"this……"The Jade Emperor frowned, not wanting the situation to develop to this point.

For a moment, he didn't know how to deal with it. The Chan Sect was a saintly sect, and he couldn't afford to offend it. Jiang Feng couldn't be dealt with, because he was his future son-in-law.

Jiang Feng was dismissive and ignored him. With a wave of his hand, he caught the Qingping Sword that Taiyi Zhenren had thrown out.

In just a few seconds, Jiang Feng erased the mark that Taiyi Zhenren had imprinted on it.

""Jiang Feng, you, return my Qingping Sword to me and let my brother go!"

Taiyi Zhenren's eyes were red with anger.

Jiang Feng seemed not to have heard it and treated it as air.

"Palace Master Jiang, you should show mercy when you can. Return the Qingping Sword and release Chijingzi."

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came out.

He was wearing a white Taoist robe, on which was engraved a black and white Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram, mysterious and unpredictable. It was actually Taishang Laojun who spoke.

But this was reasonable, because Taishang Laojun was the virtuous corpse of Laozi, the Lord of Dao and Morality, and Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the Chan Sect, had always been in the same boat.

Seeing Taishang Laojun's statement, the Jade Emperor also echoed:"Yes, Lord Jiang, you should return the Qingping Sword and release fellow Taoist Chijingzi."

Jiang Feng pondered for a moment, then unplugged the gourd and released Chi Jingzi.

Although he hated this arrogant and domineering disciple of the Chan Sect, it was not appropriate to kill him at this time.

If Yuanshi Tianzun really jumped out, the Jade Emperor would not be able to deal with it.


Chi Jingzi fell heavily to the ground, his eyes full of fear, dying, no longer as arrogant as before.

If he had not been protected by the Eight Trigrams Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes, he would have been in trouble during the short time he stayed in the Xiantian Gourd.

"Chi Jingzi can be released, but don't even think about the Qing Ping Sword. I am the acting leader of Jiejiao, the new generation of the head of the sect, so the Qing Ping Sword should belong to me."

Jiang Feng said calmly, and in front of everyone, he showed the Tong Tian Ling.

"The order from the leader of Jiejiao!"

"What does this mean for the new generation of Jiejiao's leader? Is he going to set up a new sect and abandon the Heavenly Palace?"

"The Tongtian Order was born. Is this the leader’s intention?"

"Will my Jiejiao make a comeback one day and have all the immortals come to power?"


Seeing the gleaming Tongtian Order in Jiang Feng's hand, all the immortals and gods were shocked, and it was like an explosion in an instant.

Among the immortals and gods present were many disciples who originally belonged to Jiejiao, such as the Four Heavenly Kings, the Four Great Marshals of Lingxiao Palace, the Nine-Sky Thunder God Puhua Tianzun Wen Zhong, the God of Wealth Zhao Gongming, and so on.

At that moment, their eyes flickered and their emotions suddenly became excited.

Taishang Laojun frowned. After all, the battle of Conferred God Disaster caused Jiejiao to completely tear its face with Chenjiao and Renjiao, so that Tongtian Master was suppressed in Zixiao Palace.

Now that the new generation of Jiejiao's leader has appeared in the world, will he regard Chenjiao and Renjiao as enemies to avenge the Conferred God Disaster?

Taishang Laojun's mind flickered, and it was unknown what he was thinking, but he soon regained his composure

""Little bastard, if you have guts, let's wait and see!"

Taiyi Zhenren left a harsh remark, then helped Chi Jingzi limp away, and no longer asked for the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover and the Qingping Sword. He knew that staying any longer would only make him more embarrassed.

The immortals and gods looked at their embarrassed backs, all of them a little bit unbelievable.

They came with high hopes, but returned in disappointment and lost face. This was a scene that no one had expected.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not believe it.

With their arrogant and unreasonable attitude, even if they went to Lingshan in the West to make a scene, the Buddha Tathagata would not dare to do anything to them, but now they have fallen into the Heavenly Palace. Not only were they both seriously injured, but they also lost the Qingping Sword. It was simply a loss of both the wife and the army. This was incredible.

If it were to be spread out, it would surely set off a storm, and the ten directions would be shocked.

""Longji, here, this Qingping sword belongs to you!"

Jiang Feng suddenly picked up the Qingping sword and stuffed it into Princess Longji's hand.

Princess Longji took it, and in an instant, she was so happy that all the flowers lost their color and the sun and the moon dimmed.

She could never have imagined that the Qingping sword that was snatched away by Taiyi Zhenren would come back one day.

Her heart was so happy that she was almost blooming with joy.

If it weren't for the fact that this moment was in public, Princess Longji would have thrown herself into Jiang Feng's arms regardless of everything and even gave him a kiss. Just as the two looked into each other's eyes, full of tenderness and affection, a discordant voice suddenly sounded,"Laojun, where is your purple gold red gourd? Was it stolen?"

Jiang Feng's eyes couldn't help but look there. It turned out that it was Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, who was talking to Taishang Laojun.

Although he didn't say it explicitly and didn't mention any names, he actually said that Jiang Feng had stolen Taishang Laojun's purple-gold red gourd, otherwise how could the effects be exactly the same and Chi Jingzi be included in it.

Originally, Li Jing wanted to use Taiyi Zhenren and Chi Jingzi to laugh at Jiang Feng, but he didn't expect the opposite to happen, which made him very unhappy.

So, after thinking for a moment, Li Jing set his sights on Taishang Laojun.

If Jiang Feng's crime of stealing the purple-gold red gourd is proven, then there will be a good show to watch. Although

Taishang Laojun usually lives in seclusion and only refines pills in the Tushita Palace, Li Jing deeply understands that he is a hidden person and is the good corpse of the Taiqing Saint Laozi, a terrifying quasi-saint.

If he gets angry, Jiang Feng will definitely suffer.

"Purple-gold red gourd?"Taishang Laojun frowned. He was actually very confused. Could it be that Jiang Feng had really stolen his innate gourd?

Not long after, Taishang Laojun breathed a sigh of relief. He flipped his palm and a shining purple-gold red gourd appeared on it.

"It's not lost, it's here." The Supreme Lord smiled faintly and put it away.

"How is that possible?"The pupils of Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, bulged, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.

How could there be two magic weapons with exactly the same effect in this world? That was the Xiantian Gourd grown on the Xiantian Gourd Vine, one of the ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world.

"Li Jing, Jiang Feng's Xiantian Gourd was made by Nuwa herself. I saw it with my own eyes. Don't cause any more trouble."

The Jade Emperor said coldly

"So that's how it is. I was rude."Li Jing bowed his hands, and then he stopped asking for trouble and left the Lingxiao Palace sadly.

Jiang Feng looked at his back, and a cold light flashed in his eyes,"Li Jing, this old man, actually wanted to use the hand of Taishang Laojun to deal with me. Did he think that I, Jiang Feng, was easy to bully?"

Jiang Feng thought quickly and decided to punish Li Jing to set an example.

Not long after, the banquet came to an end. Although there were some minor episodes in the middle, it was a complete success after all, which made Jiang Feng more popular and respected by everyone.

After the meeting, Jiang Feng did not return to the Miluo Palace, nor did he look for Li Jing, but went straight to the Heavenly King Palace.

This is the residence of the Four Heavenly Kings.

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