
After the golden-winged roc bird saw the person coming, its eyes narrowed slightly.

In the country of lions and camels, the people were a little overwhelmed when they saw the arrival of the Buddhist bodhisattva.

I saw that their faces had a puzzled look, and they were very puzzled by this.

What is the purpose of the Buddhist bodhisattvas' arrival at this time?

Could it be that he also came to descend demons and remove demons?

The battle between gods and Buddhas, where will these mortals know?

I only know that these are high gods and Buddhas, which can shelter them and have the power to destroy them instantly.

But no one knows if they were well-intentioned to the Terrans or came with evil intentions.

"The Buddha family bodhisattva came at this time, could it be that he also came to lower demons and remove demons?"

"It should be, we have also worshiped Buddhism before, so it can't be against us!"

"That's great, so that those demons don't want to set foot in the country of lions and camels." "

"Hurry up and suppress those demons..."

For a while, people started talking.

After some discussion, I felt that the villain was also a Buddhist bodhisattva, a god and Buddha!

That's naturally to deal with those demons.

It can't be that he came to deal with that Great Immortal and the Lion Camel Country!

When people thought like this, Yin Zhong's heart had sunk to the bottom at this moment.

The face is even more solemn!

Because when that Buddhist bodhisattva appeared just now, the Buddha light method that burst out had already dissolved the power he had just killed the three demon kings!

And Buddhism has 20 great grudges with the forbidden area, Yin Zhong does not believe that this Buddhism is here to save himself!

"It's not early or late, it's just at this time. "

"Let me guess, you are not here to suppress demons, nor to protect the Lion Camel Country. "

Yin Zhong's face showed indifference, and his gaze fell on the body of the Bodhisattva Manjushri, so faintly speaking.

At this moment, the spiritual energy in his body was almost exhausted, and he could no longer maintain that original body.

In the face of Yin Zhong's questioning, Manjushri Bodhisattva always smiled faintly.

"I have long heard that the existence that came out of the forbidden area is extraordinary!"

"If you guess, why did this seat come here?"

Manjushri's gaze fell on Yin Zhong, and he stared directly at Yin Zhong like that.

As if I was afraid that he would run away!

In the Buddha Lord's plan, the existence in the forbidden zone is an extremely important link!

Can't just let him run away like this!

Yin Zhongzi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the bad feeling in his heart became more and more intense.

He even had a bold guess!

Could it be that the great demon wreaked havoc on Xiniu Hezhou, and the monsters rioted and slaughtered the Terrans, all of which are related to Buddhism?!

"I guess, you're definitely not here to lower demons and exterminate demons!"

Yin Zhong spoke lightly, delaying time while thinking about how to deal with it.

With his current situation, let alone this Manjushri Bodhisattva, it is a problem to deal with those three demon kings!

The method of suppressing the three demon kings just now had consumed almost all of his aura!

"Congratulations, that's right!"

At this time, the golden-winged roc bird laughed viciously and suddenly burst out!

I saw him pick up the painting rod Fang Tianji and kill Yin Zhong.

In the face of that fierce offensive, Yin Zhong could only passively fight back!

Although he is in extremely poor condition now, if he only faces a golden-winged roc bird, he can still handle it.

But Manjushri had long lost patience with this!

I saw that he pressed his big hand, and the aura of the peak of the Great Luo Golden Immortal on his body instantly burst out!


The terrifying power immediately stirred, setting off bursts of power!

The Dao rhyme between heaven and earth is full of spiritual energy, and a large area of Buddha light shines on everything in the world!

Seeing Manjushri's methods, many living beings were amazed in their hearts.

And the scene that happened next made their faces change drastically, revealing an unbelievable look!

I saw that Manjushri Bodhisattva used his means, and he did not want to suppress those three demons, but hit Yin Zhong!


With a roar, Yin Zhong was defenseless and was directly beaten out.

Manjushri Bodhisattva had an icy look on his face, and with a wave of his hand, a large piece of Buddha light fell and suppressed Yin Zhong!

After the Great Demon King Blue Lion saw this scene, he immediately became arrogant and proud!


"Even if your skills are high?"

"Do you really think that you can go against me?!"

"It's a pity that you are alone in this lion and camel country, and we are powerful!"

Between the words, it turned out to be proud.

The three demon kings gathered above the Lion and Camel Country, and their bodies exuded a terrifying demon aura that made countless people fearful!

Behind them is Manjushri, who radiates the light of a holy Buddha.

Ironically, they are in a gang!

In the country of lions and camels, after people saw this scene, they suddenly froze in place!

Everyone's faces were in disbelief!

This...... How can it be!

When the Buddhist bodhisattva arrived, instead of suppressing those demons, he also suppressed the great immortals who sheltered the country of lions and camels?!

Even that great immortal has been suppressed, so who else can descend demons and get rid of demons?

The millions of Terrans in the Lion and Camel Country, are they all going to be buried in the mouth of that demon today?!

Thinking of this, everyone showed despair.

"That Buddhist bodhisattva is actually with demons!"

"It's over, even that great immortal has been suppressed, who can save us?"

"Are all of us going to die in the mouth of that demon?"

"I don't want to die yet!" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

In an instant, the lion camel was in chaos in an instant, and people fled towards the outside of the city.

Try to escape the clutches of those monsters!

But don't forget, there are tens of thousands of monsters outside.

How could they have escaped?

He was caught on the spot!

"The entire country of lions and camels has fallen under the control of me and others. "

"The existence in the forbidden area has also arrived, what should I do next?"

The Great Demon King Qingmao Lion came to Manjushri and asked in such a loud voice.

Manjushri suppressed Yin Zhong with one hand, and his gaze fell on the country of the lion.

I saw that the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a gloomy smile, and said:

"Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed!"

"This seat needs a lion and camel country, a lion camel country with skeletons and bones!"

After hearing this, the Great Demon King Blue Lion immediately understood and showed a vicious smile.

Want a lion and camel country full of bones and the breath of blood apes?

It's not easy?!

"Follow Manjushri's decree!"

At the moment, the Great Demon King Blue Lion is bringing many little demons to solve this matter.

Looking at the Yin Zhong who was suppressed by himself, Manjushri Bodhisattva always had a cold smile on his face.


Buddhism's chance to seek revenge in the forbidden area has finally come!

The Lion Camel Country is one of the largest Terran countries in Xiniu Hezhou!

If this country is slaughtered, it will definitely cause the Three Realms to tremble!

I'm afraid that even the three emperors of the Terran race will not be able to sit still and stand up!

Of course, this cannot be done by the Three Devil Kings, let alone Buddhism!

It can only be done in that forbidden area!

Slaughter the entire Lion and Camel Country, and then throw Nayin Zhong to the Lion Camel Country when the time comes.

The corpses everywhere are evidence that he slaughtered the Terrans!

At that time, the exclusion zone will be the target of public criticism.

Buddhism raised its arms again, in the name of the way of eliminating demons, and directly led the masters of ten thousand races to destroy it!

This plan is just perfect!

"If you want to blame, you can only blame you for opposing my Buddhism!"

"After three days, you will be the fierce demon who slaughtered the Lion and Camel Country!"

"After that, take advantage of the power of billions of living beings in the three realms to destroy the forbidden area!"

"As an important part of the plan, you should be 600 honored!"

Manjushri Bodhisattva spoke out like this, as if he was saying something to himself, as if he was talking to himself.

And Yin Zhong was suppressed, his face was cold, and he stared at Manjushri like that.



Exclusion zone.

A secluded place, where the slim condensation plate sits, the body is full of rhyme, and the powerful aura pervades the heaven and earth.

Suddenly, Xian Ning opened her eyes, and her willow eyebrows frowned slightly.

Fang Cai was in the middle of enlightenment, but she suddenly felt a burst of unease!

It was as if something big was about to happen.

"Why do I feel the way I do?"

"Could it be that there is something that wants to target my forbidden area?"

With a puzzled look on her face, she thought about all kinds of possibilities.

You know, she is a quasi-saint-level powerful existence!

Quasi-saint has a sense that something big is about to happen!

After thinking about it, Xian Ning did not think of a reason.

The heavenly machine was obscured again, which made her unable to deduce the heavenly machine.

If the six-eared macaque is here, he can rely on his innate power to see the cause and effect.

But alas, the six-eared macaque is not in the restricted area.

"Let's go find a teacher!"

"Maybe the teacher can give some hints!"

After making a decision, Xian Ning immediately set off and went to find Lin Ze.

At this moment, Lin Ze is leisurely lying on his recliner, comfortably basking in the sun.

And at this moment, Lin Ze suddenly frowned slightly.


"Who is wailing for help?!"

Lin Ze sat up, with a serious look on his face, and spoke up here.

Just now, he was lying leisurely and comfortably on the recliner, and suddenly heard a strange sound.

The voice seemed very scared, and the panic in my heart was to the extreme!

This made Lin Ze a little doubtful, is he a little hallucinated?

Otherwise, how could you hear inexplicable voices for no reason? .

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