
South China Sea.

Purple bamboo forest.

The light of the Buddha shone brightly, and the Sanskrit sound stretched for thousands of miles!

This is the ashram of Avalokiteshvara.

The usually clean purple bamboo forest is quite lively today.

Several Buddhist bodhisattvas came here at the invitation of Avalokiteshvara to discuss important matters!

That's right!

It is precisely because of the variables of Xiniu Hezhou!

The four great bodhisattvas, except for the Bodhisattva of Jizo who was in the prefecture, the other three were all gone!

"Guys, there are big variables in Xiniu Hezhou now!"

"It not only makes my Buddhism turbulent, but even affects the future development of Buddhism!"

"I invite you to come here because of this matter. "

Avalokiteshvara sat on the lotus platform, smiling like this.

The bodhisattvas below and the Buddha all looked at each other.

This matter had already been known to the Lingshan Great Lei Yin Temple as early as the time.

Even the Buddha Lord was furious!

"What is Guanyin's plan?"

Manjushri clasped his hands together and asked aloud.

Since Avalokiteshvara said so, it means that he already has a plan.

I saw Guanyin Bodhisattva smile slightly, and then said:

"Now that Xiniu He Zhou is in turmoil, the place where you worship is bound to be affected. "

"If you send a mount, stabilize the incense. "

As soon as these words came out, all the bodhisattvas looked at each other and immediately understood.

Avalokiteshvara asked them to send their own chariots in search of the existence of variables.

This has several advantages!

First, as revealed by the heavenly machine, their car is one of the 72 difficulties in the eastern transmission of the Dharma.

This can be regarded as preparing for the eastern transmission of the Dharma in advance.

Second, with the help of their existence, we can explore the variables of pacifying Xiniu Hezhou and further strengthen Buddhist control over Xiniu Hezhou!

Just like Lingji Bodhisattva!

With the persecution of monsters, people will worship gods and Buddhas to seek refuge!

This is undoubtedly the easiest and crudest way to collect incense luck!

"It's about the rise and fall of Buddhism, so it's according to Guanyin. "

Manjushri smiled and took the lead in expressing his position.

As long as you let your car out, you can harvest a lot of incense!

What reason is there to disagree with this ?!


This will cause many races to fall into the mouth of youkai?

Oh, it's the Terrans who died, the monsters who eat people, what do you have to do with me and other bodhisattvas and Buddhas?

Therefore, the bodhisattvas and Buddhas present expressed their positions one by one, and immediately acted according to the meaning of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Seeing this scene, Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded slightly, revealing satisfaction.

In this way, the foot of Ling Mountain is equivalent to an extra line of defense!

No matter who divine that variable is, it will not be able to affect the Spirit Mountain.



In the village.

Surrounded by mountains, it is full of greenery.

The passage between heaven and earth is turbulent, and the spiritual air is turning, and it seems to be surging in a certain direction!

I saw that the place where the spiritual energy gathered was on a mountaintop.

A figure sat here, and the breath on his body rose and fell one after another, as if he was about to break through at any time!

Exactly the little stone!

After refining those superb innate spirit fruits given by Lin Ze, the majestic aura contained in them instantly broke the shackles in his body!

The power in the body is completely boiling, like magma constantly flowing!

With this surge of power, his body was constantly tempering, becoming stronger and tougher!

In the process, I seem to be able to hear the sound of the river rushing!

Not only that, as the shackles were broken, he actually entered a state of deep enlightenment!

In these short period of a few days, Xiao Shi had a great understanding of the exercises and magical powers he had cultivated!

The Mixed Yuan Immortal Skill and the Wanhua Immortal Determination are all cultivated to the Xiaocheng realm!

This directly increased his strength and broke through to the rank of Taiyi Golden Immortals!

His strength cultivation is not weak compared to Nezha!

After a moment, the vision around the small stone gradually dissipated, and he opened his eyes.

Buzz !!

In an instant, a divine light burst out from his eyes, rushing straight towards Doufu!

"The spirit fruit given by Master Venerable is indeed extraordinary!"

"Unexpectedly, this has made a breakthrough in the cultivation of the Dao Realm!"

"Now the master's teachings have reached the Xiaocheng realm!"

Xiao Shi felt the abundant power surge in his body, and his heart was overjoyed.

This made him feel endless emotion in his heart.

The things given by the master are really not ordinary products!

I just ate a purple peach, and there was such a big change!

It can be seen how good the master is!

"By the way, what about Nezha?"

At this time, Xiaoshi suddenly remembered that he was in retreat with Nezha.

So he looked around and soon found Nezha's figure.

In a secluded place in the distance, Nezha was also in the process of cultivation.

The movement of his cultivation is even bigger than a small stone!

I saw that the spiritual energy of that piece of heaven and earth merged into Nezha's body like a funnel!

Obviously, Nezha is going to cultivate the law given by Lin Ze and transform into a lotus incarnation!

Only in this way can you get rid of the situation of your spiritual charm being sucked!

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