The tiger was in a state of panic, but the truth was revealed.

In order to save the situation, Sun Wukong blew air and cast a spell to make the tiger reveal its true form.

But this is a tiger, how can it have any other true form?

The monkey said angrily: "This is a tiger, not Master at all."

Bajie said in confusion: "But Master was turned into a tiger in front of everyone, this is an indisputable fact!"

Everyone was confused. It was obviously a fake tiger that Tang Seng turned into, how could it become a real tiger?

At this time, Sha Seng thought that he had fought Kui Mulang twice, but was defeated by the Tightening Curse, so he said: "Could it be that Guanyin Bodhisattva secretly replaced it?"

Wukong asked: "What do you mean? The Buddhist sect is eager for us to obtain the true scriptures as soon as possible, why do you do this and slow down the process?"

Sha Seng recounted the previous events in detail.

Bajie exclaimed: "So that's it, so that's it, I thought you had a headache. It's strange, why did the Bodhisattva do that?"

Wukong was smart and said: "Let Junior Brother Sha be defeated in order to invite me out of the mountain."

"Then why did you hide the master and put a real tiger here?" Bajie asked.

Wukong couldn't answer, and he couldn't figure it out.

"No matter what, let's find the master first. Since the master has turned into a tiger and has been replaced, he must be in the wilderness now. Let's search for him on each mountain."

Bajie said in distress: "Even if we find him, I, the old pig, can't recognize him."

Wukong laughed and said: "The master is a good man for ten generations. He doesn't eat meat. Even if he turns into a tiger and loses his mind, he must have Buddha's light in his heart and won't eat meat. Therefore, the tiger that doesn't eat meat must be the master."

Wukong acted quickly. He went to the mountain outside the city to catch a wild goat, killed it and cut it into pieces. Each of them took some, and then went to find tigers separately.

You see the three of them, each going in a different direction, but whenever they saw a tiger, they would throw a piece of goat meat.

If the tiger eats meat, they know that this is not Tang Monk.

Bajie was in charge of the southern area, but he was very lazy. After searching one or two mountains, he would find a place to sleep.

As a result, half a month passed, and he only searched a hundred miles in the south.

There were three or four tigers, but they were all meat eaters, so they were obviously not Tang Monk.

One day, Sun Wukong searched the east for thousands of miles and found nothing. He thought, "Bajie is responsible for the south, and Wujing is responsible for the north. Since there is nothing here, I don't know if one of them has found it. Let's go and see."

He went north first and found Sha Seng, who found that Sha Seng had searched the north for 500 miles and had not found anything.

He went south again, but happened to meet the fool sleeping in the bushes.

"Hey!" The monkey shouted angrily, "You idiot, I told you to find your master, but you are sleeping here. It took half a month to find a hundred miles. Since you don't listen to me, I will cut off your ears. Anyway, they are useless."

Pigsy was grabbed by the ears by Wukong, and he was so scared that he begged for mercy, saying, "Brother Monkey, don't cut it, don't cut it!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I will go and find it carefully, I will go now."

The idiot was scolded by Wukong and dared not sleep anymore, and continued to search south.

After searching south for another 400 miles, he suddenly saw a tiger in the forest, digging the ground with its front paws, and soon dug out a piece of thirty-year-old Huangjing, chewing it raw.

After eating Huangjing, it dug out a piece of wild Pueraria root, which it bit and ate, and white juice splashed everywhere.

Tigers have always eaten meat, so how can they be vegetarians?

"This must be Master Tang Sanzang."

He hurried to the forest, caught a hare, broke its neck, and threw it in front of the tiger. He found that the tiger really didn't care about the rabbit meat.

"Found it, old pig, I found my master." Bajie was overjoyed.

He hurriedly flew back to Baoxiang City.

At this time, Sun Wukong and Sha Seng had searched the east, west and north, but found nothing. They were waiting for Bajie's news in the city.

"Second Brother, what do you think?"

Bajie was frustrated, shook his head, and said, "Let's split up and divide the luggage. More than a month has passed. I'm afraid that Master has starved to death in the mountains and been eaten by wild beasts. There is no trace of his body."

Wukong and Sha Seng looked at each other, couldn't help sighing, and said, "Okay, Brother Sha, let's go to the South China Sea and ask the Bodhisattva to recite a spell to loosen the hoop, take off the hoop on our heads, and then go back to our homes."

Sha Seng also said, "This is the only way."

Bajie was anxious when he heard it. I was just joking, why did it become real!

I was still looking forward to following Master to Tianzhu and renewing my relationship with my wife.

He hurriedly shouted, "Don't, Monkey Brother, Brother Sha, I'm just joking. To tell you the truth, I have found Master."

The monkey shouted, "Hey! You fool, you are so bold that you dare to make fun of me, Old Sun. I will tear your mouth and break your teeth."

Bajie hurriedly begged for mercy. After a while, he led Sun Wukong and Sha Seng to fly south. After 500 miles, they landed in a forest.

"Monkey brother, Old Sha, Master is digging for food in this forest. What he ate was some Polygonatum sibiricum, Chinese yam, Atractylodes macrocephala and Pueraria root."

The three of them quickly found the tiger, and saw that it was lying on a rock with its eyes closed, and there was a half-eaten wild yam beside it.

At the same time, it was breathing regularly, and the spiritual energy was surging around its body, but it was practicing Taoist exercises.

"Look, Master is practicing!" Bajie laughed.

Sha Seng said, "Big Brother, you should find a way to solve the magic on Master and restore his human body."

Wukong nodded and was about to cast a spell, but suddenly he said "Huh".

But he used his flaming eyes to look at it, and found that the tiger in front of him was actually a real tiger, not the one that Tang Sanzang transformed into.

"This..." Monkey was a little confused.

He frowned and said, "Bajie, Junior Brother Sha, this is a tiger, not the one that Master transformed into. My flaming eyes will never make a mistake."

Bajie was not happy, and said, "Brother Monkey, stop joking!"

The fool was not stupid, he thought that Sun Wukong said this deliberately to trick everyone to leave, and then come back to save Master alone and take all the credit.

In that case, wouldn't he have worked in vain after searching for an area of ​​500 miles?

This won't do!

He said, "How can a tiger not eat meat and only eat vegetables? If this tiger is not transformed by Master, then what else could it be?"

Wukong was puzzled and said, "That's the truth, but I, Sun Wukong, have seen it all and it's just a tiger, definitely not Master."

Sha Seng frowned and said, "This tiger is practicing Taoist skills, maybe it has received guidance from a master, and it has stopped eating blood, who knows."

Bajie still didn't believe it and said, "I'm afraid that Monkey Brother's ability is not good enough, so he can't see it."

The monkey was questioned and said angrily, "You're talking nonsense!"

"My old Sun Wukong's fire eyes are Taishang Laojun was trained in the Eight Trigrams Furnace, and can distinguish between falsehood and truth. Demons and ghosts cannot hide in front of me, so how can I not see whether this tiger is real or fake? "

But Bajie sneered: "That may not be the case. Think about the time when Li Yue turned into Guanyin Bodhisattva in Huangfeng Ridge to trick Laozhu into taking him to the Abyss of Darkness. "

"You were there at the time, and asked him where the Little Xumi Mountain was. You met him at close range, but you didn't see that he was fake. This shows that the Fire Eyes and Golden Pupils are not omnipotent. "

The past was brought up again, and the monkey was so angry that he grimaced and wished he could cut off the fool's tongue.

But he had no way to refute Bajie's words, and he was angry and annoyed in his heart.

"Okay, I'll go find Guanyin Bodhisattva and ask her to see if this tiger is my master or not. "

After he finished speaking, he saw him soaring into the air, riding the somersault cloud straight to the South China Sea, and arrived in a moment.

After entering the Purple Bamboo Forest, he met Guanyin, who asked, "Wukong, why do you come to me if you don't want to protect Tang Sanzang?"

The monkey was unhappy and said, "I want to ask you, Bodhisattva, where did you hide the old monk?"

Guanyin was stunned and said, "You monkey, you are making up stories, but when did I hide Tang Sanzang?"

The monkey asked, "You dare to ask me? When we were in Wanzi Mountain, Sha Seng fought with Kui Mulang twice, and the headband suddenly tightened and he lost. Was it because of your spell?"

Guanyin heard this and her embarrassed expression flashed.

"I did it, but it was also to make you, the unruly monkey, return to Tang Sanzang's school. You are the demon king in Huaguo Mountain, and you will be like that all your life. How can you compare to going to the West to become a Buddha and an ancestor?"

The monkey did not comment, but sneered in his heart.

You are doing it for my good, hypocritical! Ridiculous!

"Kui Mulang turned my master into a tiger and locked him in a cage, but when I went to see him, the tiger in the cage had been replaced with a real tiger, and my master was nowhere to be seen."

"Isn't this the work of you, the Bodhisattva?"

"What?" Guanyin was shocked, and had a bad feeling in her heart.

She hurriedly asked, "Is this true?"

Monkey: "How can it be false? My three brothers have been looking for him for more than a month, but we still can't find him, so we can only come to you."

Guanyin's face darkened.

She miscalculated again.

She had been on guard against someone messing around, fearing that the incidents at Wuzhuang Temple, Baihu Ridge, and Jia Mansion would happen again, and she was also looking for an opportunity to put a hoop on Sun Wukong, so she had been watching at Wanzi Mountain.

Later, things went smoothly, and the three brothers of Wukong did not show any abnormality, and the golden hoop successfully helped Wukong escape. The ending was perfect, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the time.

"You took advantage of every opportunity to steal my attention. Is this the same as Li Yue's style?"

"Although the other party stole Tang Sanzang, they put a real tiger in the cage. This is a trick to cover up the truth.

At one point, Tang Sanzang might still be a tiger at this moment, but it is hard to find him in the vast wilderness. "

She couldn't sit still, so she took the monkey and flew straight to Baoxiang City.


[Task 26 completed, reward mysterious stone tablets x2.]

[Host completes a task and gets a chance to draw experience points.]

Chang'an City, Li Yue received a system prompt, but didn't care.

What he paid attention to was a message sent back by Du Fu from Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"Want to unify Dongsheng Shenzhou? It seems that you still have some ambitions. "

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