Lin Ze's movements did not stop there.

His right palm turned again, and his fingertips moved slightly, as if he was drawing a certain rune image in mid-air.

With Lin Zeyun's light and breezy movements, the brighter and brighter golden light on his fingertips dragged and stretched out, like a long golden dragon that crisscrossed up and down!

On the surface of the river, after the black energy aura was blasted away, the strange water vortex began to tremble violently.

Although the darkness under the hundreds of zhang river water had been shattered by Lin Ze's hand, those fragments did not disappear immediately, but still floated in the river.

That water vortex seemed to be unwilling to be destroyed by Lin Ze like this, so it was trying its best to resist the supreme power that Lin Ze was constantly unleashing.

Under the struggle of the whirlpool of the current, those dark fragments floating and scattered in the river were now pulled by some invisible force and began to converge towards the center where the whirlpool was!

In the blink of an eye, all the dark debris had gathered around the whirlpool.

Immediately, the faint beast roar transmitted from the whirlpool of water suddenly became louder, and turned into a loud sound like thunder rolling by in the sky, roaring in the surrounding space!

After that vortex gathered a huge number of dark fragments, its form also began to change strangely.

In the strong tremor, the vortex continues to expand, and then shrinks extremely quickly.

Between the two forms, the vortex changes endlessly at a rate that ordinary people cannot understand, as if it has broken through the confinement of the law and become some kind of unfathomable mysterious existence.

But Lin Ze still had an indifferent look, not moved by the changes below, and Yun lightly continued to draw strange golden light arcs with his fingertips in mid-air.

Suddenly, Lin Ze's right hand formed an esoteric seal.

The moment this seal was completed, all the sounds in the four-square space disappeared.

Only the roar of the beast that kept howling still echoed above the long river.

However, as Lin Ze's tide of power continued to surge out, the beast roar that was originally like a muffled thunder explosion sounded like a faint whimper.

And the area covered by this gradually fading beast roar is getting smaller and smaller.

Under the suppression and purification of Lin Ze's power, the beast's roar shrank to less than a square meter in a moment, and could only float in a small area above the surface of the Changhe River.

Moreover, the roar of the beast, which had turned into a slight whimpering sound, was constantly getting smaller and weaker, as if it was being swallowed up by some mysterious force in the void.

The seal in Lin Ze's hand suddenly changed again.

Suddenly, in this divine realm, in the area around Lin Ze's body, countless tiny golden rays gradually emerged from the void, and in less than a breath interval, the endless golden points of light had already spread throughout the space!

At this moment, Lin Ze seemed to be at the source of all light power, and he was indescribably vast.

The breath on Lin Ze's body also climbed higher under the reflection of the tide of light spots.

And the water vortex below, at this time, tried its best to absorb the broken dark fragments, and then resisted the huge coercive force to swallow all these darkness in!

However, compared to Lin Ze's already powerful aura like the universe Hongmeng, even though he had absorbed all the dark fragments, the strange water vortex was still as worthless as an ant.

Above Lin Ze's palm, the seal changed with his thoughts.

This time, the tide of light in the sky began to surge towards the surface of the Changhe River, and in an instant, a huge net was woven into a huge net, shrouding the entire Changhe!

The river, which had previously begun to be restless due to the appearance of darkness and whirlpools, now became smooth and flat like a mirror under the control of the power of Luo Net, extending towards the end of the distant sky, and there was no end in sight!

The water vortex also seemed to sense that a huge crisis was about to befall him, and suddenly let out a harsh howl, and the dark fragments that were about to be absorbed converged and melted into a crystal clear black ball, and rushed towards the net above.

This is the last struggle of this strange water vortex, but the blow that condenses all its mysterious power, just touched the net composed of golden points of light in the sky, and turned into flying ash with a "poof"!

The breeze blew slightly, and even the flying ash disappeared instantly, without a trace!

A trembling wail came from the whirlpool of water.

Finally, the secretly invisible mysterious power also realized that he was completely irresistible in the face of Lin Ze's supreme power.

The previous attempts at destruction seemed mighty at the beginning, but after Lin Ze used his own strength, everything seemed like a child's play, without any threat.

The wailing continued, as if begging Lin Ze to let it live.

But at this time, Lin Ze's divine spiritual sense was already in line with heaven and earth, and he was already extremely indifferent in the face of all things, life and death.

Therefore, he just pressed down lightly with a little force on the palm of his hand, and the net that shrouded the entire long river carried it towards the river with earth-shattering power.

Only a crisp cracking sound was heard, and the dark water vortex like tarsal maggots suddenly turned invisible.

All the anomalies disappeared from the long river without a trace, sinking into the boundless and terrible nothingness at the bottom of the river.

At this moment, Lin Ze's whole body was in the endless torrent of golden points of light, like the arrival of the Heavenly Dao, and the indescribable divine vastness.

Seeing that the strange vortex had been cleared, Lin Ze's hands moved slightly (good king's), his fingertips were a little, and in an instant, all the power ripples and fluctuations were cleared, leaving no trace.

And Lin Ze himself, the cloud light wind standing in the air, staring at the position where the strange whirlpool appeared on the surface of the long river, thoughtful.

Within this divine realm, as Lin Ze withdrew all his terrifying power, he returned to his original calm state in the blink of an eye.

The waters of the long river are running again, rolling non-stop towards the endless distance.

In the light freshwater mist rising from the steaming river, Lin Ze looked a little trance.

This time, although he was the same as the last time he followed the summoning to find the woman who practiced in the stone chamber, relying on intuitive guidance and instinctively operating the power dormant in his own Yuan God, the impact was very different.

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