Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 500: Wutian Buddha visits Youjian Lingfeng

In the human world.

In the city of Chang'an.

There is a Lingfeng, under the flat peach tree.

Su Xuan sat on the grand teacher's chair without any image, staring intently at the flying sword transmission letter sent by those practice sects belonging to the Renjiao.

It's all about the arrangements made by the sects that the Renjiao belongs to during this catastrophe.

Released three Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners in Che Chi Country, this is also the saddest level, of course, this is just the arrangement of the Human Education, what kind of arrangements have been made for explaining the teaching and cutting the teaching, all of this is still unknown Especially unknown things.

I don't know when.

Mo Shanshan walked to Su Xuan's side from the main hall, stretched out his jaded hand, and picked up the flying sword scriptures piled up on the small table like a small mountain. After carefully looking at several flying sword scriptures, her face He said with worry: "There are records in the classics in the Palace of Eight Views that at the end of the ancient gods' rule of the world, Xuanmen also underwent a catastrophe similar to Journey to the West before they succeeded in governing the world. The same is true for Western religions now. I am afraid it is the mountain rain. Want to come full of wind."

The rule of the world by practitioners is very different from the rule of the common people who rule a city and a place. Even practitioners in the realm of the Da Luo Jinxian cannot escape from the rule of the world by practitioners.

This is why when the ancient gods ruled the world, practitioners in the realm of Da Luo were called Da Luo God Venerable; when the monster clan ruled the world, they were called Da Luo Demon God;

Daluo has always been just Daluo, but the practitioners will change because of the difference in governance.

Su Xuan looked at the lingering worry on the faces of his family, and said: "Since ancient times when the gods ruled the world, and now the Xuanmen ruled the world, I don't know how many years have passed since the Taoist family ruled the world. Perhaps the Xuanmen ruled the world has begun to gradually They are not suitable for the heavens and worlds, but no matter how you say it, the eight hundred sects of the Western religion should not take over the power of governing the world."

In fact, Xuanmen doesn't care at all, the power to govern the world, after all, since Hongjun's old Zixiao Palace preached, no matter who is governing the world, it is inevitable to use Xuanmen Xianjia.

But the power to govern the world alone cannot be left in the hands of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

"Su Zhenren, you are right, the poor monk thinks so too."

A desolate voice came from the foot of Lingfeng Mountain.

In just a short while, Su Xuan unfolded the Qiankun Map, covering the entire Lingfeng Peak. Within this Lingfeng Peak, the Dao of Qiankun is already respected, and all the avenues recede.

Mo Shanshan was also holding the Eight Views Palace Lantern, and the Six Ding Divine Fire spewed out, turning into countless nine-clawed fire dragons, flying up and down the Lingfeng Peak, and on the real body of the nine-clawed fire dragon, there were not to mention how many divine talismans overlapped each other.

Su Xuan looked at the unbroken black-clothed monk at the foot of the mountain, frowned, and said in astonishment: "The person here is Wutian Buddha?"

At the foot of Lingfeng Mountain.

"If Master Su is talking about Wutian Buddha who betrayed the Western religion and entered the realm of heaven and demons, then it's me."

Wutian, who was suddenly targeted by the Qiankun diagram, finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Qiankun diagram is not terrible, but the innate yin and yang Taiji diagram behind the Qiankun diagram, and the Taiqing Moral Heavenly Venerable.

Although his cultivation level is considered outstanding among the older generation of Daluo Jinxian, but in front of that Taiqing Daodetianzun, he is just a slightly stronger ant.

next moment.

The nine-clawed fire dragon flying up and down the Lingfeng Peak turned into Liuding Divine Fire again and returned to the Eight Views Palace Lantern.

The diagram of Qian Kun also returned to Su Xuan's sleeves, and the ups and downs of the Xiantian Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in Su Xuan's Niwan Palace also calmed down at this moment.

Su Xuan opened the mountain protection formation at Lingfeng, and let in the Wutian Buddha who came from the realm of Heaven and Demon, and said: "A distinguished guest is coming, Su is far away to welcome you!"

An enemy's enemy is a friend. Although Wutian has the title of Buddha, he is an out-and-out devil, at least in the eyes of the eight hundred sects of Western religion.

But in Su Xuan's view, Wutian is a great helper in destroying the dream of governing the world by the eight hundred sects of Western religion. It seems that only the Wutian Buddha has the courage to do such a thing.

Shortly after.

Wutian, who came to the top of Lingfeng Peak, looked at the peach trees all over the peak, smiled slightly, and said: "It's okay, this time I'm the one who bothered Master Su."

As the Heavenly Demon King of the Heavenly Demon Realm, he came to Chang'an City, and seeing this real Su, he was indeed a bit disturbed, after all, the way is different.

Su Xuan returned to the grand teacher's chair again, staring at Wutian, and asked: "Then don't you know that Wutian Buddha came to my remote place, what is the so-called thing? Could it be for the purpose of discussing the Tao, but it seems that I am interested in the West. The scriptures taught are not very familiar, if Wutian Buddha really came here to discuss the Tao, he should go directly to the western land and find the Tathagata!"

Wutian shook his head and said: "Although you can attack the jade from other mountains when you are in another mountain, but this time I came to visit Master Su not to discuss the Tao, but to discuss other important matters."


Discussing the Dao is in the realm of the Heavenly Demon, wouldn't it be good to discuss the Dao with the former Demon Ancestor Luohu? You must know that the demon ancestor Luohu is the originator of Western religion.

If it weren't for Su Xuan's cultivation level at the same time as Da Luo If it wasn't for the fact that there were three Taoist sects behind Su Xuan, he probably couldn't help but go up and give Su Xuan a fist.

Su Xuan asked: "Then Ignorant Wutian Buddha, what is the important matter that you want to discuss with me?"

Although the Wutian Buddha didn't say what happened, Su Xuan still guessed the answer, which is nothing more than the current catastrophe of Journey to the West.

Wutian calmly said: "I came here under the order of Master Luohu, the ancestor of the demon, to discuss with Su Zhenren about the catastrophe of the journey to the west, and the Heavenly Demon Realm intends to get involved in the catastrophe of the journey to the west."

Regarding this catastrophe of Journey to the West, among the practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm of the Three Religions, the little moral mage Su Zhenren is an existence that cannot be escaped.

Hearing this, Su Xuan pointed to the large stack of flying sword letters on the small table, and said, "This is a flying sword letter sent by a practice sect affiliated to the Human Sect recently. How do you plan to get involved?"

It's not a bad thing to have one more helper to counter the 800 sects of the Western religion. The enemy of the enemy should be extremely jealous when he sees the enemy.

Wutian said calmly: "The Renjiao has indeed made a lot of arrangements, but if Journey to the West can't be messed up, how will Master Su behave in a pool of clear water?"

"I, Heavenly Demon Realm, would like to help Su Zhenren to arouse the demonic thoughts of those destined protagonists in Journey to the West with the calamity of Heavenly Demon."

There is no way to do this, after all, demons are best at deceiving people. Although every demon has a dream of a demon ruling the world in his heart, he said it is just a dream, so naturally he can only think about it.



Wutian said calmly: ""

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