Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 525: Who is Zen Master Wuchao?

Latest URL: After learning that his daughter had made a private appointment with the immortal master who was in charge of his family for life, Mrs. Gao wanted to say something else.

But when Mrs. Gao saw that his daughter was also an immortal master, he didn't want to say anything anymore. The co-author immortal master was by his side. After so many years, he still didn't know anything.

How many acres of land have to be bought less! So the old man Gao felt that he had lost an unknown number of acres of land, so he directly sent a wedding invitation to Zhuangzi nearby, asking him to come to his daughter's wedding banquet.

For a while, the news that Mrs. Gao recruited an immortal master as his son-in-law, it can be said that the old men in the nearby Zhuangzi were both happy and afraid.

The joy is that there are probably no monsters in their land who dare to make trouble, and the fear is that the fairy master has not taken a fancy to their daughter.

A wedding banquet was proceeding slowly according to the old lady Gao's arrangement, and Tianpeng and Gao Cuilan were speechless as they watched the old Mount Tai who had gained thousands of acres of land.

Tianpeng looked at Gao Cuilan and said: "Cuilan, we must go to Dachitian when we get married, otherwise I will really become a traitor in the words of my uncle." Gao Cuilan said: "I left It’s the practice method of the ancient gods, will your teacher agree to our business?” You must know that she has already been a practitioner of the Golden Immortal Realm, and she also knows a little about things in the heavens and myriad worlds.

In her opinion, it is unlikely that Xuanmen will accept practitioners from the lineage of the ancient gods. Tianpeng smiled honestly, and said: "Cuilan, don't worry, my teacher is not such a vulgar person, my teacher is the Great Master Xuandu." That's right!

If his teacher really cares about this matter, then his teacher is not his teacher. ------ Thirty-three layers of heaven.

In the great red sky. Tushi palace. Xuandu, who was fanning Liuding Shenhuo in the Bagua furnace, suddenly sneezed, he said dumbfoundedly: "Little brother is right, Tianpeng, you are really a traitor, you don't even know about such a big thing as a Taoist couple. "They were taught what's wrong with this, isn't it fashionable to find a Taoist companion now?

This is the case with his junior brother, the real Chunyang, and now even his apprentice is the same.


"When will you be able to find a Taoist companion?" Lao Tzu, who was sitting on the futon, opened his eyes and asked with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Master Xuandu's face collapsed in an instant, and he said: "Teacher, you know me? The calamity has not yet been overcome, so why do you call yourself home?" He only came back for only three or two days, and he Teacher Jia has urged him dozens of times because of this incident, and he would not have come back if he had known.

------In the world, Uzbekistan. Near a certain mountain forest, a monk looked at the person in front of him very calmly, put his hands together and said, "The poor monk Wuchao has met Su Zhenren and Mo Zhenren." How could he not know about the practitioners coming here?

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan fell into the forest lightly from the blue sky, and saw trees that were thousands of feet high, surrounding the core of the forest, which one was a tree that was ten thousand feet high.

Su Xuan looked at the gigantic tree and said, "Is this the rumored innate spiritual root hibiscus tree? I just don't know whether Zen Master Wuchao is Lu Ya? Or Liu Jinwu?" , and the Sixth Golden Crow is the true Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow in the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race in the past, not the spirit of Lihuo like the Ten Golden Crow Luya.

Zen Master Wu Chao calmly looked in the direction of the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm and said, "The rule of the monster clan has come to an end, and the Ten Golden Crows have tragically died at the hands of the great witch Hou Yi. Naturally, there are no Six Golden Crows now, and there are only eight hundred who have never joined the Western religion. Zen Master Wuchao from the side door." The demon clan's Heavenly Court is gone, and the Thirty-Third Heavenly Realm is no longer his family, so using the name of the Sixth Prince of the Golden Crow of the Heavenly Court would only add to the joke.

Su Xuan was not surprised by Zen Master Wuchao's answer, because being able to survive the treacherous situation of the catastrophe of the Lich, and to escape Houyi's bow for death is enough to show that this Wuchao Zen master Chao is a clever fairy.

Su Xuan looked at Zen Master Wuchao calmly, and asked: "Then I don't know, fellow Taoist, why did you call our husband and wife to stop?" After the demon catastrophe, I have been collecting all the time. The broken true spirits of my brothers have paid off now. After countless thousands of years of collection, I have finally collected them all today. Only the six realms of reincarnation are needed to conceive and raise the true spirits. Presumably Su The real person also knows that even after the catastrophe of the Lich, the relationship between the witch clan and the monster clan is not very harmonious, let alone me, one of the introductions that caused the catastrophe of the Lich?" He also tried to find someone to say And one or two, but no matter who he went to talk to, it was of no avail. In desperation, he thought of leaving the relationship with this real Su.

According to the rumors, this Su Zhenren has a deep relationship with the Underworld.

"Oh, I got it!"

"Do you want me to be a lobbyist? But fellow Daoist Wuchao, you should know that the relationship between the monster clan and the witch clan is not very good, and your relationship with the witch clan is even less so. If you think about your Brother is reincarnated, you have to pay more!" Su Xuan said with a calm face, as if he was describing a trivial matter.

But Mo Shanshan, who was standing beside Su Xuan, knew that this was not a small matter, at least it was a big deal for several congenital treasures, and the Zen Master Wuchao in front of him couldn't get around the middleman of her family, Su Xuan.

Zen Master Wuchao sighed and said: "Although the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race has long been destroyed, I also have a few innate spiritual treasures in my hand, but it is another matter whether the Pingxin Empress accepts them or not. Shout out to the real person!" Adding money is not a problem.

Isn't it the Xiantian Lingbao? Anyway, there is no hope for the Yaozu to return to the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm. Those hidden innate spirit treasures might as well be used now, so as to save time and moldy lying on the ground.

But Zen Master Wuchao was afraid that Empress Pingxin would talk to him as Empress Tu in the future. Su Xuan smiled calmly, and said: "Fellow Taoist Wuchao, there is no need to rush this matter. It is the disaster of Journey to the West. It is better to wait until the disaster is over. After all, Empress Pingxin has no time to talk to me now." Maybe Zen Master Wuchao He will be paid a lot of money, but he doesn't want to go now, in the Netherworld, after all, once he goes, he may really have to pay some promises.

Zen Master Wuchao saw that the matter had settled down, so he said: "Then I would like to thank Master Su for his help. When the matter is successful, I will definitely thank you again." After Su Xuan nodded slightly.

Holding the slender hand of his family's mountains, he once again turned into a rainbow and headed towards West Kunlun Mountains. ..........23shu8*net

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