Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 472: monkey looking at pantaoyuan

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After the East China Sea War.

Monkey King was recruited by the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm, but because there were too many candidates for immortal officials in the Thirty-Three Heaven Realm.

Taibai Jinxing, who is fully in charge of this matter, struggled with his tongue, and just arranged for Monkey King to guard the Pantao Garden.

For ordinary fairy families, it is a good job to guard the peach garden on the 33rd heaven, but it seems that all the fairy families who have handled this matter have ignored that although this monkey is a natural existence, But after all, it still belongs to the monkey category.

Outside the Peach Garden.

The peach blossoms are blooming, and the fragrance of peaches overflows, covering the entire area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Sun Wukong, who was behind Taibai Jinxing, scratched his ears and looked at the peach garden, and asked, "Old Taibai, what kind of official do you think the guardian of the peach garden must be?"

When he was in the Xingyue Sanxing Cave in Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, he had also heard people mention the benefits of being an immortal official. He could get whatever he wanted. For such a carefree life, he was very envious at that time!

"At least a fifth-rank official."

Taibai Jinxing looked at Monkey King who was scratching his head, and explained patiently.

Sun Wukong immediately lost his temper, he said: "My old grandson thought that the old emperor who guards this peach garden will be a high-ranking official no matter what happens. It turns out that he is just a low-level official of the fifth rank."

Taibai Jinxing caressed his beard and said: "Master Sun, these fifth-rank officials are not small. You must know that the practitioners have cultivated the primordial spirit and survived the catastrophe before they can ascend to the thirty-three heavens and sit on a tiny immortal official." .”

No matter how you look at it!

The fifth-rank immortal officials are not small. If you want to know how many casual cultivators, if you want to get a rank-level immortal official position, it will take hundreds of years and a lot of gifts to get in.

As far as this is considered to be fast, those immortal families who are slow to rise, either go to the heavens and ten thousand realms to try their luck, plan to cultivate a cultivation base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, and then talk about other things, or they can only be in the thirty-three heavens torment.

How can it be compared with Monkey King?

Showing his majesty in the East China Sea, and entering His Majesty's eyes, he became a fifth-rank immortal official in just three or two days, and he still has such an important job as guarding the Peach Garden.


"Old Taibai, it's all in Pantao Garden, so don't send my old grandson off. My old grandson can just go in by himself."

Seeing the flat peaches all over the garden, Sun Wukong seemed to have an unknown number of ants crawling in his heart, asking him to look at the flat peach garden, I really don't know what the old emperor thought that day.

Taibai Jinxing said with a smile: "The old man will take his leave first, Mr. Sun can go on his own."

Speaking of Taibai Jinxing, he handed over the access token of the Pantaoyuan Formation to Sun Wukong. As for the control token of the Pantaoyuan Formation, it is still in the hands of the West Queen Mother, the lord of West Kunlun.

It can be said that there is a long way to go to bring back Pantaoyuan.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

After Sun Wukong took the access token handed over by Taibai Jinxing, he bowed his hands again and again to thank him.

Taibai Jinxing smiled mysteriously, turned into a rainbow light and went away.

Monkey King stepped into this Peach Garden with a smile on his face, holding the pass token of the Peach Garden, which some immortals could not enter in their entire lives.

I saw the flat peach garden.

Every three thousand zhang, there is a flat peach tree that is as high as a thousand zhang. However, although the flat peach tree grows very tall and straight, there are only hundreds of flat peaches on each flat peach tree.

The huge flat peach tree immediately brought back memories of Sun Wukong. He remembered that he also ate a lot of fairy peaches when he was in the Xingyue Sanxing Cave on Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai.

But those fairy peaches that made him feel very delicious at the beginning, compared with the flat peaches grown on these flat peach trees in this flat peach garden, they are far behind by a thousand miles.

"Just eat a flat peach."

"Just eat one like this, and if you think about it, the old man of the Heavenly Emperor won't blame me."

Sun Wukong looked left and right, and when he found no one was around, he jumped onto the branch of the flat peach, picked a flat peach and gnawed it hard.

But after eating one flat peach, Monkey King immediately picked up another one, and after eating the other one, there was another one.

It wasn't until the flat peaches on the flat peach tree turned into peach pits all over the ground that Monkey King fell asleep drowsily.

In the depths of the Peach Garden.

Outside a certain thatched hut, Lu Wu was drinking immortal wine and eating a plate of flat peach fruit, staring at the sleeping Monkey King on the branch of the flat peach, he chuckled and said, "Let a monkey come to see this flat peach garden. His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor can really figure it out, and I don't know which fellow Taoist came up with this good idea."

Let the monkey look at the flat peaches, isn't this the same as letting the iron-eating beast guard the clean bamboo forest?

He thought it would take a while for the new guard of the Pantao Garden sent by the Emperor of Heaven to drag him into the water.

But what Lu Wu didn't expect was that the Heavenly Emperor actually sent a monkey to visit the Pantao Garden.

"It's time to scare the monkeys."

After Lu Wu finished eating the flat peaches on the plate, he carried the wine jar and walked towards the periphery of the flat peach garden.

From Lu Wu's point of view, Sun Wukong didn't even try to hide his eating of flat peaches, it was just stealing them openly.

It doesn't look like he has to make a fake account book, and he needs to win over other fairy families to enter the water, and he needs to shoddy it.

Not long after, Lu Wu came under the flat peach tree where Monkey King was sleeping soundly.

Lu Wu looked at Monkey King who was still sleeping on the flat peach tree, and said, "Sun Wukong, you are so brave. As the guard of the flat peach garden, you actually guarded yourself and stole the peaches without permission. Are you guilty?"

When Lu Wu, with a simple and honest face, uttered such passionate words, if it weren't for the peach skin of the purple-patterned flat peach that had not been wiped off at the corner of his mouth, I am afraid that everyone would believe that this Lu Wu is a good land dedicated to his duties.


"This flat peach garden is now under the care of my grandson, and all the flat peaches in the garden belong to my grandson now, don't you just eat a few?"

Speaking of which, Monkey King went directly to other flat peach trees, picked dozens of flat peaches, and stuffed them directly into Lu Wu's arms.

"Look, don't you steal flat peaches too? As the land of the flat peach orchard, my grandson eats flat peaches stealthily, so what else do you want?"

After Monkey King finished speaking, he ignored Lu Wu and went straight back to sleep on the flat peach tree.

Lu Wu looked at the handful of flat peaches in his arms, and thought to himself, is this really a natural monkey? Why did his explain something wrong to him?

But for this monkey who likes to make trouble, Lu Wu is not afraid at all, and even vaguely looks forward to it.

After all, Lu Wu is not a comparable existence to Qionggu. When Qionggu was still playing with mud, Lu Wu was already the mountain **** of West Kunlun Mountains.

And there is more than one innate spirit treasure in his hand, taking down the unarmed Monkey King is an easy task in itself.


"It's really interesting. It seems that I will pick more flat peaches and eat them in the future."

Originally, he only dared to do three or two a year, but now it seems that he is still a little timid.



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