Hearing the old woman's voice, Lin Yu'e looked around, and then exclaimed, "Grandma!"

The old woman walked over tremblingly, and asked in confusion, "Yu'e, why are you here?"

As she spoke, the old woman glanced at Tang Seng who was riding with Lin Yu'e, and asked, "Yu'e, is this your husband?"

After asking, the old woman was stunned for a moment, because he saw the bald head on Tang Seng's head, and couldn't help wondering, this bald man is a monk besides a sinner. Tang Seng has a handsome face, so he doesn't look like a sinner, but if he is a monk, how can he marry? Where is the wife?

Hearing the old woman's words, Lin Yu'e suddenly realized that her current posture was really embarrassing, and immediately struggled to jump off the horse. This struggle changed the posture that had a gap between the two of them, and Tang Seng felt it. After looking at Lin Yu'e's delicate body, Lin Yu'e got off the horse.

"Grandma, I..." Lin Yu'e anxiously wanted to explain, but she didn't know what to say. Could it be that Tang Seng was just a sorcerer who helped her family get rid of the haunting, and just happened to meet again and saved herself?

But in this way, there is no way to explain why she shared a ride with a man.

Just when Lin Yu'e was embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it, Tang Seng was also a little embarrassed. After all, he was caught by the girl's family for eating tofu from another girl.

Wouldn't this be even more embarrassing if you add your own status as a monk? If the woman's family who didn't know the truth gave him the nickname of an obscene monk, wouldn't his image as a holy monk be completely destroyed?

Tang Seng frowned, and immediately dismounted to save his image, pre-emptively strike!

So Tang Seng said to the old woman: "Old woman, I see that there is a faint blackness between your brows. Could it be that something strange happened to your family?"

In this era, in front of mortals, there is nothing that can establish a positive image more than pretending to be a magic stick.

Lin Yu'e pursed her lips when she heard the words, she was a little speechless, haunting her own house was already a unique anecdote, how could such weird things happen in her grandmother's house?

But what shocked her was that after Tang Seng finished asking, her grandmother's face suddenly changed, and she quickly grabbed Tang Seng's hand and said, "Master, you are so powerful, you can tell it at a glance? Then Master, can you help me?" How can I fix this?"

Tang Seng smiled slightly and successfully changed the subject!

Immediately, Tang Seng said: "Old lady, don't worry, tell me the matter slowly. I am a professional exorcist, and I specialize in catching monsters and ghosts. There is no monster that I can't solve!"

"That's really great, master, can you come home with me first, and then let my master talk to you?" the old woman said kindly.

"This..." Tang Seng pretended to be pondering, but actually winked at Lin Yu'e secretly, expressing that he had already settled the matter, and there was no need to explain embarrassingly anymore.

Lin Yu'e couldn't help rolling her eyes when she saw Tang Seng asking for credit.

"Master, what's the matter?" Seeing this, the old woman asked eagerly.

"Oh, that's not true. We still have things to do at first, so it's inconvenient to waste time, but since you are Yu'e's grandmother, old lady, I will definitely help you with this task!" Only on the face of your face did you agree.

The old woman looked at Lin Yu'e in surprise, looked down at her, and said gratefully: "Then thank you, Master, please, Master! Yu'e, let's go home first!"

Tang Seng nodded and followed the old woman into Zhuangzi, while Lin Yu'e was a little apprehensive and followed behind with a blushing face.

In order not to scare others, before approaching Zhuangzi, Sun Wukong changed according to Tang Seng's instructions. He turned into a man and stood behind with his luggage, just like Tang Seng's servant, and was directly ignored by the old woman.

Along the way, the old woman asked about Lin Yu'e's affairs. When she heard that Lin Yu'e's family was ruined, she couldn't help feeling sad. The two hugged each other and cried for a while, and then said embarrassedly: "Master, I'm really sorry, I just remembered I lost my eldest daughter and died in the early years, and now this Yu'e has encountered such a thing, it is really..."

Tang Seng shook his head and said: "It's okay, this kind of sadness is human nature, and it's understandable that you can't help it for a while. It's getting late, why don't we go there first?"

"Okay, okay! Master, please follow me!" The old woman nodded, leading Lin Yu'e to lead the way, while Tang Seng followed behind, and the group walked straight to Gaofu.

After a while, Gao Fu appeared in front of Tang Seng.

"Master, this is my home, please come in, Master!" the old woman said kindly.

Tang Seng nodded, got off his horse and walked in. This Gao family is indeed the wealthiest family in Gao Laozhuang. The pavilions, towers and pavilions in this mansion are all extremely beautiful.

Turning around two courtyards, I ran into an old man who was dressed luxuriously and appeared to be rich, but at this time the old man's face was full of unresolved melancholy.

"Old woman, who are these?" The old man was stunned for a moment, looking at the old woman and asked.

"Master, this is the exorcist I found. It is said that he is a professional. He will definitely get rid of that pig demon and save our Cuilan!" The old woman sobbed softly.

"Grandma, what's wrong with Aunt Lan? And the pig demon, what's going on?" Lin Yu'e asked with a frown.

"Yu'e, it's a long story at this time, your grandfather will tell you in detail later!" the old woman said sadly.

"Yu'e? Are you Yu'e?" the old man said in surprise.

Next, Tang Seng watched silently as Lin Yu'e and the old man repeated the scene with the old woman before. After they calmed down, the old man shook his head and said, "Please run for a while, since you are Yu'e's friends, Then you better go!"

"Grandpa, why did you let the master go, they are really good!" Lin Yu'e was puzzled, why her friend had to leave.

"Well, if it's not relative, I would also like to let the two try to subdue the pig demon, but since they are your friends, I can't watch them die!" The old man sighed.

"Over the years, in order to rescue Cuilan, the old lady and I have found countless Taoist monks, as well as various alchemists who claim to be able to catch ghosts and subdue demons, but in the end, they all became food in the mouth of that pig demon. !"

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