After Nezha left the Heavenly Court, he went straight to the direction of Guanjiangkou!

"It's hard to go to the Nether Realm, go and play with the second brother!"

I haven't seen my second brother for a long time, and I miss it so much!

I want to join forces with my second brother, which is simply the most professional combination of demons and demons.

What a pleasant day it was!

This time I went to find the second brother, simply thinking about the second brother.

It's definitely not for the second brother's treasured fairy wine!

"Hehe, this time looking for the second brother, I must have a good drink!"

With a smile on his face, Nezha stepped on the Hot Wheel, feeling that the wind around him was much lighter!

And at this time, a glance of the eyes found a strange figure.


"A monkey who knows the Tao?!"

Looking at the golden monkey standing on the clouds not far away, Nezha showed surprise.

If it is an ordinary monkey demon, cultivates demon power, and knows how to fly, it is not a rare thing.

But the monkey in front of him is clearly surrounded by an authentic Taoist atmosphere!

That's rare!

The monkey demon has seen a lot, but the monkey who cultivates the authentic Dao method, it is really the first time he has seen it!

"Kind of interesting. "

"It's obviously a monkey demon, but it's not half demon!"

"Could it be that you have been instructed by a superior person?"

Nezha became curious and couldn't help but stop his trip and look at the monkey.

If it was an ordinary demon that harmed the three realms, then there was no need to think about it, Nezha directly stepped forward and killed it.


People are good and evil, and so are demons!

Demons who eat people, stained with blood apes, and their own spiritual energy is polluted, they will emit demon qi.

And those demons who have never eaten people, nourish their spirits, have a refreshing heart, and what they exude is pure aura! !

There is still a big difference between the two!

One is a man-eating demon, and the other is a spirit.

Now in the three realms, demons are everywhere, and spirits with pure aura are quite rare.

The monkey in front of him clearly belongs to the spirit!

In Nezha's opinion, there must be some powerful direction behind this monkey!


Xiao Shi was relieved to see that the monkeys and grandchildren were living peacefully and without disaster.

In this case, it can be regarded as a matter of heart.

I can go to the mortal dust with peace of mind!

"Master said that it is better to sit and talk about the Tao than to get up and act. "

"But where do you start and take the path of cultivation?"

The little stone showed a thoughtful look.

He has been searching for immortals for decades, and he has also traveled to many places.

But in this process, it is basically possible to avoid the Terrans.

After all, he was still a monkey at that time, and he would not change.

Even if it is a person who can speak and is seen, it will only cause panic and be called a leprechaun!

Since you want to enter the mortal dust experience, you naturally have to go to the Terran tribe!

"Let's go back to Xiniu Hezhou!"

"The Spirit Mountain in Master Venerable's story is also in Xiniu Hezhou!"

"I also want to see what kind of existence that Spirit Mountain is!"

The monkey remembered the story of the Qi Tian Great Sage told by the master.

In the story, the Qi Tian Great Sage hit the Heavenly Court, but was suppressed by the Rulai Buddha Lord of Lingshan!

Xiniu Hezhou also has a spirit mountain, and the lord of the spirit mountain is also the Lord of Buddha!

This made the monkey curious.

Is the Western Spirit Mountain, as the world says, a place of bliss?

Thinking of this, the monkey soared into the clouds and went straight to the land of Xiniu Hezhou.

At this moment, although he had Lin Ze to teach the exercises, he was only an entry, and his strength was still low.

Therefore, he did not find that there was a 'little devil god' following him behind him.

"Going in the direction of Xiniu Hezhou?"

Nezha looked in the direction of the monkey, and the curiosity in his eyes became more and more intense!

Could it be that Western Buddhism is the one who pointed out this monkey?!

Making such a guess in his heart, Nezha couldn't help but show disgust.

Those bald monks in the West, there is not a single good thing!

I like to show my Dharma everywhere, and each of them is a sanctimonious hypocrite!

But anyone who appears before mortals must be a vision.

I am afraid that others will not know the identity of their Buddha and Bodhisattva!

Thinking of this, Nezha immediately lost interest in monkeys.

Buddhist guys, every heart is dirty!

"It's not interesting. "

"Let's find the second brother to drink!"

Nezha lacked interest, and stepped on the Hot Wheel and planned to go to the direction of Guanjiangkou.

But soon there was a stop.

I don't know why, but I still care about the monkey just now.

After all, it is rare for a demon like this to have no demon qi and exude pure aura!


"Keep up and see!"

"Xiao Ye doesn't believe that the Western Spirit Mountain can teach such a pure spirit!"

"If it's really from Lingshan, hehe..."

Saying that, Nezha showed a rebellious smile on his face!

If there was a Heavenly Court Immortal God here, seeing Nezha's smile, he would definitely feel a tingling in his scalp!

Because this means that this little devil god of the Heavenly Court is about to start his prank!

There will definitely be a large number of immortal gods who are unlucky, and they will inevitably be severely teased!

I saw Nezha with a smile on his face, stepping on the Hot Wheels and chasing in the direction of the monkey.

He even wondered what to do with that monkey!

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