Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 452: I am a practitioner in the realm of the primordial spirit

Just as the two soldiers of the Great Qin Army were about to break in, the door of the wine shop opened.

Su Xuan walked out from the door, looked up at the blue sky, and said, "This day is very dirty, why doesn't it rain heavily? How about cleaning up the ailments in this world?"

After asking twice in a row, Xiaowei Li couldn't understand what kind of cultivation level this Taoist in front of him had.

Li Xiaowei looked at the Taoist and asked, "Did I ask if my friend has a Daqin household registration?"

If you have a Daqin household registration, you only need to do one or two, and naturally you don't have to go to suffer. But he heard that many practitioners died because of the casting of the Great Wall.

Su Xuan waved his hand and said: "Scattered people in the mountains, how can they come to Daqin household registration?"

When he came to this realm of conferred gods, there was no Daqin yet.

At that time, it was still the era of the last emperor, Xin. In the era of Emperor Xin, he also served as the grand sacrificial wine of the star observatory.

So he has the household registration of a big merchant.

Li Xiaowei looked cold, and asked: "What kind of state are you, friend? If you are a mountain loose person in the realm of Yuanshen, please wait with me. Your wife also needs to go to the county guard. Stay in the mansion prison for a period of time, and then you can leave in a natural year after clearing up the pile of fate."

Now he can be sure that the person in front of him is a practitioner, but he doesn't know what level of practitioner it is.

Su Xuan snorted coldly: "Naturally, he is a practitioner in the Yuanshen realm. I don't know what advice this general has?"


There was a sudden thunder under the blue sky, and then heavy rain fell from the blue sky, like a big river hitting most of the Song Dynasty.

Thirty-three layers of heaven.

A few temporary workers from the Ministry of Thunder were frantically setting off sky mines according to the order of their superiors, for fear that they would not release enough sky mines and delay the fairy family's refining of treasures.

But these temporary workers didn't know where the sky thunders that fell from the thirty-three heavenly realm thunder pools went.

Seeing that the heavy rain had such a destructive power, Xiaowei Li finally became serious, and he also knew that the cultivation level of the Taoist in front of him was probably much higher than that of Yuanshen.

Captain Li asked solemnly, "You don't see me?"

Su Xuan nodded and said: "How can I see that!"

I saw countless thunderbolts rolling down, but all the places related to the governor of Songdi were ravaged by the thunder.

The Governor's Mansion of Songdi was reduced to ruins.

The governor of Songdi was turned into fly ash.

His soul was taken away by the demons outside the territory and sent to the realm of the demons to be tortured.

After a long time.

Su Xuan said: "I'm waiting for someone. When people arrive, you should go to the Netherworld. It's a pity that you can't go to the Netherworld. I have to invite you to visit the nineteenth floor of hell."

He is not a kind person, and he cannot remain so calm after being provoked by Xiao Xiao.

Captain Li's complexion suddenly changed, and he said in horror: "Are you from the Immortal family?"

Su Xuan sneered and said, "You guessed it right, it's Da Luo Xian's family."

The next moment, the sky and the earth were clear again, and the streets were as lonely as usual.

If the ancient moral sword hadn't been drawn out of its sheath, no one would be able to prove that a battle took place here.

inside the house.

Mo Shanshan looked at his family, Su Xuan, and said, "This shouldn't be a coincidence, there must be someone plotting against us behind the scenes."

She knew very well that such a coincidence did not exist for practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, but no matter how she deduced this matter, there was only one result that she learned, and that was a coincidence.

After Su Xuan drank half a cup of fairy wine, he said: "Longyou Nilin, you will die if you touch it. These idiots have already touched our Nilin, which is the nobility of our immortals. Practitioners in the world encounter such things, at least they have to re-train the earth, fire, water and wind for millions of miles."

His Ni Lin is her family, since those people want to harm his family, then he has no choice but to fight back, but who makes those people unable to stop even the thunder?

And who is to blame?

Mo Shanshan looked at Su Xuan, her family, and said with a smile: "Eat first, and then move after eating. I feel very uncomfortable here."

Su Xuan said: "Yes!"


A sky thunder that came and went quickly, ravaged the land of Song, and then dissipated without a sound.

So much so that practitioners from the lineage of the Great Qin imperial family went to Song to investigate, but found nothing.

It is not clear at all what caused the thunderstorm in Song Dynasty a few days ago.

It wasn't until a ghost in the Netherworld saw the souls of those Daqin officials who somehow appeared on the nineteenth floor of Hell in the Netherworld, and used many means to pass the news back.

After hearing the news, Prime Minister Da Qin quickly led a large number of spiritual creatures to the Song land, but when he saw the man go to the wine shop in the building.

Li Si, the Prime Minister of the Great Qin Dynasty, whose cultivation level was already comparable to that of the Golden Immortal, spat out a big mouthful of blood with a wow.

Li Si, whose face was like golden paper, said: "The order will be passed on, those relatives and friends of the sinners must be arrested and brought back to justice as soon as possible, otherwise we will not take it for granted!"

He is also very clear that over the years, the people under his hands have made a lot of injustices, false mistakes. Originally, he wanted to wait until the Great Wall was cast and then convict him, but now it seems that these stupid guys have already kicked their heads. iron plate.

"My lord, the governor of Songdi has relatives in the harem Do you need to make an exception?"

General Meng Ao, who followed Li Si, said worriedly.

No matter what time, pillow wind can kill!

Li Si sneered and said: "Haha, if you can't get through this time, General Meng, do you think there will be a next time? There is news from the Netherworld. They offended Da Luo Jinxian this time, a direct disciple of the Three Sects. Think you can get through it safe and sound?

Not to mention the concubines of the harem, even if it involves the prince, they have to be arrested first. "

"Take orders."

Many generals including General Meng Ao replied in response.

Then they directly boarded the flying boats built by the Mo family one by one, and arrested people according to the information collected earlier.

For a time, chickens and dogs jumped in the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty.


Hundreds of millions of miles away.

The Great Wall that took an unknown amount of spiritual veins and the lives of practitioners to build, is like a ferocious beast that chooses to devour, staring at the Realm of Conferred Gods.

Casting the Great Wall was not all smooth sailing. At the very beginning, some practitioners launched a war against the Great Qin, but unfortunately, they were all defeated because of the support of the Netherworld.

Afterwards, as the Great Wall continued to be forged, no one dared to challenge the soldiers stationed here in Daqin.

Practitioners still live like cattle and horses, let alone ordinary people?

"When does this day end?"

A fairy who was lurking to inquire about the news, originally wanted to run away after inquiring about the news.


It was fine when I came, but I can't go back.



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