The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

Nuwa was completely furious.

Several saints were stunned.

It was Nuwa who scolded Yuanshi first, how come Yuanshi caused her to lose the treasure?

"Sister Nuwa, what happened? Please explain it clearly!" Yuanshi asked.

Nuwa said coldly: "My maid Qingluan stole my red hydrangea and went to the lower world."

"This... Haha, I see, I wrongly blamed you, sister, I apologize." Yuanshi smiled awkwardly.

Nuwa snorted coldly, "What's the point of apologizing? If you hadn't stopped me just now, I could have stopped her. Now, the red ball is lost, what are you going to pay for it?"

"I... I didn't take it, why should I pay for it?" Yuanshi was anxious.

This woman is a bit unreasonable?

You should find whoever took it, why me?

"You didn't take it, but it was lost because of you. You are mainly responsible. If you don't pay, who will pay?"

Seeing that the quarrel was about to start, Laozi hurriedly advised: "Don't worry, Junior Sister Nuwa, the red ball was lost by Yuanshi, let him find a way to get it back. There are many disciples of the Chan Sect, and it's not easy to get a red ball back."

Yuanshi cursed in his heart, what do you mean I lost it?

"Okay, you lost it, you are responsible for helping me get the red ball back, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Nuwa said.

Yuanshi was a thousand mothers in his heart.

Laozi said again: "That's right, let's stop with this. The most urgent thing is to listen to Yuanshi's will to convey Daozu's will."

Yuanshi was helpless and wanted to say a few words to refute, but he couldn't speak.

Women are all petty, and Nuwa is even more vindictive and ruthless. If you really offend her, you will definitely have troubles in the future.

He can only give up.

"Thirty-two years later, when the human world awakens, it will concentrate the power of the human world to restore consciousness. At that time, the human world will no longer restrict the saints from entering."

"The will of Daozu, once the restrictions on the human world are lifted, I, the saint, will rush to the lower world as soon as possible and kill all the masters of the human race, so that the human world will have no chance to turn over."

The saints nodded, but Tongtian Jiaozhu did not comment.

Laozi asked, "Tongtian, do you disagree with the will of Daozu?"

Tongtian said, "How dare I disobey the will of Daozu? It's just that you can go to the human race. I'm too lazy to do it."

Yuanshi looked at Tongtian coldly, and then said, "There is another thing to pay attention to. There may be more than one Kongtong Seal."

Zhunti asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

Yuanshi said, "According to Daozu's speculation, Li Yue can copy various spiritual treasures, such as purple gold red gourd, falling treasure gold, Hunyuan gold bowl, etc. Even the Chaos Bell may be copied by him. He supported the human race during his lifetime, and he may have copied the Kongtong Seal a long time ago. Otherwise, why did the human race come back so smoothly this time?"

The saints nodded one after another, thinking it was very likely.

At the same time, they were also glad that Li Yue was dead. Otherwise, the three realms would be messed up.

At this moment, Zhunti suddenly said: "Do you think Li Yue is alive?"

"Not dead? Impossible, he is just a quasi-saint, how can he withstand the weak water of extreme yin?"

"With his personality, if he is not dead, he would have come out to make trouble, so he must be dead."

Zhunti said again: "What if?"

Now, everyone was silent.

Although it is said that everyone below the saint is an ant, but if Li Yue was in person, they would never say this.

That is an alternative, a strange flower, a pervert, and can never be judged by common sense.

"Whether Li Yue is dead or alive, it's better to be on guard."

"There is also the Kongtong Seal, which must be found, otherwise it will be a hidden danger."

"Don't worry about the battle between heaven and man in Liusha River, let Haotian and others drag the human race. Once thirty-two years have passed, we will descend into the human world, kill all the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and exterminate all men, women, and children of the human race, so that the human world will return to silence completely."

The meeting of the saints in Yuqing Palace was dispersed, and Tongtian returned to Shangqing Palace and sighed deeply.

"When Nuwa created humans, Daozu personally said that the human race was the protagonist of the prehistoric world. It was because of the human race that the prehistoric world was complete."

"If the human race is extinct and the prehistoric world regresses, doesn't Daozu know?"

"Why is this so? Is it true, as I guessed, that there is something wrong with the way of heaven?"

Tongtian's face was full of unwillingness with a dim gaze.

He suddenly made up his mind and sent a message to his clone Qing Pingzi, saying:

"Go to Tang Kingdom immediately, three tasks: first, inform the human race masters that after 32 years, the saints will come to the world and the human race will be exterminated; second, find out whether Li Yue is still alive; third, if it is confirmed that Li Yue is dead, then take

Each of them will take a baby boy and a baby girl back to Jin'ao Island and hide them in Biyou Palace. "

Qing Pingzi did not ask any more questions and immediately set off, leaving Jin'ao Island and heading to Nanzhanbuzhou.

While flying on the cloud, he suddenly saw three figures in front of him, also flying to Nanzhanbuzhou.

Qing Pingzi thought to himself: "These three human beings have the peak of Daluo cultivation and are very unfamiliar. They must be the sages of the human race. Why not tell them the news?"

So, he accelerated and quickly stopped the three people.

"Where are you three from and where are you going? "

These three people are Li Yue's three apprentices. They have been in Dongsheng Shenzhou for half a year and have already established a dark network.

There are 9,000 Taiyi Jinxian masters in the dark network, and they are very efficient. They first kill the land gods, city gods, mountain gods, etc., and then sneak into the courts of various countries to find out those who oppose the unification of the human race and carry out assassinations.

Now, they are supporting Aolai Country, conquering the east and the west, and want to unify Dongsheng Shenzhou first to prepare for the unification of the human race in the future.

Now the three have returned to Nanzhanbuzhou because they got the news from Li Yue and went back to take elixirs to break through the realm.

The three saw that Qingpingzi's cultivation was unpredictable and he was not a human, so they became alert.

Li Bai said: "Who are you, senior, and why are you blocking our way?"

Qingpingzi smiled and said: "I have no ill intentions. I stopped you because I have an important matter to tell you in person. I just don't know your identity, so I need to ask clearly. "

Guo Ziyi said: "The three of us came from Dongsheng Shenzhou and went to Nanzhanbuzhou."

Qingpingzi was still worried and asked: "I heard that Aolai country got help from masters to unify Dongsheng Shenzhou. I think it was you three who did it, right? When the human race in Dongsheng Shenzhou is unified, Aolai country will be abolished and all will be under the control of Tang country. The pace of human unification will be able to move forward a big step."

The three immediately became alert. Li Bai drew his sword with a "choke" sound and shouted: "Who are you? Do you want to go against my human race?"

"Hahaha!" Qingpingzi laughed, then his face condensed, and he said solemnly: "You go back and inform the high-level people of the human race immediately. 32 years later, all the saints will go down to the world and destroy the human race."

"What?" Du Fu was shocked when he heard it.

Guo Ziyi asked: "Senior, is there any basis for this?"

Qingpingzi shook his head and said: "There is no basis, of course, believe it or not. "After saying this, he flew away on a cloud and disappeared into the horizon in a blink of an eye.

The three people were left with solemn expressions. Du Fu said, "Two senior brothers, is what that person said true or false?"

Guo Ziyi said, "It is better to believe it than not to believe it. We should return to Chang'an immediately and inform Master of the news."

The three did not dare to neglect it and turned around in a hurry. They arrived in Chang'an in a short time and contacted Li Yue with secret methods.

"Master is in Fenglai Tower, Xuanwu Street, let's go! "

On the second floor of Fenglai Tower, Li Yue sat alone by the window, drinking a glass of wine. There were peanuts, broad beans, pig ears and other snacks on the table. It was so leisurely.

On the first floor stage, a woman in green covered her face with a veil and played the piano with her bare hands.

The sound of the piano was soothing and lingering. The guests in the building were calm and even handled their wine glasses with care, for fear of disturbing the good news.

Just then, three figures strode into the door and walked up the stairs to the second floor, making a noise. The guests were disturbed and turned their heads to glare.

Li Bai and the other two didn't care and came to Li Yue.

"Greetings, Master!"

Li Yue waved his hand and said, "What's the matter with turning back halfway?"

Li Bai said, "We met a man on the way. The man said that 32 years later, the saints will go down to the world to destroy the human race."

Li Yue raised his eyebrows and asked, "What does that person look like? "

Li Bai recalled: "He was about thirty years old, eight feet tall, dressed in green, with a stern look, and a sharp sword energy surrounding him."

Li Yue raised the wine glass and spilled the wine in it. The wine turned into mist in the air and condensed into a figure.

"Is it him?"

The three of them nodded in unison and said, "It is this person."

Li Yue nodded and said, "This is one of the three corpses of the saint Tongtian, named Qingpingzi. His words cannot be false."

Du Fu said anxiously: "If so, isn't the human race in danger?"

Li Yue waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of everything. You three, break through the quasi-saint realm first. ”

Three disciples, one Quasi-Saint Pill for each. Although one person can take up to 3 pills, Li Yue did not give more.

Li Yue planned to use the pills to improve their cultivation after teaching them the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art.

It would be a waste of the efficacy to eat all 3 pills now.

After taking care of the three disciples, Li Yue came to Yue Garden and met Chang'e.

"Sister, this is the pill I made. If you take one, you can become a Quasi-Saint. Each person can take up to 3 pills."

He took out 3 Quasi-Saint Pills, handed them to Chang'e, and said, "This is for you."

Chang'e took the pills without any excitement, but looked a little lonely.

"After becoming a Quasi-Saint, right, you will not be affected by marriage?

? "

Li Yue was silent, then said: "No matter what, I have always been your brother."

Chang'e sighed and said: "I understand, then, let this relationship go with the wind. In the future, I only need to look at my brother's back from afar, and I will be satisfied. "

In the underwater world, it has been almost half a year. Sha Seng has visited the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas several times, and searched in the Dragon Palace of Rivers, Lakes, and Wells, but still can't find a baby dragon under 3 years old.

Just when he was about to give up, he accidentally heard the shrimp soldiers talking in the East China Sea, saying that Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, had favored a clam girl a few days ago, and he got hit with one shot, and the clam girl became pregnant.

Sha Seng was overjoyed when he heard it.

"It takes three years for the dragon family to be born. But no matter what, there is hope to find a baby dragon."

Just wait for three years, and when the baby dragon is born, he can start.

"In these three years, I will practice well and improve my cultivation. After three years, we can continue our journey to the west after we get the young dragon. "

He first went to report to Guanyin, and then returned to Tang Seng to share Tang Seng's hard work of taking care of Bajie.

Three years passed in a flash, and the young dragon was about to be born.

Sha Seng said goodbye to Sanzang and came to the East China Sea again.

At this time, the Crystal Palace of the East China Sea was under martial law, with Yakshas patrolling everywhere, and shrimp soldiers and crab generals surrounding the Crystal Palace.

Even the other three sea dragon kings came.

It is not easy for the dragon clan to give birth, and they finally have a child, so they attach great importance to it.

Sha Seng didn't care much. After three years of hard training, his cultivation had reached the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and none of the four sea dragons was his opponent.

"Just wait for the young dragon to be born, and then I will snatch it." He thought to himself.

Finally, the day of delivery came. Outside the delivery room, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, was restless and very excited.

"Brother, you have come to the dragon, why are you still so nervous? "Ao Qin laughed.

"Old trees bloom, big brother is excited." Ao Run also laughed.

Just then, a shout came from the delivery room: "It's born, it's born!"

"Hahaha!" Ao Guang laughed three times.

Just then, Sha Seng jumped out, and before everyone could react, he rushed into the delivery room.

Ao Guang shouted: "Who is it? Stop him, stop him quickly."

But Sha Seng was very fast and still rushed in. The next moment, his exclamation was heard in the delivery room:

"What...what is this? How can Ao Guang's dragon seed have eight legs and two big claws?"

"Fuck, this is not a dragon seed, this is a crab!"

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