Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 320: The Nantian Gate has collapsed!

Stargazing roof.

Su Xuan and the others ate hot pot and sang songs, looking at the chaotic image outside the Nantian Gate on the cloud mirror.

Following the bull-headed horse-faced call to the door, this demonstration has quietly changed its flavor. I don't know how many immortals, either openly or secretly, are silently watching the direction of the Nantian Gate of the Heaven Realm.

Just wait for Empress Houtu and Patriarch Minghe to destroy the Heavenly Court, and then the catastrophe of conferring gods will naturally disappear invisible.

Outside the Nantian Gate!

With the horse's face on her hips, she exposed the shortcoming of the Emperor of Heaven like a shrew scolding the street, "Old Emperor of Heaven, your sister ran away with an ordinary person with no cultivation and gave birth to three children."

"Old Emperor of Heaven, your sister ran away with an ordinary person with no cultivation and gave birth to three children. Why didn't you drink the child's full moon wine as an uncle?"

The younger sister of the Emperor of Heaven, Fairy Yunhua.

Back then in the heavens and worlds, there were quite a lot of admirers, but who would have thought that Fairy Yunhua would marry an ordinary person.

But Fairy Yunhua couldn't help marrying an ordinary person, and gave birth to three children to that ordinary person. Naturally, the Heavenly Emperor tried his best to conceal this matter.

Therefore, there are not many immortal families who know the inside story, at most it is the number of hands.

But now?

Under the watchful eyes of all the immortals, Ma Mian directly put the family affairs of the Emperor of Heaven on the table, undoubtedly rubbing the face of the Emperor of Heaven on the ground repeatedly.

Standing on the back soil of the bow in the distance, listening to the bull-headed and horse-faced yelling and cursing, the anger in my heart has just vented a little bit.

Back then, she also heard the Taoism in Zixiao Palace, and had a few encounters with the Emperor of Heaven who served beside her teacher, but who would have thought that she would build the final habitat for the Wu Clan at such a huge price, and His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven would not let go.

It is said that hitting people does not slap people in the face, and today she wants to slap the Emperor of Heaven in the face, so that the Emperor of Heaven, who has run away with the mortals, will know that if he does not take care of the family affairs, he should not come out to make trouble. rain.

Outside the Nantian Gate, the scolding still continued.

Although those few words were repeated over and over again, it was a great humiliation to the Heavenly Emperor, who had led three or two immortal officials, big cats and kittens, to the vicinity of the Nantian Gate.

The Emperor of Heaven glanced at the scattered immortal officials and generals behind him, and said, "Bai Zhang, the **** of justice, I order you to open the Nantian Gate, take down the bull's head and horse's face and take him to the prison, and send him to the stage of killing witches."

Zhanwutai and Zhanxiantai stand side by side, both of which were execution places built by the Yaozu Heavenly Court who spent a lot of geniuses and treasures.

This witch-slaying platform, as the name suggests, is the spirit treasure for beheading the great witches of the witch clan.

Baizhang, the current judicial deity in the Heavenly Court, came out of the loose train reluctantly. The judicial deity, wearing a golden armor and holding a spirit sword, asked bitterly: "Your Majesty, It's not difficult to take down the bull's head and horse face? But if the Empress Dowager Empress and Styx Master Styx make a move, I'm afraid the little **** will die without a place to die."

My family knows my own family affairs, the bull head and horse face are among the witches, and the cultivation level is at most a golden immortal. He is a Taiyi golden immortal, and it is an easy task to win two witches who are equal to the Golden Immortal Dao.

But this time, not only bull-headed and horse-faced people came to the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm to demonstrate, but also eight thousand practitioners from the Ashura clan, as well as the prominent witch clan from the nether world.

Their majesty, afraid of losing face, insisted on letting him go out to die.

The Emperor of Heaven looked down at Baizhang, and said majesticly: "Thirty-three heavenly realms, commanding more than 3,600 realms among the heavens and ten thousand realms, this emperor is the Emperor of Heaven personally selected by Patriarch Hongjun. How could Master He and Empress Houtu really make Heaven feel ashamed.

Baizhang took down the bull's head and horse noodles, and the matter of your collusion with the two immortals in the west will be canceled from now on. If you dare to disobey, then the emperor will have to send you to the immortal platform. "

"The little **** takes orders!"

Bai Zhang looked helplessly at those who usually called him brothers and sisters, but now he dared not say a word about the Xian family.

Straight through the Nantianmen's defensive formation, came outside the Nantianmen.

Immortal officials are afraid of the majesty of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, and His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor is also afraid of the coalition forces of the Underworld, which is really ironic!

Seeing a divine general coming out from Nantianmen, Niutou immediately shouted: "Who is coming, my subordinates will not kill the unknown."

Ma Mian also responded, "Brother Niutou is right, and so am I!"

Bai Zhang glanced at the Nantianmen, which was getting farther and farther behind him, and directly showed his cultivation. He said, "I, Bai Zhang, the **** of justice in heaven, is here to capture you two madmen today."

"Ha ha!"

"To capture the two of us, it depends on whether you have the guts."

Putting on a horse face in a life-and-death situation, he suddenly pulled the bull's head and ran towards the back.

Apart from His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, what about three or two big cats and kittens? Why even Taiyi Jinxian jumped out.

"Your Majesty, help me!"

"The Emperor of Heaven doesn't talk about martial arts!"


The bull head and the horse face run ahead.

Bai Zhang chased after him, and the immortals who watched the show with magical powers laughed out loud in their respective homes.

Standing on the back of the bow, there was also a black line on her forehead. If she had known this, she would not have brought these two guys here, but now that things have happened, it is useless to regret it.

The indomitable people of the Wu clan ran away in the face of a Taiyi golden fairy. Now there is another interesting story in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Hou Tu looked at the Sect Master Styx who was standing not far away, and said, "Senior Styx, it's up to you!"

Middle-aged, dressed in a Confucian robe, the very elegant Master Styx looked at Empress Houtu, smiled slightly and said, "Let our stupid junior know whether the teacher will take care of him."

Then the leader of Styx casually threw out a murderous spirit sword, and the body of the spirit sword was engraved with the word Yuantu in Dao script.

The sword arrives!

Bai Zhang looked at the spirit sword whose trajectory could not be clearly seen, and retreated suddenly, running towards the Nantian Gate crazily. chapter.

Seeing this situation, Bai Zhang immediately understood what His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor wanted to do, but the river hadn't crossed yet? Instead, the bridge was demolished first.

Facing the random blow from the leader of Styx, Bai Zhang, who had already stood in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, did not make any resistance, but went to die calmly.

Even if he dies, he will give it today, that Heavenly Emperor will be cruel.

After Yuan Tu killed Bai Zhang, he ran into the Nantian Gate unabated. As early as in the Lich War, the Nantian Gate, which had collapsed once, collapsed again!

Seeing the collapse of the Nantianmen, Houtu, who was still calm and relaxed, couldn't sit still anymore, and she asked: "Senior Brother Minghe, did you not control your strength well!

Why is the Nantian Gate collapsed! "

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the leader of Styx. His teacher Hongjun Patriarch, the Nantianmen, which he personally repaired, was smashed by his sword?

"Junior Sister Houtu, you know me, my sword is not even a ten thousandth of the strength, it must be this Baizhang who detonated the Nantianmen by himself!"



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