Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 381: Looking at the homeland in front of the platform

Nether world, in front of Wangxiangtai.

The officers and soldiers of the Wu clan guarding the Wangxiang Terrace also retreated on their own after seeing Empress Pingxin leading the two immortal families over.

Wangxiang Terrace is said to be called Wangxiang Terrace, but in fact this Wangxiang Terrace is tens of thousands of miles away. If it weren't for this, ordinary people who die in the heavens and worlds every day, and practitioners who don't have a backstage and directly jump in the queue Homes, after flooding into the Wangxiang Terrace like a tide, wouldn't they want to block the Wangxiang Terrace completely?

Moreover, this vast Wangxiang Terrace, which is tens of thousands of miles long, is just one of the more than 36,000 Wangxiang Terraces in the Underworld.

As far as the heavens and the worlds are concerned, as the netherworld where the reincarnation of the heavens and the worlds is located, its huge Wangxiangtai system bears the ties between the practitioners of the heavens and the worlds and ordinary people to their homeland.

Before these primordial spirits entered Wangxiangtai with three souls and seven souls, they had already been diverted from Huangquan Road, otherwise even if there were as many as 36,000 Wangxiangtai, it would inevitably be overloaded.

The heavens and myriad realms are actually just imaginary numbers. In fact, there is no such fairy family as to how many worlds there are in the heavens and myriad worlds. He will make statistics when he has nothing to do.

After all, in the heavens and worlds, there will always be some Da Luo Xianjia who are idle and have nothing to do. They will continue to open up the world and deduce their own principles.

At the same time, from time to time, in all the heavens and myriad worlds, in some worlds, practitioners who have lost the Golden Immortal realm are gradually dying.

You must know that the world is not immortal, but for the short lifespan of ordinary people, there is no spectacle of world destruction at all.

Every time the world is shattered, the law of the Dao will be revealed, and at that time, the Da Luo Xianjia will take action to reshape the world.

Looking thoughtfully at the Wangxiang Terrace in front of her, she said: "Nephew Su is one of the more than 30,000 Wangxiang Terraces. This is the hub of the formation of Wangxiang Terrace. If Master Su wants to come and see , you can come to Netherworld at any time, this palace is very welcome!"

After one sentence was finished, the small hub of the formation had already fallen into Su Xuan's hands, and the figure of Empress Pingxin gradually disappeared in the Lookout Terrace.

Su Xuan looked at the exquisite formation hub in his hand, and heaved a long sigh of relief. He looked at the group of cloud mirrors hanging high, and said: "Obviously this Wangxiang Terrace has been cleared, and there is no trace of the soul of the practitioner. There is no residual breath of ordinary people, and our Uncle Pingxin has a heart."

In a sense, this can be regarded as opening the back door, otherwise, how can ordinary golden immortals be treated like this?

Mo Shanshan looked at Su Xuan, his family, and said angrily: "Just now you talked to Uncle Pingxin, it was a bit too straightforward, even if you refuse, you should refuse politely, after all, Madam Pingxin is our teacher. Uncle, he was also the descendant of ancestors and witches in the past, and we can see our homeland through the Wangxiang Terrace, thanks to Uncle Pingxin."

She always felt that Su Suxuan from his family had a conversation with their Uncle Pingxin just now. It is too straightforward, that is, Empress Pingxin wants her family Su Xuan to stand on the side of the witch clan, otherwise her family Su Xuan would have been thrown out by Empress Pingxin long ago.

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Su Xuan smiled dumbly, and said: "Don't worry, Shanshan.

Didn't you see that our Uncle Pingxin has long since changed the Hou Geogong Palace into the Pingxin Palace? As Empress Pingxin, talk about Empress Houtu, our uncle! It is true that he is good at people's hearts, but there are too many opponents of what Master Pingxin wants to do. "

Then Su Xuan's body surged with mana, and Su Xuan controlled the formation center of Wangxiang Terrace. The scenes in his second hometown, his hometown of Shanshan, are unreservedly displayed one by one on the cloud mirror group on the Wangxiang Terrace.

One cloud mirror, one cloud mirror group built, the scene in that world, just a moment of effort, covered the entire tens of thousands of miles away.

This is also the advantage of manipulating the array to check the homeland by using the formation hub of the Wangxiangtai. After the death of ordinary immortals, there is no such treatment.

Although hundreds of years have passed in that world, those mountains and rivers that have not changed, as well as the mountain with peach blossoms in full bloom, can still let them know clearly that this is the world when they came.

Looking at the flag of the Tang Dynasty waving in the wind on the old city of the Dahe Kingdom, Mo Shanshan couldn't help but said with some regret: "I never thought that the Dahe Kingdom would still belong to the Tang Kingdom after all. Perhaps for the people of the Dahe Kingdom, this is probably the most important thing. Good ending."

However, in just a few hundred years, Dahe Kingdom disappeared under the scouring of that time, which was somewhat the same as what she thought in her heart, but when she really knew the disappearance of her homeland, Mo Shanshan's face remained the same. There was a bit of disappointment.

Su Xuan looked at the disappointed expression on her Shanshan's face, and after a sigh, called out the picture of Moganshan.

Almost at the same time, all the cloud mirrors in the Wangxiang Terrace were replaced with scenes of Mogan Mountain.

Mo Shanshan saw many familiar people in A smile appeared on her face as she looked at the Mochi Courtyard still standing on Mogan Mountain.

At this time, Su Xuan also comforted: "Shanshan, in this world, the long-term division must be united, and the long-term union must be divided. With a large amount of heaven and earth vitality, even if many practitioners try their best to find resources, it will not help, and they can only rely on some heavenly blessings to maintain their cultivation realm."

If those cultivators who are still staying at Senior Sister Fang are still unwilling to leave their homeland, then after thousands of years, that world will inevitably fall into the end of the Dharma.

Practitioners have already retreated to the outside world, or to other stars under the starry sky. Very few are lucky, and may go to other worlds.

Practitioners are no longer the decisive factors that can be played by that side of the world. Judging from the current situation, in that side of the world, only the iron cavalry of Tang country can play a decisive role.

Mo Shanshan looked at the constantly changing images of the cloud mirror and said, "We should really go back and have a look when the Conferred Gods are over. Sister Zhuo and the others haven't left yet, so they are waiting for us to go back. We can't let them wait any longer. down."

After traveling to the heavens and worlds for hundreds of years, it is indeed time to go back and see old friends.

Su Xuan nodded, and said: "The catastrophe of conferring gods will end in three hundred years at most, and there is a master in that world, so it can still last for thousands of years."

Since he slashed the sky with his sword back then, many blessed lands have been formed all over the world. Living in the blessed lands and cultivating, he can quickly reach certain mysterious realms.

For example, the realm of prolonging life for tens of thousands of years.



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