The whole country of lions and camels, millions of people.

Now in just three days, he was led by the three major demons and ate nearly half!

In the country of the lion camel, it is actually a purgatory scene!

Mountains of skeletons and dense bones!

Human hair is made into carpets, and human skin and flesh are turned into mud!

It's really a corpse mountain and a sea of blood, and it really smells fishy!

Manjushri appeared in the sky above the country of lions and camels, but did not have the slightest mood swing at such a purgatory scene.

I saw that his body was exuding golden Buddha light, which was incompatible with the scene below.

Below him is Yin Zhong, who is bound by various prohibitions.

Manjushri suppressed Inzhong, with his mighty means.

Yin Zhong was bound in the air, and when he saw the scene in the Lion and Camel Country today, he suddenly trembled slightly, and his face was full of disbelief.

"How... How so. "

"How dare you..."

"How dare you do that?!"

Looking at the purgatory-like scene below, Yin Zhong scolded angrily, his eyes filled with anger!

His gaze fell on the body of the Bodhisattva Manjushri, and he wanted to kill the other party immediately.

Yin Zhong did not understand that there was a lot of grudge between Buddhism and the forbidden area.

But why does Buddhism implicate the Terrans?

The people of the country of lions and camels, they just want to live.

What's wrong with them?!

I saw him sneering repeatedly, his eyes flashing, and said:

"What are you talking about?"

"What does this have to do with my Buddhism, you did it!"

"When this matter is exposed, do you think the creatures in the world believe in you, the big demon, or in me, the god and Buddha?"

Between words, on.

It is very common for the great demons of the world to devour the Terrans.

190 Who would believe that compassion is compassion and that Buddhism kills all sentient beings?

After the meeting, everyone must believe that the existence in the forbidden area is just like this Yinzhong!

It's a heinous demon!

Yin Zhong also knew Manjushri's purpose at this moment, but there was nothing he could do.

His power was suppressed by Manjushri, and at the moment he could not even break free from the prohibition on his body.

"Your conspiracy will not succeed!"

"There is a teacher in the forbidden area, and he will definitely see through your conspiracy!"

Yin Zhong's eyes were steadfast, and he was not shaken by Manjushri's behavior.

If you want to slander the forbidden area, it also depends on whether the teacher and senior brothers and sisters agree or not!

If Senior Sister knew the truth, she would have to hit Spirit Mountain directly!

Manjushri burst out laughing, and the contempt on his face became stronger.

He condescendingly, looked down at the suppressed Yin Zhong, and mockingly said:

"Teacher, Lord of the Forbidden Zone?"

"Less scare!"

"The turtle huddles in the forbidden area and does not dare to appear, who knows if this person is real?"

"Waiting for the forbidden area to become the enemy of all spirits, even the lord of the forbidden area will not work!"

"Forbidden area, extinguished!"

Speaking of which, Manjushri Bodhisattva single-handedly suppressed it, and there was an immeasurable burst of golden light.

Under the deterrence of that power, there were several more prohibitions on Yin Zhong's body!

At this moment, Yin Zhong couldn't even speak.

After doing this, Manjushri was satisfied.

Immediately, he came directly to the sky and was shocked by the breath of his body.

In an instant, the light of the Buddha shone brightly, and the Sanskrit sound sounded loudly, spreading hundreds of millions of miles away!

Countless creatures saw such a vision, and (caec) looked sideways.

Their faces were all full of surprise, and their hearts were a little puzzled.

At this time, Manjushri Bodhisattva had a positive face, and his body was bright and bright, like a heavenly god who saved the world.

His voice came out, announcing the Three Realms and reaching the ears of countless living beings!

"Today, there are demons who are scourge on the world, slaughtering the Terran country, and they are extremely cruel!"

"Honza occasionally passes by this place, and he can't bear the misery of the world, so he intervenes to suppress it. "

"It turned out that this demon actually came from that forbidden area!"

As Manjushri's voice came out, it instantly shook the entire Three Realms!

After countless living beings heard this, they were all shocked in their hearts, and their faces were full of disbelief.

What the?!

The existence that came out of the forbidden area actually directly slaughtered that Terran country!

Or a Buddhist bodhisattva who met by chance and saved half of the people!

How so?

Could it be that this is the true appearance of that mysterious forbidden area?

Could it be that all of them are this kind of cannibalistic and unblinking vicious demon?!

For a while, the entire Three Realms instantly exploded, and countless creatures were talking about it.

Between words, there was already a lot of doubt about that forbidden area!

No way, the forbidden area was so mysterious that the creatures of the three realms couldn't know what it looked like.

Is it the wonderland on earth that the world longs for, or is it the purgatory on earth that buries the world?

"I didn't expect that the truth in the forbidden area was like this?"

"Yes, I thought that all of them were immortals, but I didn't expect them to be all murderous demons!"

"It actually directly destroyed most of the Lion and Camel Country, and such means are really cruel!"

"Speaking of the recent turmoil in Xiniu Hezhou, there are many big demons appearing, scourge the world, could it be that they are all demons in the forbidden area?"

"You really said that!"

Countless living beings are talking about this matter, and they are extremely afraid of the existence of the forbidden area between words!

If what the Buddhist Bodhisattva Manjushri said was true, then all the people in this forbidden area were extremely terrifying existences!

Today it is the country of lions and camels that is destroyed, and the people of the city who die.

And what about tomorrow?

It is very likely that it is himself who dies!

In an instant, the forbidden area instantly became the object of discussion of all living beings.

Not only the creatures of the world, but even the powers of all walks of life were shocked by Manjushri's words.

Wanshou Mountain.

Five Zhuangguan.

Zhen Yuanzipan sat under the ginseng fruit tree, with a strange look on his face, and his eyes were full of doubts.

What the?

Buddhist Bodhisattvas expose forbidden areas, all of which are peerless demons?!

And he is also extremely ferocious, and wants to eat all the people in the Yanfu world?

"Something is wrong with this, I'm afraid it's a little strange!"

"I have also heard that there have been many beings in the forbidden area. "

"Although they are mountain spirits and wild monsters, they are quite friendly to the Terrans, and even protect them!"

"If you can do this, how can you slaughter half of the country of lions and camels?"

Zhen Yuanzi stroked the white beard and raised the jade dust in his hand, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The creatures of the world do not know much, and it is easy to be blinded and confused by superficial phenomena!

But his town Motoko is different!

As a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, if you don't have some brains, how can you mix in these three realms?

"Buddhism has always been faceless, and all merits like to be attached to Buddhism. "

"Could it be that there were demons who slaughtered the Lion Camel Country, and after being discovered by the existence of the forbidden area, the town killed the demons. "

"As a result, you met that Manjushri Bodhisattva to steal the credit?"

Zhen Yuanzi showed a thoughtful look and made a guess in such a loud voice.

Everyone understands the character of Buddhism!

At the beginning of Buddhism's origin, but with a sentence that I have a relationship with the West, I robbed an unknown number of treasures for no reason!

Moreover, it is also a well-known thing that Buddhism and the forbidden zone have a lot of grudges today.

So even if it is as guessed, there is nothing unusual.

But what Zhen Yuanzi didn't know was that his guess was even too conservative!

As he said, a demon slaughtered the city, but that demon obeyed the command of Buddhism!


The capital city.

The Emperor of the capital was dressed in a gold-patterned imperial robe and sat on the throne.

When he heard Manjushri's voice proclaiming the three realms, he was immediately angry!

I saw him slap on the desk, anger rose from the heart, and said:

"You fart!"

"What kind of virtue do you have in Buddhism, don't others know that this seat does not know?!"

"All sanctimonious and high-sounding, I think that demon is what you commanded!"

The Emperor of the Capital was full of anger, and after hearing the discussion of the creatures of the three realms, he was even more indignant!

What the?

The forbidden area is full of murderous peerless demons?!

It's just nonsense!

The Forbidden Zone has personally been there, and every existence in it is a pure aura!

It can never be a demon that slaughters wantonly!

That Manjushri Bodhisattva is simply pure farting with his eyes open!


"It seems that Buddhism is also in a hurry!"

"In order to engage in the forbidden area, even such a subtle method has been used!"

"Suppressed a great spirit in the forbidden area, and then condemned all sins on him!"

"In this way, you can mobilize the emotions of the three realms of living beings and make the forbidden area the target of everyone!"

"What a calculation!"

As the ruler of the prefecture, the Emperor of the capital could not be clearer about all kinds of calculations.

I immediately understood the practice and purpose of Buddhism!

The chill in his heart gradually rose, and his face gradually became cold.

In order to destroy the forbidden area, Buddhism really does everything it can!

Even such dirty tricks have been used.

However, I have to say that the effect of such calculations is quite good, and the creatures of the three realms have been mobilized.

At this moment, many living beings have begun to verbally criticize the forbidden area.

In this regard, the Emperor of the capital did not pay too much attention.

"In the forbidden area, there is that supreme being!"

"This calculus, also want to shake the lord of the forbidden area?!"

"It's probably too naïve!"

The Emperor of the Capital returned to the throne and couldn't help but show his memories.

I still remember the horrible scene I saw the last time I saw the Lord of the Forbidden Area!

It seems that the random movements of that person can cause the power of the law to turmoil!

Its existence is really indescribable!

Such small calculations also vainly attempt to shake this supreme existence?!。

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