Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 61: Chang'an will be chaotic

Chang'an, inside the National Teacher's Mansion.

Yan Se looked at the news on the table, the news about Wei Guangming sent by Tianshu, and felt angry for a while. He regarded Wei Guangming as his senior brother, but now Wei Guangming is relying on the old pen studio, so it is also time to take Wei Guangming as his brother. The light is gone.

Sandalwood scented in the room, Yan Se got up from the bed and walked around in the room, he wanted to take a good look at the room, maybe he would never have a chance to come back after this trip.

At this time Li Qingshan pushed the door away, he hurriedly grabbed Yan Se who was walking around, and said: "Brother, there is a letter from Xiling, Ning Que abolished Longqing by the Daming Lake, and now he is possessed, Xiling asked us to investigate carefully at the south gate Ning Que's obsession."

He already had some opinions on Ning Que, and now he even developed a slight dislike for Ning Que. At that time, he knew that with Ning Que's actions, his senior brother Yan Se would be dragged into trouble by Ning Que one day.

As expected now, not only Longqing's Qihai Snow Mountain was abolished, but he also entered the magic way. Abolishing Longqing's Qihai Snow Mountain was not a big deal, but becoming a demon was indeed a taboo.

Yan Se was taken aback, snatched the letter from Li Qingshan's hand, tore it into pieces, and said angrily, "For so many years, I'm just such a disciple, and there are so many practitioners who are enchanted in this world, why is Xiling only targeting me? Where's the poor apprentice?"

The experience of his apprentice was already tragic enough, and now Xiling still wants to sprinkle a handful of sea salt on this sadness, so Yan Se is very angry. In these days, he has talked to his senior brother many times, although He knew in his heart that no matter how many times he persuaded Wei Guangming, there would be no results, but he still went tirelessly, just to complete the friendship between the brothers and sisters.

But now that Ning Que will return to Chang'an, he will never allow Wei Guangming to stay in Chang'an City, and it is time to send Wei Guangming out of Chang'an.

Li Qingshan looked at Yan Se who was gradually calming down, his heart trembled, he vaguely understood what Yan Se was going to do next, he persuaded: "Brother, why bother?"

Yan Se turned to look at Li Qingshan, waved her hand, and said with a smile: "For my poor apprentice, how can you suffer? Qingshan, when Ning Que comes back, go to your majesty and bring back the eye pestle. Give it to Ning Que."

Hearing Yan Se's tone as if explaining the funeral, Li Qingshan felt sad, and said: "Ning Que is going to return, why don't senior brother hand over the array eye pestle to Ning Que in person? Forgive me for any difficulties."

There are not no practitioners in Chang'an City who can make that great priest of light go, but why does his senior brother have to go to die? Today, why is there no movement in the academy?

Yan Se smiled and said, "If Wei Guangming hasn't left after Ning Que comes back, I'm afraid it's not just a matter of being possessed by demons. Do you really think that the disciples of the Daoist Guanshanmen will not be able to stir up the wind and rain if they leave Chang'an? I This trip is not only for my poor apprentice, but also for the country of Tang, junior brother, you have to watch and think more!"

How could his apprentice become a devil, if there were no people with a heart to help him make such a fuss, and everyone would know about it? Ning Que, who is inextricably linked to the king of Pluto who launched the Eternal Night, has fallen into a demon. This is the best reason in the world to attack Xiling. His senior brother is the sharpest knife, and he has found the successor Wei. Bright, doesn't seem to mind being a knife either.

There was a long silence in the room. From sunrise to noon, Li Qingshan stared at the game of chess that had not been finished a few days ago.

Yan Se looked at the food on the table that had been heated several times, picked up the chopsticks, and said, "It's not too late. If it's too late, something might happen. I'll send Wei Guangming out of Chang'an City tomorrow."

Li Qingshan asked: "Brother, why are you in such a hurry, Ning Que hasn't returned yet, maybe you can persuade him again."

Yan Se smiled brilliantly, looked out of the room, the dazzling light said, "You can't delay!"


Pro 47th Lane, Laobi Studio.

Sangsang was making noodles in the kitchen, planning to make Ning Que's favorite fried egg noodles, but her young master hadn't returned from the wasteland yet, so her master could eat this fried egg noodles.

"Master, it's time to light a fire!"

"Okay!" An old man in a brand-new white cotton-padded jacket had the Haotian Shenhui on his fingertips. The Haotian Shenhui had just fallen into the stove, and the firewood, which was still damp, was instantly ignited.

While choosing vegetables, Wei Guangming looked at Sangsang with kind eyes. This is his successor and the next Guangming priest of Xiling Temple.

If there are outsiders here, they will definitely be surprised, because the priest of the light who can stop the crying of children will have such a rare and kind side. If they are seen by those believers who are unwavering in the light, their beliefs will probably collapse. Two clean.

Sangsang lifted the lid of the pot and continued to add water to the pot. The steam was so hot that it shrouded Sangsang in a white mist. Wei Guangming walked out of the kitchen, carrying the vegetables he had chosen, and came to the well, carrying a bucket Fetch water to clean the freshly selected vegetables.

This is a very warm picture scroll, and it is also the life that an old man of his age should have. For him who has been the priest of Guangming for most of his life, these days are really warm, but these days are really too short .

His junior brother came to him many times and endured him for many days, thinking about it now he really couldn't bear it.

The well water is freezing cold in winter, and Wei Guangming washes the selected vegetables over and over again.

In the courtyard not far from Laobi Studio, on the highest pavilion, the practitioners at the Tianshu Office and the disciples of the South Gate, who were ordered to monitor Wei Guangming, recorded Wei Guangming's every move.

Even these daily chores of cooking are recorded and filed one by one. From their point of view, practitioners like the Great Priest of Light, who only exist in rumors, must have extraordinary significance in everything they do .

But whether it is the Tianshu Department or the disciples of the South Gate, they never think about it. Even the great priest of Guangming is a living person, and naturally he will live some ordinary days, because in the eyes of the Tianshu Department and the disciples of the South Gate , a practitioner like the Great Priest of Guangming has already transcended the vulgarity, so how can he be busy with those trivial matters.


Beside the well, Wei Guangming, who had already washed the dishes, got up and looked at the pavilion, snorted heavily, and then returned to the kitchen with the dishes.

On that pavilion, listening to the cold humming that came from across several courtyards, the practitioners at Tianshu and the disciples of the South Gate seemed to be burdened by a thousand weights, and they knelt down on the ground at once, and then pierced through several holes. The roof of the first floor fell on the solid ground. If they hadn't possessed the cultivation base of the Dongxuan realm, I am afraid that these few people would have been smashed to pieces.



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