Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 387: The map of mountains, rivers, and land swept across, and Yun Zhongzi was capture

on the flying boat.

Su Xuan looked at Yun Zhongzi who had removed the cloud mirror, and said, "Brother Yun Zhongzi, you should go."

An idealist's plan has not been realized, so he naturally wants to leave, but he, senior brother Yun Zhongzi, probably cannot leave safely.

Because Su Xuan has already sensed the changes in the surrounding time and space. Under the suppression of the ancestor Hongjun, the time and space that was as stable as Mount Tai suddenly experienced an indescribable change.

The map of Shanhe Sheji of his nuwa master appeared, even among the many innate treasures, the map of Shanhe Sheji can be ranked at the forefront.

Yun Zhongzi's secret path was not good, he was about to dodge, and Hua Hong left, but the time and space around Yun Zhongzi had already changed.

Under the rules of the Shanhe Sheji Map, the rules of the Yunzhongzi Daluo Jinxian Realm seem to have become a piece of paper.

Then even Yun Zhongzi seemed to have become a figure in the painting at this moment, and was then put into the map of mountains, rivers and society.

A big Luo Jinxian was captured so easily, which also made Su Xuan see again how difficult it is to mess with a female fairy in the Hunyuan realm.

From the beginning to the end, his brother Yun Zhongzi didn't even say a single cruel word!

Su Xuan said: "It's time for us to go back.

It's better not to see the little white fox, after all, the little white fox is no longer the little white fox that could scold that stupid cow for days. "

Times have changed, and although he and his family haven't changed much, the little white fox has indeed changed a lot.

In a sense, he and his family came to Chaoge City to block people, his senior brother Yun Zhongzi.

Yun Zhongzi needs to block him, so he naturally needs to block Yun Zhongzi. If he hadn't been talking with Yun Zhongzi for so long, I'm afraid that the giant sword would have sent that silly white fox to Uncle Pingxin There went.

This also made him understand that that silly white fox seemed to have an inextricable bond with Emperor Xin, and this catastrophe of conferring gods that had already involved the heavens and myriad worlds.

Holding the railing of the flying boat, Mo Shanshan looked at the prosperous Chaoge City under the blue sky, filled with the atmosphere of thousands of human fireworks, and said: "When I first came to this world, I lived in Chaoge City for many years. , After leaving today, I don’t know when I can come back and have a look.”

At that time, she and her family, Su Xuan, hadn't reached the golden fairy realm, but they were only in the heavenly fairy realm, and they did receive a lot of protection from Chaoge City. At least her family's Suxuan Guanxing Building gave them the job of offering wine Great convenience.

Su Xuan approached Shan Shan, his family, and said: "Chaoge City is here, Shan Shan, whenever you want to come back and take a look, let's come back and take a look."

"Invincibility begins with offering sacrifices to the ancestors"

Then Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan walked into the cabin carrying a small thousand world capital together.

The flying boat turns into a rainbow and goes away.

This moment.

The scroll map of mountains, rivers and communities also came to the West Kunlun Mountains. The mountain **** Lu Wu of West Kunlun Mountains looked at the innate spirit treasure, and silently put a few pillars of fragrance on the courageous Fude Zhenxian Yun Zhongzi in his heart.

Who is wrong to offend?

He had to offend that Empress Nuwa, and even thought about exchanging a one-time innate spirit treasure for Queen Mother Xi, the lord of West Kunlun Mountain.

What a pity!

Empress Nuwa and Queen Mother Xi, the lord of the West Kunlun Mountains, are handkerchiefs!

On the top of West Kunlun Mountain, Nuwa and the Queen Mother of the West are sitting opposite each other. On the chessboard in front of the two immortals, a game of chess with clear black and white, and an inseparable game has been presented between heaven and earth.

"It turns out that the map of Shanhe Sheji has returned."

Nuwa, who was holding a chess piece, randomly dropped a word on the chessboard, and beckoned to take back the map of Shanhe Sheji.

Nuwa looked at the map of mountains, rivers and communities in her hand, and turned to the smiling Queen Mother of the West, and said, "My good junior sister, Yun Zhongzi should have emptied his family property just to please you. My good junior sister, don't you want to share with Bengong Sanqi?"

Hearing this, the chess piece held by the Queen Mother of the West, Qianqianyu, instantly shattered into powder. She smiled and asked, "I don't know, Senior Sister, who do you think should be three and seven?"

As the Lord of the West Kunlun Mountains, she was the head of the female immortals in the prehistoric years, and she also had the right to manage the female immortals in the world before the appearance of the Hunyuan Immortal Family.

Naturally, it should be 70% for her, and 30% for her good senior sister.

Besides, is she the one-time innate spiritual treasure and innate treasure of that kid Tanyun Zhongzi?

It was clear that she hadn't seen her for thousands of years, and she just wanted to get in touch with her good senior sister on a whim.

Nuwa said calmly: "Naturally, it's seventy percent for me, junior sister, you get three percent. I'm the only female fairy in the Hunyuan realm in all the heavens and myriad worlds."

The one-time innate spirit treasure refined by Yun Neutron is nothing to a fairy family like them.

But what she was doing was the ray of Dao in Yun Zhongzi's one-time innate spirit treasures. For tens of thousands of years, Yun Zhongzi had borrowed countless innate spirit treasures from Da Luo's family for refining treasures.

So as long as she mastered the one-time innate spirit treasures of Yun Zhongzi, and then flowed against the long river of time and space, after reaching a certain node, cultivate these one-time innate spirit treasures into real innate spirit treasures, this is what she wants to do The Queen Mother of the West was cruel when she heard Nuwa's words, and said bluntly: "My good senior sister, don't think that I don't know what you are up to, but the ugly words come first, I want to What I want is not Yun Zhongzi's one-time innate spirit treasure, but what I want is 30% of the innate spirit treasure you cultivated."

In her hands, 30% of Yun Zhongzi's one-time innate spirit treasure, besides defending the younger generation, what else can it be used for?

But in the hands of her good senior sister, it is quite different.

Nuwa raised her forehead and said, "My dear junior sister, you are going too far! But this neutron Yun has to be imprisoned in your West Kunlun, so that neutron Yun can refine more one-time innate spirit treasures."

It's a steady stream!

The next moment Yun Zhongzi was released, and Yun Zhongzi, who had left the Shanhe Sheji map, had just set foot on the West Kunlun Mountains.

Then he saw the scene of regret for life, and he shouted to the east: "Teacher, save me!"

This time, not only will the inventory be lost, but he will even have to work for tens of thousands of years for his uncle Nuwa.

It can be said that one mistake will cause eternal hatred!

Nuwa looked at Yun Zhongzi with a frosty face, and said, "Yun Zhongzi, are you to blame?"

Yun Zhongzi replied in fear and trepidation: "What is my crime for making the business prosperous?"

The realm of cultivation is the most important reason. He can resist for a while, but Kang: Can't bear it for a long time. Now I hope that his dear master can take advantage of him because he is so obedient.

The Queen Mother of the West smiled and said: "Nephew Yun Zhongzi, I forgot to tell you. In the past, Senior Sister Nuwa was the handkerchief of the palace, so you should recruit Nephew Yun Zhongzi! Otherwise, Senior Brother Yuanshi will not look good. .”





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