husbands, and they are honored as disciples of the academy.



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