On the way to the West, Tang Sanzang was thirsty and hungry.

His three disciples were not around, and his cultivation was emptied by the thunder. In addition, there was no one around, and he couldn't even find a place to beg for food. He could only rely on the white dragon horse to find some wild fruits to fill his stomach.

In just over a month, he lost a lot of weight.

"Why haven't Bajie and Wujing come back yet? Did something happen?" He was worried about the safety of his disciples, but he didn't know that the two disciples didn't take him seriously at all.

In the cloud, Guanyin couldn't wait any longer.

"I don't know what they are up to. Let me go to the Dark Abyss to see."

She rode the auspicious cloud and soon entered the territory of Northern Juluzhou. She saw ruins and rotting corpses everywhere.

"The Heavenly Palace and the demons are fighting each other. The Ten Thousand Demons Kingdom was destroyed. The Heavenly Palace was counterattacked by Kunpeng and his men, and the Peach Garden was destroyed. If it weren't for the timely support of millions of heavenly soldiers, the Conferred God List and the Divine Whip would have been lost."

"This is perfect. I will sit on the mountain in the West and watch the tigers fight. Sooner or later, I will become bigger and stronger."

Soon, she went down the Dark Abyss and immediately saw Sha Seng sitting by the Weak Water River to practice.

"Wu Jing!"

When Sha Seng heard this, he hurriedly stood up and turned around. Seeing that it was Guanyin, he bowed and said, "Greetings, Bodhisattva!"

Guanyin asked, "Where is Bajie? Has the rope been untied?"

Sha Seng said, "The rope has been untied a long time ago, but Second Brother is hiding in the Weak Water and is unwilling to go to obtain the scriptures. I have been persuading him for more than a month, but he still won't come out."

"Not willing to go to obtain the scriptures?" Guanyin frowned.

"Yes, he said that the four Bodhisattvas played tricks on him and caused him to be tied up for several years. He had enough."

After hearing this, Guanyin's face was gloomy, but she soon had an idea.

"Second Brother, come out quickly, Guanyin Bodhisattva is here!" Sha Seng shouted at Guanyin's signal.

Bajie was awakened by the shouting on the stone at the bottom of the river.

"Guanyin is here? Ha, so what, I am hiding in this Weak Water, and even if the Buddha comes, he can't do anything to me." He turned over and continued to sleep.

Sha Seng shouted for a long time, but there was no response.

Guanyin waved her hand, picked two leaves from the willow branch, blew a breath, and the leaves fell to the ground and turned into two pig-headed dolls, one boy and one girl.

She shouted in person: "Bajie, your two children miss you very much and come to see you. Don't you come out to see you?"

The two dolls also shouted: "Daddy! Daddy!"

When Bajie heard the children's shouts, he felt a strong sense of longing in his heart. The two children were his own, and it was impossible for him not to miss them after not seeing them for several years.


"I was arbitrary. I have been hiding here all the time. The two children may be implicated."

In desperation, he used his magic power to transform into a set of clothes, went up the river bank, and planned to go back to get the scriptures.

Just as he picked up the two children and wanted to kiss them, the two children suddenly turned into two willow leaves.

This was not over yet. Guanyin took out a hoop and threw it at him, and put it directly on Bajie's head.

"Bodhisattva, what are you doing?" Bajie was angry.

Guanyin said, "I am doing this for your own good. Completing the journey to obtain the scriptures is a great merit. This restraint is only to prevent you from being lazy again in the future."

After that, Guanyin chanted a spell, and the restraint began to shrink inward, causing the idiot to roll on the ground and scream in pain.

Seng Sha, who was standing by, had no expression on his face, but he was extremely angry.

After half a minute, Guanyin stopped and asked, "Do you still dare to slack off?"

Bajie wailed, "I dare not, I will never dare to do it again. Bodhisattva, please stop chanting. I will be determined to protect Tang Sanzang in obtaining the scriptures and will never slack off again."

Guanyin nodded and said, "In that case, follow me back and continue to protect Tang Sanzang."

She turned around and called Bajie and Sha Seng to follow.

But the next moment, there was a plop, and when she looked back, Bajie was gone.

"Bodhisattva, Second Brother has jumped into the river again."

Guanyin's face changed drastically, and she exclaimed: "Oh no, how could I forget this?"

She hurriedly chanted the spell, but it was too late. The moment Bajie entered the water, the restraining hoop on his head was corroded by the weak water, and in less than three seconds it was riddled with holes and lost its effect.

Look, when he emerged from the water again, the restraining hoop on his forehead had disappeared.

Sha Seng was envious, but unfortunately, this method only worked on Zhu Bajie.

"Amitabha!" Guanyin didn't know what to say.

This move was really bad, she thought so herself.

Bajie said angrily: "Bodhisattva, I just came ashore and was planning to go back to protect Tang Monk to obtain the scriptures, but you insisted on putting a broken hoop on my head, chanting the curse of tightening the hoop, and saying that it was for my own good."

"Humph, you tied me up with a rope for three or four years, and now I'm going to take you back.

If the heaven wants to trap me with a broken hoop, I, the old pig, will never agree. "

"Whoever wants to take this scripture can go, I, the old pig, swear, I will not serve you anymore."

After he finished speaking, he sank into the water, and no matter how Guanyin and Sha Seng called him, he did not show up.

Guanyin regretted and was annoyed, but there was nothing she could do. It was too late to regret.

"Wujing, you should go back first. Your master's cultivation is gone again. Now it's a problem to eat and drink. You need someone to take care of you."

Sha Seng asked, "What about the second brother?"

Guanyin said, "Leave Bajie to me. Don't worry. It won't be long before Wukong and Bajie will return to the team to take the scriptures."

After Sha Seng left, Guanyin also went to heaven.

"For now, we can only hope for marriage again. My Buddhist sect emphasizes the purity of the six senses and abandoning worldly desires, but now you are trying every means to make your disciples have worldly desires. It's really, hey..."

Outside Luoyang City, Shouyang Mountain, in the ancestral land of the human race.

Fuxi summoned the human race's high priest and ordered: "The Wan Yao Kingdom in Beijuluzhou has been destroyed, and such a large land is vacant. It is right for our human race to occupy it. You go to Chang'an City to inform Tang Wang Li Shimin and ask him to select 100,000 young men to occupy Beijuluzhou, reclaim wasteland, build cities, and reproduce offspring. "

The high priest received the order and went straight to Chang'an City to see Li Shimin and convey the Holy Emperor's decree.

After asking someone to report, he waited for a long time, but the news he got was that Li Shimin and the concubine were enjoying flowers in the back garden, and no one was seen.

The high priest frowned and asked the eunuch who sent the message: "Can you tell the Tang King that I came here on the decree of the Holy Emperor Fuxi?"

The eunuch said disdainfully: "I told him, but what about it? Yang Guifei said that Your Majesty is the king of the world, and Your Majesty has the final say on how the human race develops. The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are a thing of the past, and it is time for them to retire. Why do you have to make comments? "

"How dare you!"

"Li Shimin, how dare you despise the Holy Emperor? Who gave him the courage?"

The high priest was furious and was about to rush into the palace to see what Li Shimin was doing.

But as soon as he took a step, he saw a red light rising into the sky in the palace, blocking his steps.

"The last time, the three Holy Emperors and the Five Emperors verbally recognized Li Shimin's status as the king of the people. Although it was empty, the human destiny gathered towards Chang'an. With the protection of destiny, I can't touch Li Shimin."

"Hmph, let me inquire in Chang'an City to see how the King of Tang is doing recently, and then go back to see the Holy Emperor and let the Holy Emperor decide. "

He opened his ears and tried to find out about Li Shimin.

In just half an hour, he heard countless people criticizing Li Shimin, saying that Li Shimin was the reincarnation of King Zhou, addicted to beauty, did not attend the morning court, refused to accept advice, persecuted loyal officials, and was incompetent.

The more he listened, the uglier the high priest's face looked.

"Good, good, what a reincarnation of King Zhou!" He was furious.

"Humanity has not yet been unified, but it has begun to enjoy itself. If this continues, how can humanity ever be revived?"

He returned to Shouyang Mountain angrily and told Fuxi everything he had seen and heard in Chang'an City.

"Is it really so? "Fuxi nodded. The four continents in front of him suddenly grew. He then discovered that the Tang Kingdom was in decline. Today, it seems that something is wrong.

Fuxi summoned other holy emperors and told them about Li Shimin in detail.

"I just observed with my divine mind that the concubine beside the Tang King was possessed by a fox demon. She used her charm to the utmost and made the Tang King infatuated." A murderous look flashed across Xuanyuan Huangdi's face.

Fuxi said: "The demons are busy with their own affairs and want to take advantage of the rise of the human race. I don't think they did it. This fox demon is probably sent by Nuwa to cause trouble for the human race. ”

In the previous life, Fuxi and Nuwa were brother and sister.

But after Nuwa became a saint, she became high and mighty, and no longer had any feelings for him as her brother.

In the war between witches and demons, Fuxi helped the demons, but was eventually killed by the witches. Nuwa did not show up during the whole process, and just let him be killed.

Reincarnated as a human, became the Holy Emperor of the human race, and was eventually imprisoned in Huoyun Cave. Nuwa was also indifferent to it.

So, Fuxi had seen through Nuwa, his sister in the previous life.

Shennong said: "Since the King of Tang was deceived, it means that his mind is not firm. He should be deposed and another wise man should be selected."

"I am afraid that wise men are hard to find." Emperor Yao said.

Suiren said: "There are tens of billions of people in the human race. There are no wise men in the Southern Continent, but it does not mean that there are no wise men elsewhere. Recently, I have seen that the human race in Dongsheng Shenzhou has a rising fortune, and there must be a great wise man born. We can send people to secretly find him, bring him back and teach him, and he can take on the great responsibility. "


Dongsheng Shenzhou, under the leadership of Li Bai, Guo Ziyi, and Du Fu, with the help of 400 Daluo and 9,000 Taiyi, the strength of the dark network has already spread throughout the continent.

Non-human forces, such as the demon race and other alien races, were eliminated. The voices against unification within the human race also disappeared completely.

It can be said that everyone was idle, except for one person, that is Du Fu.

He came to Aolai Country and gave Li Yue the grain.

Plant and distribute to the people for planting.

Last year, a crop was harvested, and the yield per mu was indeed 10,000 catties. The people cheered and no longer worried about starvation.

But this was just the beginning. After eating these new grains for a few months, the people did not get sick, and their bodies were as strong as bulls, and their strength was getting stronger and stronger, and they could even fight lions and tigers.

Du Fu was worshipped as a saint, and the people of Aolai built a shrine for Du Fu, and even the king of Aolai wanted to give him the throne.

"Little Junior Brother, Master said that you have a heart of compassion for the world, but we practitioners are always in the clouds and fog, and we can't feel the suffering of the people. Now that the king of Aolai has given you the throne, why don't you take this opportunity to go down to the people and watch the people's lives up close?"

After thinking carefully, Du Fu felt that it made sense, so he accepted the throne and became the king of Aolai.

Li Yue, who was far away in Chang'an, laughed so hard after receiving the news from Li Bai.

"A quasi-saint is the king of a small country. It's really rare."

"If you want to be a king, be the king of the primitive people!"

"How can planning for the future of a small country in a remote corner compare to seizing fortune for the entire human race?"

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