"Lord Jiang, please take a seat!"

The Jade Emperor stood up from the Heavenly Emperor's chair and pointed to a seat below, as if welcoming an extremely distinguished guest.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Jiang Feng nodded and took his seat immediately.

This seat was to the right of the Jade Emperor, closest to the dragon throne, and in the same row as the Taishang Laojun on the left.

"My dear ministers, today's feast has only one purpose, that is to welcome back Jiang Feng, the God of Justice in Heaven. From now on, he is also the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall, in charge of the criminal law of Heaven."

"Come, let's drink to our Lord Jiang!"

After an opening speech, the Jade Emperor raised his goblet and drank it first.

""Congratulations, Lord Jiang!"

All the immortals shouted in unison, and they all raised their glasses to drink.

The face of Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Pagoda, was extremely ugly. Although the position of the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall was nothing to him, he was still the commander-in-chief of the three armies. The Jade Emperor was just trying to appease Jiang Feng, but it was still a loss of face for him.

After a glass of wine, the feast to welcome Jiang Feng officially began.

Jiang Feng saw that on the table in front of him, there were extremely rich delicacies, including dragon liver and phoenix gall, nectar, honey, and even the Queen Mother took out the peaches. The grandness of the feast was evident, comparable to a small peach feast.

All the immortals were overjoyed. This kind of feast was extremely rare. They devoured it one by one, feasting like starving ghosts.

In the center, there were fairies with graceful figures dancing.

Their exquisite curves rose and fell with the soothing music, and their manners were varied and incomparably beautiful.

""Hey!" Jiang Feng suddenly found that the fairy who was surrounded by stars looked familiar.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the most beautiful fairy in heaven, Chang'e.

She was dressed in white clothes that were whiter than snow, and her temperament was ethereal and holy, like a snow lotus on a thousand-foot ice cliff, sacred and inviolable.

At this time, she played the pipa and sang to her heart's content. The singing sounded like a trickle, ding-dong, crisp and pleasant, making people intoxicated.

While dancing, the graceful posture was pleasing to the eye, and every frown and smile touched people's nerves, making people dazzled and unable to extricate themselves.

Even though all the people present were gods and had extraordinary concentration, they were also a little intoxicated for a while, especially Marshal Tianpeng, who drooled and couldn't move his eyes away

"Hey, Jiang Feng, what are you looking at? My mother is calling you!

Princess Longji's voice suddenly rang in Jiang Feng's ears.

At the same time, she pinched Jiang Feng's lower back hard, obviously a little jealous.

Jiang Feng suddenly came back to his senses and turned his gaze to the Queen Mother.

""Lord Jiang, I was inappropriate before, I will drink three cups as punishment!" Queen Mother raised the luminous cup, smiling, and then drank three cups in a row as an apology.

Jiang Feng was flattered. In fact, he didn't care anymore. She gave her daughter to him, so what was there to be fussy about?

So Jiang Feng hurried to accompany her.

""Master Jiang, congratulations, you will be my immediate superior from now on." Nezha came forward with a glass of wine and a smile on his face.

"Captain Nezha, I am so embarrassed. If I hadn't been promoted by you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

Jiang Feng smiled faintly, and then the two of them clinked their glasses and drank it all in one gulp.

Then, many immortals stood up, walked forward, and toasted Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng's current position in the Heavenly Court is very important. He is already the prospective son-in-law of the Jade Emperor. He is second to none and above ten thousand people. He must be pleased. Even Marshal Tianpeng put aside his past grudges and extended an olive branch to Jiang Feng. For a time, Jiang Feng became the center of the entire Lingxiao Palace, the focus, and the center of attention.

Some fairies who were playing music, serving, and even dancing would cast their eyes on Jiang Feng from time to time. There were many brilliances among them, and some bold ones even kept throwing flirtatious eyes to attract Jiang Feng's attention.

Jiang Feng is handsome, heroic, young and promising, and has a respected status. He is completely the ideal type in their hearts, and it is not an exaggeration to call him the national husband.

Even though Jiang Feng already has Princess Longji and is bound by the Heavenly Rules, they will be satisfied as long as they can get a look from Jiang Feng.

A moment of gaze is enough to comfort their hearts.

"Boss, you are finally back. We brothers missed you so much."

Suddenly, an excited voice sounded.

Jiang Feng raised his head and stood up immediately, looking excited.

This person was the general manager of his Miro Palace, Zhao Xiaowu, a good brother who had followed him through life and death.

Behind Zhao Xiaowu, there was a graceful fairy, also Jiang Feng's person, Fairy Nishang.

It was obvious that the Jade Emperor had a plan, and all this was arranged by him.

According to common sense, with the status of Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang, they were not qualified to participate in such a feast.

Everyone present was a golden immortal general, a well-known figure in the heavenly court.

If it weren't for Jiang Feng, they would never have the qualification in their eight lifetimes.

""My lord, you are finally back. I offer you a glass!"

Fairy Nishang also raised her glass, her beautiful eyes smiling into crescents.

Then, they also took their seats and followed Jiang Feng to eat and eat.

Each of the delicacies on the table was priceless and extremely rare. They had never touched it before. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that must be seized.

Not only Zhao Xiaowu, but even Fairy Nishang was a little bit disregarding her image. She ate and drank at the same time, shoveling hard into her mouth, stuffing it full, and bulging her cheeks. Those who didn't know would think that there was a famine in heaven.

Jiang Feng laughed and drank heartily, with a momentum of not leaving until he was drunk.

Just as everyone was in high spirits and ecstatic ,���Suddenly, an extremely discordant voice came from outside the Lingxiao Palace,"Who is Jiang Feng? Get out now!"

The voice was extremely loud, like thunder from the ground, shaking the sky and alarming all directions.

In an instant, the entire Lingxiao Palace fell silent, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone was stunned, wondering if they had heard it wrong. Who dared to roar at the Lingxiao Palace like that? At this critical moment, he offended Jiang Feng. Could it be that he didn't want to live anymore?

"Who, who is it? How dare you cause trouble for Lord Jiang!"

An immortal who supported Jiang Feng immediately stood up and shouted coldly, but when he saw the person coming, he immediately sat down and shrank his neck, as if he was afraid of being noticed.

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to the entrance of the hall, including Jiang Feng.

He was already a little drunk, but the sudden shouting sobered him up instantly.

The other party's voice was cold and full of anger, and it was obvious that he came with bad intentions.

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