"In the entire flood, this can be said to be the center of the whirlpool of the Heavenly Machine. "

"Coupled with the power of the Golden Light Heavenly Dao that spread from the depths of the forbidden area to the three realms before, perhaps even the underlying law origin of this space has experienced some kind of fluctuation. "

"If these factors are combined, I wonder if it is possible to create such an Aura Dao ancestral vein out of thin air?"

When Zhen Yuanzi heard this, he lowered his head and pondered for a moment, while the power of divine consciousness hovered endlessly within hundreds of square circles around him, capturing all the subtle changes of those four aura mysteries, and then ~ said to the Emperor of the Imperial Capital:

"Emperor, what you said may be something to consider. "

"What kind of force is the cause of the emergence of the Aura Dao Ancestral Vein to be possible, it is always inconclusive. "

"Moreover, in the past long years, the ancestral veins that had appeared in the flood wilderness, and no strong person really understood the origin of these ancestral veins. "

"Roughly speaking, the existence of the ancestral vein of the Spiritual Qi Dao is like the essence of the sun and the moon and the spirit of heaven and earth, and it is accidentally generated, and there are not many rules to follow. "

"Let's just say that the birth time of these ancestral veins has never been fixed. "

"For tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of years, an ancestral vein was discovered by the world, which caused a bloody battle. "

"Now, the position we both are in is less than 10,000 miles away from the forbidden area. "

"The law shock wave formed by the battle of the saints will indeed cause abnormal fluctuations in this place, but how the law shock wave can cause the appearance of the ancestral vein, this immortal does not have any clue. "

"However, if you add that mysterious Supreme Heavenly Dao power, things may become even more delicate. "

"If we can explore how the power generated after the fusion of the power of the Heavenly Dao and the fluctuations of the law produces such an ancestral vein of the Spiritual Dao, it will be an unprecedented great discovery. "

Speaking of this, even Zhen Yuanzi's eyes flashed with a mysterious light.

Being able to rely on human power without waiting for the essence of heaven and earth Spiritual Qi to spontaneously come into being, then the creation of the ancestral vein of the Spiritual Qi Dao can be stimulated through special methods like some formations.

Just thinking about it like this already made Zhen Yuanzi excited.

However, Zhen Yuanzi quickly calmed down his state of mind.

After all, this is just a very elementary and simple idea, and there are still 108,000 miles away from really achieving that effect, and it is not possible to explore it overnight.

Moreover, more importantly, although the ancestral vein of the Spiritual Qi Dao is extraordinary and has endless powers, from its birth to becoming a truly immortal land, after all, there are very long years in between, and it takes tens of thousands of years to start.

Even for the quasi-saint powerhouses who had jumped out of the net of reincarnation, such years were not easily ignored.

Therefore, imagine it to imagine, Zhen Yuanzi will not imagine this at the moment.

On the contrary, it was the speculation put forward by the Emperor of Yudu, and some of the possibilities behind it made Zhen Yuanzi feel more valuable.

After thinking for a moment, Zhen Yuanzi said with a divine thought:

"We have already talked about the strange changes brought about by the existence of this forbidden area before, if it is really as the Great Emperor said, the power of the forbidden area's lord's heavenly path has the ability to stimulate the creation of the ancestral vein, it will be a huge treasure that changes the world!"

"This Immortal's cultivation realm is limited, and he can't yet gain insight into the existence so deep as the power of the origin of the law. "

"But you and I have both felt that mysterious meaning in the mysterious space formed by the power of golden light that day, and it is indeed inextricably linked to the origin of the Dao. "

"If the Lord of the Forbidden Area has such power, even if the Heavenly Court can take advantage of some advantages in this battle, even if it really breaks through the Forbidden Area Guardian Array in the end, I think it is far from the end. "

When Emperor Yudu heard Zhen Yuanzi's words, he was also quite moved, nodded, and then transmitted a voice and said:

"That Heavenly Dao power has endless wonders, Zhenyuan Daxian you condensed and fused before, but only a part of the essence of the power of golden light, far from the essence of the power of Heavenly Dao, has been able to provide us both with such a powerful increase in strength. "

"If you directly get the blessing of the power of the Origin Heavenly Dao, I really don't know to what extent it can reach. "

"In this way, perhaps it is not something strange enough to inspire such an aura path to contain an ancestral vein. "

As he spoke, the power of Divine Exploration of the Emperor of the Capital did not stop.

His attention had been focused on the Heavenly Court army in the distance that was still fighting wits and courage with the Wind and Thunder Region, and he controlled the east direction of the Jade Emperor's side.

At this moment, his consciousness moved, and he found that the Jade Emperor's army had officially crossed the edge of the wind and thunder area, and was standing at the border, as if deciding the next direction of travel.

Seeing this, the Emperor of Yudu laughed and said to Zhen Yuanzi:

"Zhenyuan Daxian, sure enough, as you expected, after the Jade Emperor was stimulated by this wind and thunder power blocking, he seemed more cautious. "

"Their army is now divided into two halves, and half of them have reached the edge and bypassed the barrier of the wind and thunder area. "

"But they still have half of the army still in place, and at this rate, it may take a lot longer than expected to wait until they reach our current position." "

After the two quasi-saints arrived at this place, there was a clear division of labor.

Exploring the eastern direction of the Heavenly Court army was entrusted to the Emperor of the Imperial Capital to do specifically, while Zhen Yuanzi focused more on the preparation and arrangement of the illusion magic array in his hands.

And the unexpected discovery of signs of the ancestral vein of the Aura Dao also somewhat disrupted their original plan.

Fortunately, with the means and skills of Zhen Yuanzi, with the help of those spiritual energy mysteries discovered now, he can add a lot of convenience to his Dharma array arrangement.

Moreover, with this strange mysterious trick born from the power of heaven and earth, Zhen Yuanzi was also able to add more special powers to the original illusion array, allowing it to exert more

After the Emperor of the Heavenly Court probed and determined the current movements of the Heavenly Court army, Zhen Yuanzi said:

"This is also good, it seems that the Jade Emperor really has a lingering heart for that wind and thunder area, and does not dare to act rashly and presumptuously. "。

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