Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 529: See you on the return journey

After bidding farewell to the Queen Mother of the West, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan embarked on the return journey, returning to Feilai Mountain Youjian Taoist Temple.

The current Feilai Mountain Youjian Taoist Temple is no longer near the Huaguo Mountain on the coast of the East China Sea, the Lailong of the Ten Islands, and the ancestor of the Three Continents.

There is a Taoist temple in Feilai Mountain. Now it has reached the shore of the West Sea. In another 50,000 years, it will go to the shore of the North Sea. In another 50,000 years, it will go from the shore of the North Sea to the shore of the South China Sea, and then return to the shore of the East Sea.

There are countless Da Luo Jinxian practitioners hidden in the land of the four seas. Many Da Luo's wills are intertwined, and under mutual schemes, no one except Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian can't calculate the things about the world.

It's not that the practitioners in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian are not strong enough, but that the three hundred thousand worlds in the four seas are hidden in it, and the practitioners in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian who don't know how many are there are already a mess.

Naturally, it became a place of chaos. The Dragon Clan of the Four Seas only governed the sea area of ​​the Four Seas, not the entire land of the Four Seas. You must know that the land of the Four Seas was all under the control of the Yaozu Heavenly Court.

So even if there are many great Luo Jinxians sitting on the Feilai mountain, they just stay on the periphery. After all, even disciples of the three religions have to abide by certain hidden rules.

Su Xuan looked at the turbulent West Sea, and said: "Starting from Feilai Mountain, Youjian Road, and then to Chang'an, and then out of Chang'an, traveled all the way to this point, and finally returned to the place of origin."

After many years of traveling, today finally came to an end, and they returned to the starting point again.

Mo Shanshan also said with emotion: "It has been at least thousands of years since I left Feilai Mountain Youjian Taoist Temple in the past, but I have finally returned to Feilai Mountain."

It's really good along the way, but next, it's really time to be quiet.

"I'm sorry to bother you two to remember the past, but there are some things that I have to come here in person."

The waves of the West Sea in the distance stopped suddenly, and then a figure suddenly appeared on the West Sea.

Su Xuan looked at Ping Xin who had come all the way, and said: "Uncle Ping Xin, why bother! Please go ashore and talk."

His Uncle Pingxin came this time because of the catastrophe of Journey to the West, but now he has made arrangements for the catastrophe of Journey to the West, so it is a bit unclear. purpose of coming.

After Ping Xin nodded slightly, Shi Ran stepped on the cliff on the west coast, she looked at Su Xuan and his wife, and said with a smile on her face: "Nephew Su, Nephew Mo, the disaster of Journey to the West has been settled, but there is an original There have been a lot of deviations in the plan, Tang Sanzang chose to cooperate with the Netherworld, and everyone has made a fuss, so when Tang Sanzang arrived at Mount Sumeru, he hoped that the friend of Master Nephew Su would move faster."

The human immortals in Huoyun Cave suppressed the evil thoughts of humanity, and her Netherworld naturally also suppressed the emotions, desires, and countless thoughts of beings from all over the world.

Although the Ashura Dao among the Six Realms of Reincarnation can share a lot, with the sudden increase in the number of creatures in the heavens and the world, and the continuous occurrence of catastrophes, the nether world will inevitably be overwhelmed.

Fortunately, there are more practitioners who work for nothing, such as Ksitigarbha, and Tang Sanzang, who can work for nothing with Ksitigarbha in the underworld.

So naturally we can't let it go, Tang Sanzang really died on Mount Sumeru, the main mountain gate of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

Hearing this, Su Xuan said with a smile: "Who can blame this? Who made Tang Sanzang act so unscrupulously in the past, but this is also good, directing famous brands also saves a lot of trouble.

As for the person that Uncle Pingxin mentioned, he will naturally make a move at the most appropriate time. When that person makes a move, I am afraid that it will be the devil's robbery. It's a deal. "

The friend his Uncle Pingxin mentioned is naturally Wutian Buddha in the realm of Heavenly Demon, a monk who wants to come out for revenge, and a practitioner of Daluo Jinxian realm with obsession in his heart .

Pingxin smiled calmly, and said: "This is the big deal, but by then, the practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm will probably have to leave the heavens and the world, and I don't know that Jiang Ziya has found that chaotic world." No."

Since Pangu, the father god, created the world, first the ferocious beasts showed their might, and then the ancient gods came into being to rule the world, and the five-colored human race appeared, wanting to compete with the ancient gods. Since the rule of the world, at least there are many catastrophes that have occurred.

After the catastrophe of the Conferred Gods, Jiang Ziya took the Conferred Gods Platform to search for a new chaotic world in the future and the past under the decree of the Zixiao Palace, and then his teacher, the ancestor Hongjun, learned from his father, Pangu, to recreate the chaos. Open up the world.

Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan are naturally clear about what they are talking about, nothing more than Jiang Ziya needing to find the coordinates of a chaotic world, and then their master, following the example of the Great God Pan Gu, opened up the world, and since then the immortal family has returned to the immortal family, humane Those of the human race belong to the human race, and those of the human race belong to the human race.

"Whether Jiang Ziya finds it or is still after countless tens of thousands of years, so the catastrophe in front of him is the most important thing. After all, the ancestor, the old man, is only the great **** of Pangu back then. You must know that the great **** of Pangu was under his teacher Under the instruction of the Creator Yuanling, he also killed an unknown number of Chaos Demon Gods before he successfully opened up a prehistoric world, so Uncle Pingxin, how much do you think your master needs?"

So in his opinion, if Jiang Ziya really found the Great Thousand World, it might not be a good thing.

Besides, if one is really separated from the human world of the heavens and worlds, then what's the point of this practice?

That would be very boring!


In the long river of time and space.

A simple and unsophisticated altar has traveled through countless years of immortality, but the road ahead is still bleak.

On the altar, Jiang Ziya, who built a thatched hut, was suddenly awakened from his sleep, sneezing non-stop.

Jiang Ziya was careful and calculated carefully, but when Jiang Ziya realized that he couldn't figure out anything, Jiang Ziya looked at the endless river of time and space in the distance, looked at a few flashing figures, and said: "It's strange." , Could it be my teacher, Yuanshi Tianzun, planning to call me back?"

You must know that ever since he entered the long river of time and space by driving the Conferred God Platform, he has encountered many dangers. He is not afraid of those famous Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners. What is he afraid of? Traveling without Da Luo's endorsement who!

Those traversers talk a lot, and those who can use the innate spiritual treasure will never use the acquired spiritual treasure. If it weren't for this Conferred God Platform, which carries the Tao of countless immortals, he might have died long ago.

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