Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 714: Wutian visits, 800 sects of Western religions that are badly placed!

Day after day, year after year.

Spring goes and autumn comes, cold comes and summer goes.

It's been hundreds of years for the immortal family, but for the immortal family who likes to live in the dojo, it's just a nap and refining a batch of elixir.

But for ordinary people without cultivation, tens of thousands of years have passed!

For those practitioners in the heavens and myriad worlds who are still struggling on the road of cultivation, this period of time is not too long, and of course it is not too short.

In this short period of several hundred years of the Immortal Family, many things have naturally happened, and many plans of Xuanmen have progressed quite smoothly.

But things are not good or bad. In the end, some families are happy and some are sad. As far as Taoism is concerned, the eight hundred sects of Western religion are no longer a climate.

Xuanmen has almost reappeared the heyday of the past, and the three religions of Xuanmen even got a big share of it.

But these are very weird to Su Xuan, weird to the extreme, you must know that the eight hundred sects of the Western religion can still compete with the entire Taoist sect in the heavens and worlds that have entered the age of the end of the Dharma.

It doesn't make sense that now that the aura of the Emperor of Heaven is getting weaker and weaker in the heavens and the worlds, he has stepped back. The Dao that guides the saint's dream can let the Western teachings eight in the worlds just by visualization. Baipanmen has a lot of advantages.

After all, no matter how tyrannical Zhuang Zhou is on the way of Rumeng, he can't hold back the sage who guides him.

Flying to the mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

Su Xuan looked at Wutian who came from a long way in a hurry, and asked calmly: "Don't fellow Taoists feel that there is something strange about it? There are 800 sects of Western religion, even if there is Baoguang and his party who leave, but for all of you The Heavens and Myriad Realms will not be affected."

I really can't blame him for thinking too much, there must be demons when things go wrong, and there are 800 sects in the Western religion, but they are not some sects that want to settle for the status quo and muddle along.

Wutian, who was sitting opposite Su Xuan, spread his hands and said: "The situation may be more serious than Su Zhenren thought. Although the Heavenly Demon can draw into the camp of the Heavenly Demon against the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect, but now the Western Sect eight hundred The power of the side sects has already retreated steadily, if the Taoist sect pushes forward again, I am afraid that the power of the 800 side sects of the Western Sect in the heavens and myriad worlds will be uprooted."

As one of the promoters of the whole incident, he has witnessed with his own eyes the decline of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect in the heavens and myriad worlds. He also thought in the past that the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect might have something big behind them trick.

But after so many years of observation, it can be said that he is the fairy family who knows the most about the eight hundred sects of Western religion, except for the guiding sage.

But until now, he has never discovered that the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect are holding back any big moves. On the contrary, the Taoist sect has used a unified external big move to beat the subordinate sects of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect in the heavens and myriad worlds. Festival defeat.

Su Xuan frowned. He raised the wine glass in his hand and took a sip, then tapped the sapphire table with his index finger. The saint, or the leader of Duobao, or Maitreya and others are not such unwise people, but it is really hard to figure out how to act like this."

Perhaps when the eight hundred sects of the Western religion are fully mobilized, they will be able to see clearly what the guiding saint is planning behind his back.

But as the direct descendant of the Human Cult, at this moment of crisis, he had to see through the plans of the eight hundred sects of the Western Cult.

Procrastinating and procrastinating will not do any good to Renjiao or Youjian Taoism.

Wutian said helplessly: "There is no way to do this, although the people under me have been working hard to find out what is behind the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect since they noticed something was wrong with the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect. , but so far it is still nothing."

You must know that the demons use the method of moistening things silently, relying on the method of doves occupying the magpie's nest in an instant, the Hunyuan saint is no longer able to go to the heavens and worlds. This is an indisputable fact, even a saint is impossible. Pay attention to every student!

But still nothing works.

Everything seems to be the subordinate sects of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion in the heavens and the worlds, losing to the subordinate sects of the Taoist sect in the heavens and the worlds.

But at least there are 800 sects taught in the West, so let's play it!

It will collapse at the first touch, this is not the eight hundred sects of the Western religion that suppressed the three religions of the Taoist sect in the heavens and myriad worlds in the past.

At this time, Su Xuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and asked: "Fellow Wutian, I don't know what the situation is in the human realm among the heavens and myriad realms. Do the subordinate sects of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect support the Son of Heaven?"

The position of the son of heaven in the human world in the great world still has some human luck, which is undoubtedly a huge benefit for the eight hundred sects of Western religion.

Wutian said disapprovingly: "With the Xianzong under Xuanmen's supervision, those sects who follow the eight hundred sects of the Western religion naturally dare not interfere with the emperor's affairs. After all, everything that has something to do with the emperor has nothing to do. It is the business of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor.

However, the White Lotus Sect, a sect that is inextricably related to the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, has caused a lot of commotion in the common customs of the heavens and myriad worlds. No, of course no one is paying attention. "

If this Master Su hadn't asked, he probably wouldn't have remembered that the White Lotus Sect was active in the human realm of the heavens and myriad realms.

However, the White Lotus Sect does not compete with Xuanmen's subordinate Xianzong, nor does it compete with demon practitioners for territory, and in addition, it is only circulated in the common people, so naturally no one returns to pay attention.

That is to say, the celestial demon under him is leisurely enough to pay attention to trivial things all day long.

Regarding Wutian's information, Su Xuan did not doubt him, after all, practitioners in the Da Luo Jinxian realm are not omnipotent now that the Hunyuan sage is living in the world.

Sometimes when there are too many big Luos, there will be such and such situations, and some things are not suitable for him to inquire about in person. After a long time, Su Xuan said: "It is the sect under the Taoist sect, although it occupies most of the It is a blessed place, but in the ordinary world, it is still defeated by the eight hundred sects of the Western religion."

He has to thank this Wutian Buddha well, after all, the information of this Wutian Buddha has already made him guess a little bit, the intention of the eight hundred sects of Western religion.

Breaking the pot and smashing it, and then, like in the previous life, came to a backdoor, but things are really that simple.

In the previous life, as long as there were tickets, borrowing a shell or something, as long as the relationship was in place, everything would not be a big problem.

But now?

The way of heaven is not what it used to be, and the two foolish way of heaven were allowed to be taught by the West, but now the way of heaven is quite shrewd.

If you don't pay off the debts, then you want to get away from the lead and Zhunti, it's just a slap in the face of the gods.

As we all know, among the heavens and worlds, offending the Dao of Heaven is equivalent to offending his master Hongjun Patriarch, so the end must be dismal.

Wutian smiled indifferently, and he said: "It's true that among the common people, the eight hundred sects of the Western religion have an absolute advantage, but in my opinion, the life of the common man is only a hundred years in a hurry. Careful thinking, doomed to be useless."

Among the heavens and worlds, the usefulness of ordinary people is indeed a bit small. Coupled with the continuous invasion of the world of the end of the law, many immortal sects can only guard their own caves and blessed lands, relying on the nine heavens from time to time. mouth.

Most of the human realms among the heavens and myriad realms are in the hands of the Son of Heaven and the aristocratic family, but even the Yuanshen realm below the realm of the fairy family can live for at least tens of thousands of years.

It is enough to make it sit and watch, more than ten human dynasties are destroyed!

In some heavens and myriad worlds where the laws of the Dao are harsh, the lineage of the Son of Heaven wants to practice, but can only be beheaded by the practitioners of the Demonic Dao.

After all, it's just a fool's dream to think about practicing while having all the glory and wealth.

However, Su Xuan did not agree with Wutian's idea. He said: "Among the common people in the heavens and myriad worlds, there are many talented beings. If they hadn't encountered such a dharma-ending world, they might not have ended up like this." .

Don't forget that prosperity must decline, and decline must prosper. My master Hongjun ancestor once said that the last saint will appear after the end of the Dharma, and he will practice martial arts, not the way of immortal martial arts. "

Can man conquer heaven?

This is also a glimmer of life for Dao. Xuanmen Immortal Dao has already been in charge of nearly one Pan Gu Dao Ji, so it is impossible for the next Pan Gu Dao Ji to be in charge!

If this is the case, then the great way is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, and there must be a glimmer of life, isn't it just empty talk.

Therefore, the eight hundred sects of the Western religion have arranged the human realm of the heavens and myriad realms early, which must have some profound meaning.

Wutian said indifferently: "Su Zhenren was joking, as far as I know, there are at least dozens of Taoist elders eyeing that position, and they all want to win the position of the Martial Dao Saint. Fortunately, the next set of Ancient Dao Ji will occupy the absolute upper hand.

Just like Xuanmen is in charge of this ancient Taoist discipline, although there will be some twists and turns in the governance of the world, Xuanmen must have the last laugh. In fact, fellow Taoists have discussed it a long time ago, no matter who the position of the martial arts saint falls into anyone's hands , can’t fall outside the Xuanmen Immortal Way!”

This is also something that he has discussed with many Taoist immortals in the heavens and myriad worlds. After all, even if it is the eight hundred sects of the Western religion, no matter how loud they are.

When Patriarch Hongjun was preaching in Zixiao Palace, he still went, as long as he went, there would be cause and effect. The two saints in the West dared to kill Patriarch Hongyun because of this great cause and effect, but Western teachings Do those two dare to cheat Hongjun Patriarch?

So the Buddha is the Tao, and the devil is the Tao.

Of course, the seat of the last saint fell into the hands of the eight hundred apostles of the Western religion, which was also the last choice.

Su Xuan also laughed when he heard the words: "However, it is up to people to make things happen, and it is up to Dao to make things happen. Even if a net of heaven and earth is set up, that glimmer of life may slip away quietly, but fellow Taoist Wutian, don't worry. We are also doing our best to search for information about that martial arts sage."

In the past, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven once wanted to let the great avenue of martial arts spread across the sky in this world, but it was a pity that the whole thing ended up being neither fish nor fowl.

Different road non-phase plan!

This is not a battle between Xuanmen and Demon Ancestor Luohu. After all, many years ago, that Demon Ancestor Luohu was still a member of Xuanmen.

This is also different from the competition between the eight hundred sects of Taoism and the Western Sect. Although the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect have already left the Taoist sect, no matter how they get rid of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, it is impossible to entrust Hongjun Dao to their support. influences.

But the saint who appeared at the end of this ancient Taoist record may subvert the entire Taoism. This is the real Taoist struggle!

Wutian said flatly: "Then thank you, Master Su, but there are some things that I still want to have a good chat with Master Su!"

Su Xuan asked: "You might as well speak up!"

Wutian was overjoyed, and said: "If Master Su finds out about that person, and hopes that Master Su will withdraw the Immortal Sect of Xuanmen, some fellow Taoists can't wait any longer, and will use some weapons to reset the fire, water, and wind. means."

They are all old gingers of countless tens of thousands of years, so they naturally know how to deal with these protagonists with extremely deep luck. After all, every disaster will create some waves, but after each disaster, those waves rarely end well.

After all, this way of practice is not fighting and killing, it is the way of the world!

Su Xuan said calmly: "This is a big deal, but after all, I still protect the people involved. If they die by chance, after the inspection by the Nether Underworld, they can give them a future that can't reach the realm of the primordial spirit."

Of course, this is the only thing he can do. It seems that his status as the acting leader of Xuanmen is high, but in fact, except for those disciples of the younger generation who can be fooled by him, most of the other Xuanmen fairy families It's all a case of listening to the announcement and not listening to the tune, not working hard, and fishing in troubled waters.

Of course, if there are other interests, then it is another matter.

Wutian stood up and bowed to salute: "Su Zhenren, you really deserve to be the successor of the teaching, I admire you very much!"

Then Wutian turned around and left. In his opinion, this Su Zhenren's temperament was really not suitable for getting involved in these disputes.

Although the big witches of the Wu tribe also participated in the discussion of this matter, whether this matter can be completed or not depends on whether the action is fast or not.

After all, there are not many practitioners in the realm of Da Luo among the human race. They have only one goal, and they find that they need to reset the fire, water and wind.

Here they have prepared a lot of congenital spirit treasures as a follow-up!

Su Xuan looked at Wutian who was going away, and he already knew Wutian's choice in his heart, but what is the choice for such a choice?

This is a real Daoist struggle. He doesn't want to see the disciples who have been born and died for Youjian Daoist Temple in the future, and will be slaves to the saint's subordinates in the future, so he would rather reset the fire, water, and wind than make them compete with martial arts. Together, you can prove the position of martial arts saint!

If that martial arts sage is allowed to grow up, maybe at the end of this ancient Taoist discipline, his family's master will retreat for some reason.

Therefore, it is better to reset the fire, water and wind than to let it escape.

As long as Xuanmen takes down the position of the Martial Dao Saint and converts it to the position of the Primordial Saint, then after erasing the host with a glimmer of life, can the time and space be stripped away?

(end of this chapter)

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