Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 395: Invincible as the power of the Virgin

A crystal clear bead easily passed through the changed rules in the Golden Light Formation that feared Liusun, and hit feared Liusun who had already melted into a rainbow.

Fearing Sun who was hit suddenly, looked drowsily at the woman who came over, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The woman had seen her grandson, not only her grandson, but also the twelve golden immortals under the Yuxu Palace.

Jiejiao Biyou Palace passed on the Holy Mother of Wu, and the disciples of the three religions in the past also held a grand discussion on the East Kunlun Mountains.

In that discussion, most of the twelve brothers and sisters were defeated by the hands of the Holy Mother of Wudang.

Fearing that the seven grandsons would not accept it, the eight looked at the Wudang Virgin Mary angrily, and said, "Senior sister Wudang, what kind of skill is it to hurt people with back arrows? If we have the ability, let's fight alone. .”

There was a burst of hearty and extremely hearty laughter in the golden light formation.

Qin Wan said with a smile: "Brother Dao, who is afraid of leaving grandson behind, is he out of his mind? Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian use the innate spiritual treasures, and they can't even take a billionth of the time for birth and death."

The implication is that a cultivator in the realm of the Daluo Jinxian can't even take out the innate spiritual treasure that can easily destroy the world when facing the enemy. It was too far.

In a sense, perhaps it's not that their Wudang Senior Sister has an unreasonably high cultivation level, but that Daoist Brother Fearful of Staying Sun is really too weak.

The Holy Mother of Golden Light nodded and said: "Brother Daoist Qin is right. Sister Wudang just borrowed a sea-fixing pearl from Daoist Zhao to take down Fear Liusun. But this is a confrontation between the two armies, so what is it like a sneak attack? It was clearly a surprise."

"What my junior sister said is true, I will worship you."

King Dong Quan turned to Zhang Shao and other heavenly monarchs, and they also strongly agree with the theory of Jin Guangmu. If there is no senior sister who takes action, it can be counted as a sneak attack, so he is afraid of leaving his grandson to crush Jin Guang, who is only in the realm of Jinxian, with Daoguo. What should it be?

At this moment, Fear Liusun, who is in the golden light formation, has already been temporarily sealed. He has the cultivation level of a Daluo Jinxian, but he is no different from ordinary people.

To put it in a more general way, the Dao fruit of fear of leaving grandchildren has no power to parry before the Dao fruit of being a virgin.

The Holy Mother of Wudang directly used her own Dao to temporarily forcibly change the Dao fruit of fearing her grandchildren.

The gap between Da Luo Jinxian and Da Luo Jinxian is not at all compared to the gap between a practitioner in the realm of Yuanshen and a Da Luo Jinxian, and even far exceeds it.

"The Holy Mother of Wu, the poor will not accept, the poor will not accept!"

Fearful grandson, who was temporarily sealed with Daoguo, clamored in the golden light formation.

The Holy Mother of Wudang looked indifferently at the fearful grandson who was dragged away by the practitioners in the big merchant army, and said: "So what if you don't accept it, this is not as simple as it is written in the scriptures, it is hard to make a lot of drama, it will be true." Do you think that's how it should end?"

The storybook also said that her junior sisters would die? But practitioners in the Golden Immortal Realm can't die at all, they can only obliterate their own self, commonly known as washing away the original traces.


Outside the golden light array.

When several cultivators in the Yuanshen realm in the Great Merchant Army carefully dragged Fear Liusun out and hung them on the flagpole, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is a big Luo Jinxian! The ancestor of our sect is no more than a golden fairy. I didn't expect that we would meet two big Luos in one day."

At this time, an ordinary-looking practitioner in the great merchant army suddenly said: "Even the immortals in the Daluo Jinxian realm have been killed. Do you think we can go back alive?"

Then he took a few steps back silently, and gave up this opportunity to show off to other Paoze.

Several practitioners in the Yuanshen realm guarded under the flagpole with Lingbao in their hands.

On the flagpole, Tu Xingsun, who had been fluttering all the time, looked at his teacher, and said resentfully: "Teacher, why did you get hung up? I still count on you, teacher, to save me from suffering?"

He was beaten more than sixty times by that old man Wen Zhong!

"Hey young!"

That is a pain!

At this time, the fearful grandson who recovered a little bit of clarity, looked at Tu Xingsun who was also dead hanging on the flagpole, and said filial piety: "Stupid, villainous, rebellious, you expect the teacher to save you, and the teacher also counts on your master ancestor Is Laojiu going out as a teacher?"

"Brother Wen Zhongdao, why didn't you be beaten to death?"

It's fine if this Tu Xingsun doesn't talk about it, but when he talks about it, he gets angry, just because this rebel acts too shamelessly, I'm afraid he is afraid that he will become the laughing stock of the heavens and the world if he keeps his grandson in the future.

"Teacher! When the grand master comes, you have to say something nice to me! Let me grow up to be as tall as Senior Brother Yang Jian."

Tu Xingsun chattered endlessly.

The fearful grandson who was hung beside Tu Xingsun within a few feet was furious.

Fortunately, it was the Holy Mother of Wu, who temporarily suppressed the Dao fruit of fear of leaving grandchildren, otherwise it would be another big scene of filial piety between master and apprentice.

Far above the head of Xiqi City, after seeing two people hanged outside the gate of the big business camp, the morale of the Xiqi soldiers and practitioners guarding the head of Xiqi City was even more low.

If it weren't for the strict military law, I am afraid that the soldiers at the head of Xiqi City, as well as the disciples of the sects who teach and teach, would have run away long ago.

Jiang Ziya was even more worried about the city of Xiqi, because people in the city were already in panic because of repeated defeats in the war.

Besides, red flowers, lotus roots and green lotus leaves, the three religions belong to the same family.

These days, quite a few sect disciples of Chanjiao's subordinates have already begun to communicate with the sect disciples of Jiejiao's subordinates hidden in Xiqi City.

A little carelessness can be a disaster.

No one would be willing to follow, Xiqi, who was about to sink to the bottom, walked all the way to the dark.

Ji Fa said: "I'm afraid that Immortal Sun will be captured, what should Prime Minister Jiang do?"

Back then, Chanjiao and Tianting agreed to help Xiqi replace Emperor Xin, but now?

The immortal family who explained the teachings was defeated again and again, and His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor who lived above the thirty-three heavens might not come to help, so what should we do?

The wind and sand were still there, and Jiang Ziya, who ate the sand in his mouth, spit out the sand in his mouth, and said: "My lord, don't After my senior brother Guang Chengzi arrives, he will definitely be able to win the battle." Universe."

One must know that his elder brother, Guang Chengzi, is the Renhuang's teacher who assists the Zuo Renhuang Xuanyuan, and he has the seal of turning the sky with one hand. Once used, who can stop it?

"Oh, I hope so, but don't be captured by the immortal family who stopped teaching again."

Ji found that she didn't quite believe it now, that her own prime minister was gone.

Counting his hard-fated younger brother, there are already three fairy families in Chanjiao, and those who have been cut off from teaching have been captured.

Jiang Ziya showed embarrassment, this is also a helpless thing!


A long sigh resounded from the top of Xiqi City, and it did not dissipate for a long time.

Then there were countless sighs.



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