Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 239: Wang Mingyin's death

Outside Xiangfan city!

Outside a small farmyard, King Jing'an Zhao Heng looked at the middle-aged man who looked like an ordinary farmer, and said, "Mr. Wang, Xu Xiao personally led troops to surround Xiangfan City a few days ago. I wonder if you still keep your promise? "

Wang Mingyin, who was resting his farm tools, said angrily: "I said that the Xu family is not allowed to enter Xiangfan, but after returning to Beiliang, Xu Xiao, who is under the protection of the lost army, can't kill anyone."

Although he made a promise, he was not stupid. He knew that even if he went to Beiliang, he would not be able to kill Xu Xiao.

"Mr. Wang just keeps his promise. Master Zhao has already left you a means to kill Xu Xiao." Zhao Heng, who kept turning the Buddha beads in his hand, ordered everyone to take the jade talisman He came over and handed it to Wang Mingyin, who said: "Old Heavenly Master Zhao inherited this piece of jade talisman from the grace of the immortal, may you enter Xiangfan City in your dream and kill Xu Xiao."

The ancestor of the murloc who fell by the bottomless pool, who was several generations higher than him, gave up his body in exchange for a blow. Naturally, it was not that simple.

Xu Xiao fell into a dream and then slaughtered Xiangfan, so Wang Mingyin, the number one in the world, could naturally enter Xiangfan and kill Xu Xiao in a dream.

After hearing that he could dream of entering Xiangfan City, Wang Mingyin said excitedly: "I am a martial artist, and the means of dreaming of entering Xiangfan is not a small price!"

Zhao Heng said calmly: "If you use it, you will die, and there is no chance of reincarnation after your soul is scattered."

This flat voice was like a heavy hammer hitting Wang Mingyin's heart, and he said: "I have to discuss it with my wife."

Then Wang Mingyin turned around and walked into the room, closing the door.

Outside the door, Zhao Heng, the lord of the vassal, waited quietly. Although he said that he was cruel and merciless, he would not be unreasonable.

Several hours later, Wang Mingyin walked out of the room. There was a soft cry from inside the room. Wang Mingyin sighed and said, "I can kill Xu Xiao in my dream, but you have to send my wife and children to Shangyin Academy to protect my son." And crown."

Hearing this, Zhao Heng said solemnly: "Mr. Wang, sacrifice your life for righteousness, and Zhao will protect your wife and children well. As long as King Jing'an is not expelled and stays in Qingzhou for a day, then Mr. Wang's wife and children can be in the Shangyin Academy." Splendid clothes and fine food."

The trick left by his ancestor was finally used, but what he didn't know was when he would die in this game.

Wang Mingyin immediately sat down cross-legged, crushed the jade talisman, a flash of light flashed, and Wang Mingyin was silent.

At this time, a soul turned into pure wish power and went straight to Beiliang. In a moment, Wang Mingyin dreamed of Xiangfan.

In the dream Xiangfan city!

The city has been without food for many days, and people have been eating each other for a long time.

Seeing the very real tragedy, Wang Mingyin followed the yellow-faced and emaciated defenders up the city wall, took a good look at a good position, and jumped down.

All the soldiers of the Xu family who stood in front of Wang Mingyin were beaten to death. Killing a person is very enjoyable, but it is useful to beat them to death.

Wang Mingyin rushed into Xu's army formation alone, and some soldiers stepped forward to intercept them, but they all died on horseback. He said: "Xu Xiao, you will definitely die today."

His 11th Wang Mingyin in the world, now in this dream, apart from Xu Xiao, he is the only one who is the most real, the others are just too realistic illusions.

Since it is an illusion, how can it be blocked, what about Wang Mingyin, the eleventh in the world?

Not long after, Xu Xiao's body was filled with corpses of lieutenant colonels. A total of more than ten lieutenants died under Wang Mingyin's hands.

Xu Xiao looked at the Xu character flag behind him, laughed and said: "Wang Mingyin, the eleventh in the world, that fairy is really a good trick, but unfortunately you can't kill me at all. I was able to defeat Xiangfan City back then, and I can still defeat Xiangfan today. city."

"Beiliang cavalry, charge forward!"

Xu Xiao, king of Beiliang, looked at Xu Ziqi himself, and rushed to the front. Behind Xu Xiao, there were tens of thousands of Xu family's cavalry.

Even if it is an illusion, the scene of tens of thousands of cavalry charging into the formation is extremely shocking.

Wang Mingyin looked at the incoming iron cavalry, kicked a corpse of Xu Jiajun casually, picked up an iron spear on the ground, got on his horse and charged away.

This fight is destined to last for a long time, and after the fight, it will be time to see the outcome.


In the farmyard.

After picking up Wang Mingyin's body, his wife and children, the carriage that came in a hurry went directly to the pier, and took the Qingzhou Navy warship to Shangyin Academy.

The spies from Fushuifang in Beiliang are all-pervasive, if Wang Mingyin loses to Xu Xiao, then he will lose his trust.

Zhao Xun, the prince of Jing'an, looked at the smoke and dust rolled up by the carriage, and asked: "Father, Wang Mingyin may not be defeated. After all, he is the eleventh Wang Mingyin in the world. It is not easy to kill a second-rank junior master in his dream." matter."

He is aware of his father's worries, but is such worry really necessary?

He didn't think that Wang Mingyin, the eleventh in the world, couldn't kill a second-rank junior master.

Zhao Heng looked at his disappointing son, and reprimanded him: "Hutu, what do you know? You must first plan for defeat when you plan something. It is true that Xu Xiao is a second-rank junior master, but don't forget that Beiliang's luck is in full swing. In case Xu Xiao wakes up, do you think Wang Mingyin's family record can still go to the Yin Academy alive?"

Zhao Xun replied honestly: "Of course not."


Qingliang Mountain!

Inside the Northern Liang Palace!

The Wang Chonglou who passed on Xu Fengnian's big yellow court looked at Xu Xiao, the king of Beiliang who kept shouting "killing", frowned and said: "This is a way to enter the dream, now it depends on the good fortune of the king of Beiliang, If this dream wakes up, the King of Beiliang will naturally wake up too, but if this dream does not wake up, then naturally he will never wake up again."

He was very clear about who this method came from, and with such an unfathomable method, naturally no one could use it except that one, but since it was Zhao Huangchao who made the move, then this matter can naturally be concluded.

Xu Fengnian looked at Xu Xiao who was on the bed, and said, "Is there no other way?"

Wang Chonglou shook his head and said: "It's been a long time since there's no way out, the only plan now is for the prince to come out by himself."

He really had no choice, even if he recovered his cultivation, he still couldn't solve such intractable diseases.

If you can't solve it, you can't solve Even if someone who can understand it, after seeing the method of entering a dream on the King of Beiliang, he dare not explain it.

Xu Fengnian looked at Xu Xiao who was shouting the sound of fighting, and said with a smile: "Go and bring up the fish dragon drum, I want to beat the drum to cheer for Xu Xiao."

"Sword Comes"

His father was assassinated by Zhao Huangchao's dog in Xiangfan, so his father must have dreamed of Xiangfan and wanted to attack Xiangfan again, so his son should naturally cheer with his strength.

Not long after, the Yulong drum, which was one person tall, was lifted up. Xu Fengnian picked up the heavy drumsticks and started beating the drum.

The drums sounded again and again, and Xu Fengnian suddenly gushed out an aura, and went straight to Xu Xiao.

Wang Chonglou saw it clearly, but he didn't dare to say anything more, Wudang Mountain is still Beiliang after all!



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