"Impossible!" Jiang Feng refused without hesitation.

"You are looking for death!"The veins on Chi Jingzi's forehead bulged, and he shouted angrily, his magic power surging, and his momentum rising steadily.

Chi Jingzi is Taiyi Zhenren's senior brother, and his status among the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect is very high, second only to Guangchengzi, the leader of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect.

During the Conferred God Calamity, his magic power was equal to Guangchengzi, and now after a long time, he has become a very senior Daluo Jinxian.

At this time, the sudden explosion was like a thunder in the sky, which shocked all the immortals and gods in the heavenly court.

"Daoist friend Chi Jingzi, please don't do anything. I will give you an explanation."At this time, the Jade Emperor suddenly spoke.

His tone was peaceful, but it was like a spring breeze, and he easily disintegrated Chi Jingzi's momentum invisibly.

After all, the Jade Emperor was the Jade Emperor, a quasi-saint, and Chi Jingzi was still not good enough in front of him.

However, the Jade Emperor could not fight with Chi Jingzi for Jiang Feng, as it would be unacceptable to Yuanshi Tianzun.

"That's better." Chi Jingzi snorted coldly and then stopped.

""My dear, for my sake, please return this Nine Dragons Fire Cover to Taiyi Zhenren." The Jade Emperor persuaded with a smile. He knew that Jiang Feng had many top-grade innate spiritual treasures, and he didn't need this Nine Dragons Fire Cover. It was not worth it to make trouble with the disciples of the Chan Sect.

"Yes, just listen to your father. It's just a Nine Dragons Fire Cover. Just give it back to him."

On the side, Princess Longji pulled Jiang Feng's arm and said in a coquettish way.

She didn't want Jiang Feng to go against the disciples of the Chan Sect.

But Jiang Feng was ruthless and didn't appreciate anyone's kindness.

He would never back down on this matter.

Back then, in the Qingyun Cave in the lower world, the Qingping Sword that he had obtained was forcibly taken away by the shameless Taiyi Zhenren. At that time, he was not strong enough and felt extremely aggrieved.

But now is different from the past. Jiang Feng couldn't swallow this breath and had to ask for it back.

Not only could the Nine Dragons Fire Cover not be returned, but he also had to take back the Qingping Sword.

Whether it was because of Princess Longji or as the acting leader of the Jie Sect, Jiang Feng had to do this. Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that the Jie Sect was afraid of the Chan Sect?

"In that case, I will take a step back."Jiang Feng suddenly said.

Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor and Princess Longji could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing frowned. Didn't Jiang Feng rely on the support of the Goddess Nuwa? How come he became cowardly in a moment?

However, Jiang Feng's tone suddenly changed,"Don't say that this Palace Master won't give you a chance. This Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover is not a magic weapon that defies the heavens. It is nothing to me. This Palace Master can give it to you, but you have to rely on your own strength to take it."

"Otherwise, just go back to where you came from and don't embarrass yourself here!"

Obviously, even at this moment, Jiang Feng did not forget to use the system's function


Jiang Feng's voice fell, like a meteorite from outer space falling into the calm lake, instantly causing a shocking wave, and the whole hall was shocked.

You are not saying anything, or you are still unwilling to give it to me by relying on my strength to take the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover!

"Jiang Feng……"The Jade Emperor froze in shock.

He didn't expect Jiang Feng to be so stubborn and not willing to give in.

It is true that Jiang Feng is extremely talented and has a promising future, but being young and hot-tempered is not a good thing.

This ancient world is complicated and the forces are scattered. Some people and some forces cannot be easily provoked.

Jiang Feng is doing this, which is simply offending him to death.

"Good, you have guts, but do you really think that the Jade Emperor and Nuwa can protect you?"The eyes of Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, suddenly lit up, and he suddenly became interested, watching the development of the situation closely.

"You are a fool, you will die today, no one in heaven or on earth can save you."

Chi Jingzi was furious, his words were squeezed out from between his teeth, extremely cold.

In the next moment, he suddenly jumped up and started fighting.

This time, he was not just imposing, but he flipped his right hand and instantly took out a round mirror with black and white stripes, emitting infinite precious light.

In a flash, Chi Jingzi's magic power surged all over his body, and he held the round mirror, pointed it at Jiang Feng, and suddenly burst into murderous intent.

""Jiang Feng, be careful, this is the Yin-Yang Mirror!"

Princess Longji shouted, and in an instant, her pretty face turned pale, filled with deep worry.

If the Nine Dragons Fire Cover is the famous magic weapon of Taiyi Zhenren, then the Yin-Yang Mirror is the famous magic weapon of Chi Jingzi.

Moreover, the power of the Yin-Yang Mirror is even greater than that of the Nine Dragons Fire Cover. It was also obtained by Yuanshi Tianzun from the Treasure Cliff. It is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

It contains the mysterious Yin-Yang law. When it is illuminated by the Yin side, it can instantly take away a person's soul and put him to death. When it is illuminated by the Yang side, it can be resurrected instantly.

However, if it is illuminated by the Yin side and cannot be revived within three days, it is real death. Its soul will voluntarily return to the underworld and reincarnate again.

In the Conferred God Tribulation, Chi Jingzi gave this magic weapon to his apprentice Yin Hong, who killed everyone and no one could stop him.

At this time, Chi Jingzi shone the Yin side on Jiang Feng, and immediately, a dark sky-high The light column suddenly reflected from the mirror, captivating people's souls and extremely terrifying.

Nezha, who had the incarnation of a lotus, was not afraid of this, but he was too late to stop Jiang Feng.

However, Jiang Feng was calm and composed in the face of danger. He was familiar with the prehistoric world, so how could he not know that Chi Jingzi had the Yin-Yang Mirror?

With a thought, the Li Di Flame Light Banner immediately appeared, propping up a shining protective shield to protect Jiang Feng.


Then, the dark sky-high light column shot out and hit the protective shield of the Li Di Flame Light Banner, making a crisp sound of iron clashing, but then it disappeared in an instant. The Li Di

Flame Light Banner is one of the five innate flags, which can protect Jiang Feng's body and soul at the same time. It is invulnerable to all kinds of attacks, and even Chi Jingzi cannot cross the line. Although

Jiang Feng has been promoted to Daluo for a short time, how can he look at it with ordinary eyes!

"How is this possible? Jiang Feng actually blocked it!"

"It can't be an illusion, Chi Jingzi is a golden immortal, that is the Yin Yang Mirror, there are few people in the whole heaven who can stop it"

"Could it be that Jiang Feng also achieved the Golden Immortal?"

"This is too outrageous. How long has it been? Only a few hundred years. This growth rate is too fast!"


The hearts of the immortals and gods were trembling wildly, and huge waves were set off in their minds, and they could not calm down for a long time.

Chi Jingzi was also stunned and couldn't believe it.

Then, he frantically activated the Yin-Yang Mirror, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do anything to Jiang Feng.

"Chi Jingzi, you better save your breath, it's my turn."

At a certain moment, Jiang Feng shouted coldly and stood up suddenly.

He took out the Xiantian Gourd, turned it upside down, pointed it at Chi Jingzi, and then shouted loudly,"Chi Jingzi, if I call you, do you dare to answer?"

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