

In the pavilion by the lake, Lin Ze held several treasures in his hand, with a strange look on his face.

Just now, the sound of the system sounded, prompting its students to complete the task.

Then these strange things are rewarded, either beads or plates, and flag-like things.

"No, what's the use of sending me these things?"

"I'm going to fix the progress!"

Lin Ze couldn't help but sigh slightly, this system is really too powerful!

I always give myself such weird things!

If the reward for yourself is all the repair progress, how can there be most of the progress at this time!

Thinking of this, Lin Ze sighed slightly, and then threw those 'garbage' aside.

Just when he was disappointed, the sound of the system suddenly sounded again!


[Host student 'Little Stone' preaches the Taoist system and gets rewarded!】

[Reward: Binocular repair progress increased by 3%!].

[Current repair progress: 29 percent].

When he heard this system prompt tone, Lin Ze immediately showed joy.

Sure enough, it's still a small stone to power!

The last time I went out, I smashed a whole five percent.

This time it's three percent!

If you spend a little more time outside, won't you be able to regain your eyesight soon?

Thinking of this, Lin Ze couldn't help but show a hint of relief.

"It's worthy of me teaching students!"

"When Little Stone returns, I will definitely give him a good student award!"

"Let other students study well!"

Lin Ze had a smile on his face, and his mood instantly improved a lot at this moment.

Sure enough, I still have to look at the small stone!

Although other students can also trigger system rewards, they are all system rewards of beads, plates and other things.

What's the use of those things?

It's clearly garbage!

At this time, Master Sister Ning came over.

Thinking that she would see the teacher soon, her face flushed a little.

Finding the lake, Xiaoning saw Lin Ze's figure from a distance.

Sensing the aura of Dao Yun lingering around him, he couldn't help but show surprise.

"What a mysterious and powerful Dao rhyme breath!"

"Could it be that Teacher Fei's Dao Realm cultivation has improved again?!"

Looking at the unparalleled figure in the pavilion, Xian Ning was surprised in his heart.

Because she found that the speed of improvement of the teacher's Dao Realm cultivation in the past few days can be called heaven-defying!

It made her more and more unable to see through!

Just standing there gives an unreal feeling.

"Those are... Need for Lingbao?!"

"Teacher is sitting alone in the pavilion these days, is it possible that he is refining such a superb treasure with the supreme Dao method?!"

At this time, Slim Ning's gaze shifted, and he immediately found those brilliant treasures!

Each treasure exudes a unique Dao charm atmosphere, radiant and steaming!

At a glance, you can recognize that this is not a rare peerless treasure!

And these are the garbage that was just disgusted by Lin Ze and then thrown aside!

"The teacher is so busy and hard, I better not bother. "

After thinking slightly, Xiao Ning made a decision.

Alas, I really want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake with the teacher!

But now it seems that it can't.

This made Xian Ning feel a little lost in her heart, and then turned and left.

However, what she didn't know was that Lin Ze didn't know how leisurely he was these days!

It's either basking in the sun or wandering around.

Drop by to the lake to blow the breeze, it's not too pleasant.


A certain hill.

A figure is sitting cross-legged here.

Exactly Nezha!

I saw that his body had a powerful Dao rhyme.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth poured into his body like a funnel!

Since cultivating the exercises given by Lin Ze, Nezha had transformed the lotus body in a short period of time and re-cultivated the flesh body!

All the loosened Dao realms that had not been loosened for a million years, now there were signs of improvement between words!

After Nezha sensed the change in himself, his heart was overjoyed.

"The teacher really didn't lie to me!"

"That lotus body binds my origin and devours my spiritual charm!"

"Now that he has transformed into that lotus body and recultivated his physical body, Xiao Ye can return to the peak!"

This time, I was lucky to meet the teacher, otherwise, I don't know how long I will be kept in the dark!


Taiyi Zhenren, the Emperor of Dongji Qinghua!

After Xiao Ye cultivates the teacher's exercises to a great extent, he will calculate this account well!



Under the dispatch of the Heavenly Court, another powerful immortal god also came to the land of Xiniu He Continent.

I saw that he was full and beautiful, his actions were elegant and quiet, and his clothes were gold and white robes!

Followed by a god dog, it is also quite good.

It was Erlang God Yang Jian, who is now coming with the Heavenly Dog!

After stepping into Xiniu Hezhou, Yang Jian raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was a faint immortal light shock between his forehead.

"It was here that the Nezha brothers disappeared. "

"If today's machine is chaotic, the land of Xiniu Hezhou will be varied!"

"Could it be that the Nezha brothers have already been killed?"

Between words, Yang Jian's eyes had a hint of worry.

In the Heavenly Court, Nezha was the only immortal god who looked good to his eyes and matched his temperament.

Because the relationship has always been very good.

After hearing that Nezha was missing, Yang Jian did not hesitate at all, and agreed to the transfer of Taibai Jinxing to investigate the variables in the West.

"Since stepping into the land of Xiniu Hezhou, demons have been rampant, and the breath of blood apes is pervasive!"

"Even the Celestial Dog can't trace the whereabouts of the Nezha brothers. "

Yang Jian glanced at the Celestial Dog, sighed slightly, and frowned.

And at this time, the dog suddenly smelled something, and seemed to have discovered something!

Yang Jian's eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart was happy.

"Find the breath of the Nezha brothers!"

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