As the means of Zhao Yeqing exploded, Guanyin Bodhisattva's pupils shrank, and his heart was terrified!

In a panic, quickly take out the treasure to resist!

I saw that the treasure was like a lotus platform, and there was a faint breath of merit in it.

The whole body of Buddha light shelters and contains great power.

It is the eight-pin golden lotus.

Since the destruction of the twelve-pin meritorious golden lotus, three eight-pin golden lotuses have been derived.

One of them was given to Avalokiteshvara by Lord Rulai.

Although the power of this eight-rank golden lotus is not as good as one-tenth of the twelfth-grade merit golden lotus, it is also a very good defensive treasure.

"This seat has such a treasure shelter, what are you going to kill me?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva urged the eight-pin golden lotus, feeling the sheltering light, and his heart settled a lot.

With this treasure, even if that person's strength is superb, it is impossible to hurt himself!

Just as he was thinking like this, the scene that happened next made his face change greatly, and his back bone felt cold!


As a subtle sound sounded, there was an extra subtle crack above the Eighth Pin Golden Lotus!

Under the means of Zhao Yeqing, this eight-pin golden lotus with extremely strong defense could not support it!

"How is this possible?!"

Avalokiteshvara's face was full of disbelief.

Then, he was hit by the means of Zhao Yeqing and flew out like a shooting star!

I don't know where to fall.

After seeing this scene, Zhao Yeqing showed a trace of regret.

"It's a pity that I haven't been able to completely suppress it, and there is still a trace of breath. "

That kind of means should have been enough to kill Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But it was precisely because of the existence of the eight-pin golden lotus that the Avalokiteshvara survived.

Although the eight-pin golden lotus was broken, it saved the life of Guanyin Bodhisattva and allowed him to preserve a trace of breath.

In this regard, Zhao Yeqing did not care.

I saw him with a light look on his face and said:

"That's it, if you encounter him next time, it's not too late to take his life!"

Between the words, there is an invisible domineering.

This battle, the movement was extremely quiet, and it instantly alarmed countless creatures around it, as well as the power of various places!

When the nearby creatures saw this scene, they couldn't believe their eyes!

That's the Avalokiteshvara of Lingshan Buddhism!

The head of the four great bodhisattvas, the master of the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal!

However, even such an existence can't even resist this person's move?!

This person's strength is probably too terrifying!

"Who is he, and when did he have such great power in the three realms?"

"I've never heard of it before, could it be that you have only recently cultivated to the realm of great power?"

"This person's strength is too terrifying, even Guanyin Daishi can't resist his move!"

"Now the Three Realms are really unfathomable, and there is such a powerful hidden world!"

For a time, many creatures spoke up one after another, and they were very curious about the identity of Zhao Yeqing.

As we all know, there are only so many great powers in the three realms.

The Four Emperors of the Heavenly Court, the Three Buddhas of Lingshan, the Zhen Yuanzi of the Five Zhuang Guan, and so on.

These great powers have long been known for a long time, and it can be said that they are well known!

But the one who shot in front of him is unheard of!

It's as if it was recent.

Wanshou Mountain.

Five Zhuangguan.

Zhen Yuanzi stood under the ginseng fruit tree, holding the jade dust in his hand, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

As a quasi-saint power, divine consciousness can detect millions of miles away, easily!

He naturally paid attention to the movements there.

"This person's breath is full of vitality, which shows that the cultivation time is extremely short!"

"I didn't expect that an acquired soul could reach such a state, which really made me look out of reach!"

Zhen Yuanzi sighed faintly, sighing that the back wave pushed the front wave!

If it is about Dao Realm cultivation, this person has just stepped into the level of great power, and he is naturally inferior to himself.

But in terms of talent, this makes Zhen Yuanzi a little landless.

You know, he Zhen Yuanzi is a congenital being, and it can almost be said that he has existed since the birth of heaven and earth!

So far, he has cultivated such a Dao Realm cultivation.

And this person, who has definitely not cultivated for more than a hundred years, has already reached such a state!

Give him some more years, and that's it?!

"This person must have had some great chance. "

"Or maybe there's some kind of guidance behind it?"

Zhen Yuanzi lowered his head and thought like this.

Thinking of this, he smiled and shook his head slightly.

How is this possible?

Even if he is a saint in this world, he dare not say that he has created a quasi-saint realm in a hundred years!

This is absolutely impossible!

If there really is such peerless power, it is definitely a existence beyond the saint!

Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi showed a faint smile, and then said:

"If today's machine is chaotic, there is such an existence to protect the stone monkey!"

"It seems that Xiniu Hezhou is really going to be completely chaotic!"

"Oh, interesting!"

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