Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 462: The matter of the stone monkey, the worry of Bodhi

Fly to the mountains.

Inside Youjian Taoist Temple, outside the courtyard of Su Xuan and his wife.

Patriarch Bodhi stretched out his hand and slapped the door knocker on the gate. The copper of Shouyang Mountain collided with the gate made of residual Jianmu branches, making a crisp sound.

They woke up directly, Su Xuan and his wife who hadn't got out of bed even after the sun rose three poles.

After a while, Su Xuan walked out of the room and opened the door of his house.

Su Xuan looked at Patriarch Bodhi outside the door with a resentful expression on his face, and asked, "Senior Bodhi, why didn't you go to teach your apprentice this early in the morning, why did you come to take pictures of the gate of my house instead?"

What time is this?

outside the door.

Ancestor Bodhi's face darkened, and he said, "Real Master Su, the old Taoist really can't afford this task, why don't you talk to the old ancestor Hongjun and ask another fairy to teach the stone monkey, the old Taoist's old arm Old legs, I really can't bear it!"

Zhuang Zhou's big dream.

He couldn't help pulling the stone monkey in, and also pulled most of the Aolai country over. Which side of the Great Thousand World is independent of the realm of the gods, but is related to the realm of the gods.

He also took in a lot of apprentices, but the stone monkey was the only one who didn't let him worry, causing troubles all day long, what the emperors of heaven did in turn, and the arrogant words that came to my house this year were also frequently uttered.

If His Majesty in the sky finds out about this, he may not be able to make up his mind, but how to write a small book for his apprentice?

Su Xuan was a little astonished at first, and then said earnestly: "Senior Bodhi, this is the next thing for you, if you want to run away now, maybe my ancestors really want to talk to you, besides, that stone monkey is the next thing to do. The person who broke the situation in a catastrophe, if you really give up, will the Qiankun cauldron still stand outside?"

Although her nuwa master uncle has already entered the world to travel, and it is also called "traveling the world of mortals", but the Qiankun tripod stayed in Feilai Mountain, waiting for the Bodhi ancestor to quit.


Patriarch Bodhi took a deep breath and said, "Isn't it possible? I've also heard it in Zixiao Palace, so I can't be so ruthless!"

He also had the idea of ​​giving up his job before, and he was also scared back by Su Xuan in front of him, using the name of Nuwa, but if he really counted, he could be regarded as Nuwa Empress' younger brother.

The guests of Xuanmen Zixiao Palace, do not fight the guests of Xuanmen Zixiao Palace.

The guest of Xuanmen Zixiao Palace, don't lie to the guest of Xuanmen Zixiao Palace.

Su Xuan chuckled, and said: "Senior Bodhi, His Majesty the emperor of the Yaozu, who went through fire and water when he ruled the three thousand six hundred realms of the heavens and ten thousand realms, you old man really don't know, or what's the matter? Colleague!"

Go through fire and water.

It is one of the famous masterpieces of his nuwa master uncle. The initial situation is known to no other fairy family except the fairy family who personally experienced it at that time.

But this does not prevent, the rumors of the past became more and more outrageous, and now a small thing that went through fire and water back then has become an outrageous thing.

"Too bad, I forgot about this matter." After Su Xuan's reminder, Patriarch Bodhi finally remembered the old things back then. Su Xuan also told him about it at that time, but he didn't remember it at that time. Now Thinking about it carefully, it's a bit scary!

Patriarch Bodhi sighed, and said: "But if that monkey day causes some big troubles and involves the old Taoist body, wouldn't it be all over."

His cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Realm of Da Luo seems to be considered number one among the heavens and myriad worlds, but the gap between Da Luo and Da Luo is not at all as small as the gap between an ordinary person and Da Luo .

Among the heavens and myriad worlds, there are not a few practitioners who can make him into a congenital spiritual treasure and put it in their hands to play with the Daluo Jinxian realm.

Su Xuan took out a book of stories from his bosom, opened a certain page, pointed to and said: "Senior Bodhi, when the dream is gone, you can tell the stone monkey that if you say half a word Come, I will skin and rasp the bones of you monkey, and relegate your soul to the Nine Nether Places, where you will never be reborn forever."

Patriarch Bodhi took the script, looked at it, and sighed: "After all, I have taught that monkey for so many years, but I can't say such heartless words."

Even if he wanted to give up his job, the monkey was still his apprentice after all, if he really wanted to say such unfeeling words, why not let him go through fire and water for a while?

Su Xuan explained: "This is also for the benefit of the monkey. After all, Bodhi Zhunti, there are many fairy families in Zhunti Bodhi who are still unclear. If those fairy families who have been tricked by Zhunti Zhunti for many years know The relationship between the stone monkey and you, senior, is really not good, and even though the stone monkey likes to make trouble.

But in front of such a big event, even if you think about it, you dare not reveal it to you, senior, so since you won't reveal it, then besides us, who else would know that the monkey is your apprentice, senior? "

Patriarch Bodhi sighed again, and said, "Then I'll go and try the old way to see if it works or not?"

The stone monkey always likes to be active but not to be quiet. If this monkey has a big mouth and can't hide any secrets in his heart, even if he is going through fire and water, he will give up.

Su Xuan looked at Patriarch Bodhi who turned and left, and exclaimed loudly: "The poor Taoist wishes you, Senior Bodhi, a great Regarding the next catastrophe, I don't know how many years it will be before the next catastrophe. At the time of the triple heaven, the Antiy Conference was held for more than ten days, and it was another ten days after returning to Feilai Mountain, and now the human world just happened to reach a certain critical time period.

It's just that for the future catastrophe, even if he has reached the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, he still can't see it clearly.

next moment.

Su Xuan closed the gate of the courtyard casually, and only then did his family, Shan Shan, come out of the room.

Mo Shanshan looked at her family, Su Xuan, and said: "Senior Bodhi has come here more than a dozen times, and every time he intends to let go of the picky one, could it be that the stone monkey will really provoke it, and it will be a disaster if even Senior Bodhi can't handle it? "

She didn't really believe that the stone monkey who had never reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian could cause any serious trouble in this huge realm of conferring gods.

Su Xuan looked at his family's mountains and explained with a smile: "There should be a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace. It's written like this in the story book. Could it be that the stone monkey can't make it?"


It is indeed something that even Patriarch Bodhi can't handle. Not everyone can be like the leader of Styx and learn from Hunyuan Xian's family. Ten innate spiritual treasures.

As the master of the demon clan, the demon master Kunpeng, is this a practitioner of the Daluo Jinxian realm who doesn't even have an innate spiritual treasure?

The most important thing is that some immortals really believe it.

Even his nephew Yang Jian relied on the Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu and the uncle Yuanshi in Yuxu Palace to resist the disturbance in the Heavenly Palace.

Therefore, the great disturbance in the heavenly palace, the Bodhi ancestor really couldn't bear it.



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