Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 244: Fighting with Wang Xianzhi in the East China Sea (1)

After a few days!

The vast river flows into the East China Sea, and where the river and the sea meet are clearly separated.

The slightly turbid river water and the blue sea water are separated by a faintly visible horizontal line.

This is the destination of Su Xuan's trip - Donghai!

In this world, the East China Sea has a different meaning for practitioners.

Because on the edge of the East China Sea, there is a city called Emperor Wu's city. In Emperor Wu's city, there is a Wang Xianzhi who is actually number one in the world, but is willing to become the second in the world.

The hundred-year-old city lord of Emperor Wu forced Wang Mingyin, who should have been ranked tenth in the martial arts review, to eleventh.

Not long after the boat entered the East Sea, he saw a majestic city built by the cliffs of the East Sea. Even if he hadn't landed on the shore, Su Xuan could still see clearly that there was a dozing guard at the city gate.

Although Wang Xianzhi is guarding this Emperor Wu City, it is wrong to fish like this!

Emperor Wu's City was originally an isolated city, if Wang Xianzhi hadn't been guarding it, the army of the Liyang imperial court would have arrived with a whip in a matter of hours.

However, today's Wudi City is very different from usual. Except for those lazily dozing guards, there is no one else at the gate, which is different from the rumored Wudi City.

At this time, Su Xuan, who was lying on the chair, stood up and looked at the Emperor Wu City. On the walls of the Emperor Wu City, there were scattered weapons left behind by the practitioners who came to challenge Wang Xianzhi after they were defeated.

Looking around, swords, guns, swords and halberds are like Lin Zhisheng!

Not long after, the boat docked, but Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan still didn't disembark, because they were on the head of Emperor Wu City.

I don't know when a figure appeared, a burly figure in white clothes and white hair, looking down at the huge boat with obscure aura.

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan on the building boat never disembarked even after seeing Wang Xianzhi on the top of Emperor Wu's city.

That Wang Xianzhi, who controlled a city by one person, never left the city after confirming the identities of the two people on the boat.

"Sun and Moon"

One is the Immortal Linfan who was conferred the title of Daoist Protector by the Liyang Court, and the other is Wang Xianzhi who is the second in martial arts evaluation and occupies the first place in the list.

At the foot of Emperor Wudi's city, Li Huainian, who was leading the donkey, looked at Deng Tai'a, who was riding the donkey upside down. He asked: "Master, why don't these two fight each other, instead they are acting like children, ignoring each other!"

A young man with a pure heart, he only thinks that these two world-renowned masters are just like ordinary children who are angry.

Sitting on the back of the donkey, Deng Tai'a said with a smile: "It's all for the sake of face, it seems that no matter how high your cultivation is, you can't avoid it."

Whoever speaks first, whoever strikes first, is saving face, so they are all waiting for the other party to speak first, but both Wang Xianzhi and that real person Su have excellent patience.

Therefore, Wenfeng came here, and the Jianghu warriors and practitioners of the three religions who wanted to witness this world-shattering battle with their own eyes probably had to wait a little longer.

Li Huainian turned around and looked at Emperor Wu's city wall, and said, "Master, when will we have to wait! Why don't we eat first! I still have money here."

While speaking, Li Huainian took out seven coins from his pocket, and waved it in front of Deng Tai'a.

Deng Tai'a looked at the stupid apprentice who had just taken in, and said, "Then go to the city for dinner."

After hearing this, Li Huainian led the donkey, and Deng Tai'a rode the donkey upside down. Under the watchful eyes of several people, they passed the guards who were still fishing and entered the city.

At this time, a child who seemed to be only about ten years old walked out of the gate of Wudi City, looked at Deng Tai'a who had entered the city, and said old-fashionedly: "Old man Wang will definitely fight if he fights with this immortal who doesn't know where he comes from." The gate of heaven is open, so if you go to eat at this time, you won't be afraid of delaying your chance to ascend."

He has been waiting for two years, and now that he finally has the opportunity to ascend, how could he miss it.

Once he misses this time, according to his current situation, he probably won't be able to wait for the next time.

Behind this child, there is a group of warriors, Wudi City is not small, it can accommodate more than 100,000 people, recently heard about this battle, tens of thousands of people have come.

For a while, Emperor Wu's City was overcrowded, but as the number of people leaving the city gradually increased, this huge Emperor Wu's City seemed a little empty for a while.

Even the waiter in the restaurant, the owner of the chef, walked out one after another, regardless of whether it would be affected or not, in short, he wanted to watch this battle with his own eyes.

On the head of Wudi City, Wang Xianzhi looked at the crowd gathered outside the city, looked at the young man on the big boat, and said in a loud voice: "Su Zhenren, you are invited by me to come to Wudi City, can you go to sea and fight!"

Following the words of the city lord of Emperor Wu, the warriors outside the city of Wudi immediately became excited. They flocked to the East China Sea and jumped on the big boats for business travel.

Or heavy rewards, or threats of swords, to say the least, there are dozens of large ships. From this moment, they raised their sails and went out to sea.

Su Xuan, who was standing on the deck of the building boat, borrowed the mountain from his house, and the box he handed over was taken up by the wind until it was three feet higher than Wang Xianzhi, before stopping.

At this time, the ancient moral sword left on the building came out of its sheath and hung three feet in front of Su Xuan. Su Xuan looked at Wang Xianzhi at the head of Emperor Wu's city, and said: "Guests do as they please, go out to sea and fight, there will be a battle." Why not!"

Wang Xianzhi asked for a fight, and he came to fight, he should find a wider place to fight. This was just a battle, and it broke the family's house, so it was a bit unreasonable.

At this moment, the majestic blue sky over the East China Sea hangs down by more than a thousand feet, and several thunderclaps sound from time to time.

Wang Xianzhi flew towards the sea with his hands behind his back.

Su Xuan looked at Wang Xianzhi who was leaving, a portal suddenly appeared three feet in front of him, just when Su Xuan was about to enter the portal.

A crimson gourd was thrown by Mo Shanshan to the side of Su Xuan under the blue sky. After taking the gourd and shaking it gently, Su Xuan looked at his family Shanshan and nodded slightly, then hung the gourd around his waist, and then It disappeared under the blue sky outside Emperor Wudi City.

The Jianghu martial artist who hadn't had time to board the boat, looked at the real Su who disappeared out of thin air, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Can such supernatural powers really be achieved by human beings?

In the next instant, Su Xuan, who had already appeared in the depths of the East Sea, unreservedly revealed his cultivation realm, with a tyrannical aura, faintly about to smash the entire Tianmen to pieces again.

He has Naturally, he has to wait, Wang Xianzhi is here to fight!

Outside the city of Emperor Wudi, Mo Shanshan drove the boat alone, heading for the depths of the East China Sea.

Some daring warriors who wanted to seize the ship were chopped into tens of thousands of pieces by countless sword lights before they got close to the ship's hull, and scattered into the East China Sea.

Such a scene really frightened many Jianghu warriors. After all, those who live in Wudi City believe that it is better to live than to die.

How could he die so easily if he could live?

If you dare to die easily, why come to Emperor Wu City?

So these vicious Jianghu warriors had no choice but to focus on those big businessmen with profound backgrounds.



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