Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 341: Appreciate a teacher, whom to worship as a teacher!

So in Youjian Taoist Temple, Fengqi Layman began to talk about some truths that all immortals could understand.

But Su Xuan, who was only in the realm of the Golden Immortal, was defeated without any suspense by the layman Fengqi, also known as Empress Nuwa.

Su Xuan, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, grinned in pain. Seeing this, Mo Shanshan also looked at Empress Nuwa resentfully, as if to say, at least her family Su Xuan is also a descendant of a human religion.

Sensing the meaning in Mo Shanshan's eyes, Empress Nuwa turned around and stopped looking at Mo Shanshan's eyes full of resentment.

"Hey young, hiss!"

"It hurts, it hurts."

After a long time, after asking the teacher for instructions in the Hall of Sanqing, the sullen-faced Su Xuan came out with a volume of fairy books and jade books.

When she saw the jade book, Empress Nuwa's face suddenly changed. She pushed Long Ji, a hot potato, to Su Xuan earlier, just to make Su Xuan accept Long Ji, so that she could become the emperor of heaven. My junior brother, take a good look, in this world, who is the most unoffensive fairy family.

Unexpectedly, her big senior brother actually gave away the fairy book and jade book. Once the fairy book and jade book was delivered, it showed that Princess Longji had entered the Human Sect and became a direct disciple of the Human Sect's direct disciple. .

The direct disciple and grandson of the Taiqing sage, with such an identity, not to mention being a clone of her second senior brother, even her second senior brother, wouldn't she have to follow her senior brother's lead?

Su Xuan looked in the cloud mirror, and Long Ji, who had broken through the mind training formation, unfolded the fairy book and jade book in his hand, and said: "Uncle Master, it seems that you are not joking, this is good teacher I brought all the fairy books and jade books, can I not accept them?"

Nuwa snatched the fairy book and jade book from Su Xuan's hand lightly with a single finger, and said: "That's it, my junior who became the emperor of heaven really lost his daughter and broke the flat peach. As for what might happen The Hong Jin would probably be beaten to death by the disciples of Youjian Daoist Temple."

No matter how powerful the Taoist disciples are in the future, they will have to call Long Ji a senior sister. When the senior sister is entangled, the hot-blooded junior will naturally rush forward.

She really wants to see the scene where Immortal Fu Yuan fights with the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao one day.

The next offense is really a filial teacher and apprentice!

At this time, Long Ji, who was wearing the spirit armor of the heavenly court, also came outside the Youjian Taoist Temple. Long Ji's eyes passed the closed gate of the Taoist Temple and landed on the four chairs inside the Taoist Temple.

After saluting respectfully, Long Ji said: "Princess Long Ji of the Heavenly Court, by order of my father, I am here to pay homage to Lay Feng Qi, the deputy leader of the Renjiao, as my teacher."

With a plop, Princess Longji fell to her knees outside Youjian Taoist Temple.

Some people in the world visit immortals to ask for their teachers, and kneel down with a plop, in order to ask for a longevity law.

And this Princess Longji fell to her knees outside Youjian Taoist Temple with a plop, in order to seek freedom.

Empress Nuwa, who was lying on the chair, said lazily, "Your Highness, come in and talk!"


Longji, the eldest princess of the heavens who knelt on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief, after all, she was going to enter Youjian Taoist Temple.

Not long after, Long Ji stepped into Youjian Taoist Temple. At this time, the few people who were lying on the chairs had already started a fight on the chessboard.

Looking at the murderous intent on the chessboard, Long Ji couldn't help but take a few steps back. She took out the letter written by her father and said, "Vice Hierarch Fengqi, this is a letter written by my father. My father said I want you to see it for yourself."

A letter slowly floated into the hands of Empress Nuwa. After opening the letter and reading it for a while, she threw the letter to Su Xuan who was chatting with Mo Shanshan. She said, "Nephew Su, your apprentice is here. Don't even read the letter written by your apprentice's father."

Hearing that Long Ji was stunned on the spot, didn't he ask the deputy leader of Renjiao as his teacher? Why did she come to Feilai Mountain Youjian Taoist Temple, and why was her master changed.

A feeling of frustration suddenly appeared on his face.

After Su Xuan took the letter, after a few glances, he directly burned the letter to ashes with the real fire of Samadhi, and Su Xuan said very seriously: "Miss Longji, please allow me to call you like this , in Youjian Taoist Temple, you are no longer the eldest princess of the heavens, but just a disciple of Youjian Taoist Temple, I wonder if Miss Longji would like it."

Even if he really wanted to take the eldest princess of the heavens as his apprentice, he still wanted to see if the eldest princess of the heavens really wanted to take a little golden fairy as his teacher.

after a long time.

With firm eyes, Long Ji said firmly, "Long Ji is willing to worship Master Su as his teacher."

Then Longji took Shuxiu out. Longji looked at more than ten flat peach trees and forty-nine nine-thousand-year-old flat peaches, and said: "This is Shuxiu, which my father gave to the teacher. Take it."

Su Xuan said calmly: "Since it's my uncle's wish, then I will be disrespectful. Long Ji, since you have entered my sect, you should be listed on the jade book."

After finishing speaking, the jade volume fell into the hands of old Longji. When Longji saw the Taoist text on the jade volume in his hand, he bowed to Su Xuan again and again.

It turned out that this Su Zhenren was Su Xuan, a direct disciple of the Renjiao who was known as the little mage of morality. To worship such a direct disciple of the Renjiao as a teacher, that Fu Yuanxian should be taboo three points.

Su Xuan turned towards the direction of the Hall of Sanqing, saluted respectfully and said: "From today onwards, Long Ji, the Eldest Princess of the Celestial Realm, will worship at Youjian Taoist Temple, and teach her to pass on the Tao of Taiqing's inaction."

He had many disciples in name, but Longji was the only one who could be included in the Jade Book of Human Education Inheritance.

Long Ji said gratefully: "My disciple thank you, Teacher."

Su Xuan kept a straight face, but no matter how hard he kept his face, he couldn't pretend to be majestic. Mo Shanshan pulled Long Ji up and said, "It's just a teacher, and he doesn't need it on weekdays. He cares too much. He doesn't care about it at all." The talent to teach apprentices. Uncle Fengqi is the real teacher who will teach you how to practice."

Hearing that his family was demolished by Shanshan, Su Xuan said helplessly: "Shanshan, I am also Longji's teacher after all, is it appropriate for you to say that? Although it is true that Master Fengqi is the teacher who teaches cultivation, but if you say it like this, Su is still very sad!"


Inside the Bajing Palace.

I looked at Su Xuan's words in the cloud, then took out the jade book of the disciples of the Human Education, and wrote Long Ji's name on it, and the Human Education passed on to Long Ji, the eldest princess of the heaven.

Then I opened the gossip stove and poured countless divine materials into the gossip stove. I said helplessly: "None of them are worry-free. They are all teachers. They don't even prepare gifts for apprentices. I have to give them a gift." This master is worried."

Although there is a lot of resentment towards his own disciple, the six divine fires burning in the gossip furnace are enough to prove that Lao Tzu is quite satisfied with Long Ji, his disciple.

No matter how bad it is, can it be worse than that canopy in Xuandu's house?

The one hundred thousand Tianhe water army was under his command, but unfortunately he was still too lustful and unsteady at all. It was time for that boy to descend from the sky and go to Youjian Daoist Temple to practice himself.

It's just that the fat man should be beaten badly.



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