The only thing that can be done is to save the life.

Looking at the green ball cage in his hand, Li Yue shook his head, without any interest.

This Plague Demon God is a collection of viruses, who can eat it?

Li Yue now only relies on the Chaos Spirit Axe.

"Can I get 900 million experience points in 90 years?"

"I always feel that there is not enough time!"

Suddenly, Li Yue widened his eyes and murmured: "Time?"

"I miss it, I obviously have the law of time, and the thing I lack the most is time, why did I forget it just now?"

At this moment, Li Yue suddenly became clear and all his worries were gone.

He just laughed, and the next moment, the law of time enveloped the green ball, and the time inside the green ball began to shrink.

10 times... 50 times... 200 times... 396 times...

This cage with a diameter of a thousand miles is only one millionth of the volume of the hidden world. When the time magic is used on it, the consumption is naturally reduced to one millionth of the hidden world.

The whole process was extremely easy, and the time flow rate of the green ball cage was finally reduced to 1/396 of that of the outside world, reaching the limit of Li Yue's current ability.

"Huh, 90 years?"

396 years, 90 years inside, 35640 years outside.

In this way, what is there to worry about?

"Huh!" Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he was no longer worried.

"But this thing is disgusting to carry with me, so I'd better throw it into the chaotic space."

He cast space exile on the green ball and threw it directly into the chaotic space.

"Hey, did Bodhi and his aura disappear from the chaotic space?" After opening the chaotic space, Li Yue noticed the changes.

"Did they escape? But why has there been no movement in the Three Realms during this period?"

Haotian did not return to the Heavenly Palace, Laojun did not appear in the Tushita Palace, and Tathagata, Randeng, etc. did not show their aura in Lingshan.

"There is a conspiracy!"

Li Yue immediately realized that those guys must be hiding in the dark, plotting something.

"But it doesn't matter. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are paper tigers."

"The Plague Demon God has been solved, and next, it's the turn of the Bloodthirsty Demon God."

Nan Zhanbuzhou, formerly Fusang Kingdom, now Fusang Continent.

Since the destruction of Fusang Kingdom and the extinction of Fusang's native people, the Tang Dynasty moved many people here to settle down and rebuild a new home.

Now, hundreds of thousands of Tang people live in Fusang Continent.

But at this time, the people of the Tang Dynasty, regardless of gender, age or status, all had bloodshot eyes and ferocious faces, like wild beasts, biting each other, and smelling blood, they were even more crazy and could not control themselves.

They were controlled by the bloodthirsty law and became slaves of blood.

More than 100,000 people were bitten to death.

The sound of the piano was like a mountain stream, entering the ears of the people. Under the effect of the piano, the bloodshot in their eyes gradually faded, and they slowly regained consciousness.

But suddenly, the piano sound stopped, and many people who had not recovered to normal returned to the bloodthirsty state again and continued to chase and bite others.

In the sky, Fuxi stopped playing the piano and cooperated with the other seven people to repair the Hunyuan Heluo formation.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors sat in eight directions and laid the Hunyuan Heluo formation to trap the bloodthirsty demon god in the formation.

The Hunyuan Heluo formation can absorb divine power. Even if a saint enters, once the divine power is absorbed, he will become a fish on the board.

But this bloodthirsty demon god, even though his divine power was drained, was still full of energy, relying on the power of the law to destroy the formation.

The eight people had to repair the formation every once in a while, so as to trap the bloodthirsty demon god in it.

"What is the origin of this demon? His divine power was drained by the formation, why doesn't he look weak?" Emperor Xuanyuan looked solemn.

Fuxi frowned: "According to my guess, it should be the innate demon god born from the chaos before the creation of the world. He is the incarnation of the Tao. Even if he has no divine power, he can call on the power of the law. Unfortunately, the Hunyuan Heluo formation can only absorb divine power, not the power of the law."

Suiren sighed: "In order to avoid the suffering of all living beings, I am afraid that the eight of us will have to stay here in the future."

Fuxi sighed: "I am afraid that after a long time, the power of the law will penetrate inside and outside, and the formation will not be able to trap it, which will be really troublesome."

Finally, the formation was repaired, and Fuxi played the piano again to continue to rescue the people below.

Li Yue arrived in Fusang and sighed as he saw the heavy casualties among the people below.

"I sigh and cover my tears, mourning the hardships of people's lives!" His belief in supporting the rise of the human race became even stronger.

If he helped the human race at the beginning, it was simply to gain

After using Qi to draw a lottery, he was really concerned about the human race.

"Is that great sage here?" Suiren asked softly, his tone peaceful.

This time, Li Yue did not hide his tracks. After all, Bodhi and the others had already escaped from the chaotic space, and there was no need to continue to hide the secret of his fake death.

Li Yue came to the vicinity of the Hunyuan formation and appeared in front of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors looked at Li Yue with shock in their hearts.

The extremely strong aura of human luck on Li Yue made the eight of them feel inferior.

The luck can be used, but the residual aura will not dissipate.

As Saint Emperors, they had made tremendous contributions to the human race, and the luck of the human race they had obtained was so much that they raised their cultivation to the peak of quasi-saints.

But when they saw Li Yue at this moment, they found that the luck they had obtained was completely incomparable to Li Yue.

But Li Yue was not a human.

He was not a human, but he had obtained so much luck?

They almost thought that Li Yue was the embodiment of humanity...

"I am Li Yue!"

Fuxi said: "So you are the great sage Li Yue."

He stood up and bowed deeply to Li Yue. The other seven people also bowed to Li Yue with sincere expressions, expressing gratitude from the bottom of their souls.

Suiren said: "Sage Li Yue, we will never forget your help to the human race. Without you, the human race would not have the opportunity to rise, nor would it have the grand revival today. Although you are not from the human race, we are willing to serve you as the human king of the world. What do you think?"

Others also said: "We are willing to serve you as the human king. I hope you will accept it."

Li Yue shook his head and smiled: "You are too polite. There is no need to do so. The position of the human king should be left to the human race. If I, an outsider, serve as the human king, I will be ridiculed by all races. Okay, let's not talk for now. Let me deal with the bloodthirsty demon god first."

After he finished speaking, he stepped into the Hunyuan Heluo formation and found the bloodthirsty demon god.

Seeing this, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors were all moved.

"Alas, it's a pity that he doesn't accept it."

"It's obvious that he doesn't like it. That's right, how could such a person from the three realms care about power and status?"

"No matter what, he is the benefactor of my human race. Even if he doesn't accept it, my human race should regard him as the human king, or even more than the human king."

In the big formation, the bloodthirsty demon looked at Li Yue with a shocked expression.

"Who are you? You have the smell of plague on you. What did you do to him?"

Li Yue smiled and said, "You will know what I did to him in a while."

"Space barrier!"

"System, bless the merits of the One Yuan Avenue."

"Time contraction!"

A series of operations were so fast that the bloodthirsty demon was trapped to death before he could react, with a confused look on his face.

【Ding! 】

【The host trapped the bloodthirsty demon, completed the hidden task 23, and was rewarded with the bloodthirsty law comprehension method. 】

【The host completed a task and got a chance to draw experience points once. 】

Li Yue: "As expected..."

The moment the bloodthirsty demon god was trapped, the people below who were controlled by the bloodthirsty law all returned to normal.

"This... this is too fast... He is indeed a person who can stir up the three realms and even the saints can't do anything about it." Shennong sighed again.

The bloodthirsty demon god was imprisoned, and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors withdrew the Hunyuan Heluo formation.

"We admire the methods of the great sage. He can even kill the innate demon god, which makes us amazed."

Li Yue said: "It's not killing. The Chaos Demon God is the incarnation of the Great Dao, immortal. I just tried to imprison him and prevent him from making trouble."

"You are too modest!"

Fuxi invited: "Now that the demon troubles have been eliminated, can you come to our human ancestral land to drink tea and discuss the Tao?"

Li Yue shook his head: "This time Hongjun sent three demon gods to wreak havoc on the human race, namely the Plague Demon God, the Bloodthirsty Demon God, and the Curse Demon God. Now the Plague and Bloodthirsty have been imprisoned by me, only the Curse Demon God is hiding in the dark, not revealing his whereabouts. He needs to be found and imprisoned, otherwise he will kill people with curses in the dark, which is a great hidden danger."

"There is another one? In this case, let's find him first. It's not too late to drink tea and discuss Tao after he is solved!"

The crowd dispersed and searched for the Curse Demon God.

At this time, more than 30,000 people in the world were cursed to death.

Fortunately, the curse does not have a wide range of killing power like plague and bloodthirstiness. Only those who meet the conditions of the curse will be cursed.

Otherwise, the number of people who have been cursed to death at this time is probably countless.

But it is precisely because of the randomness of the curse that the curse demon does not need to show up at all, which greatly enhances its concealment.

"I curse that among the human race, all men named Wang Xinghan, 27 years old, and five feet three inches tall, will have their hearts explode and die." As his voice fell, hundreds of kings who met the conditions in the four continents

Xinghan's heart burst and he died.

"I curse that all men in the human race named Wang Xinghan, 27 years old, and 5 feet 4 inches tall, will have their lungs burst and die."

"I curse...human race...Wang Xinghan...27...5 feet 5 burst..."

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