At the same time, Princess Longji's beautiful eyes were sparkling with tears.

Jiang Feng felt distressed. He obviously hurt Princess Longji's heart, but he went to Guanghan Palace to see Fairy Chang'e just to fulfill the agreement, without any improper thoughts.

However, the scene of Fairy Chang'e and him getting drunk last night was something he could never tell her about.

His mind raced, and Jiang Feng couldn't help but say,"Longji, I went to Guanghan Palace just to get some more osmanthus flowers.

Fairy Chang'e has the laurel tree, one of the ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world.

It just so happens that Fairy Nishang under my command knows how to make wine.

If the osmanthus flowers are used as ingredients, the wine brewed will not only be fragrant and pleasant, but also very beneficial to spiritual practice.


"The last time I went to Guanghan Palace, it was the same. It turns out that the wine brewed from osmanthus is really unique, so I took some more osmanthus last night."

Hearing this, Princess Longji frowned, but she was not so easy to fool,"Where is the wine? Give it to me immediately. If you dare to lie to me, I will not forgive you!"

Princess Longji flashed the Qingluan Sword in her hand, which was shining with cold light.

""Your Highness, everything my master said is true. He loves you wholeheartedly. I'll get the wine right away."

Fairy Nishang was very considerate and helped Jiang Feng smooth things over. She quickly got the sweet-scented osmanthus wine from the cellar.

Princess Longji couldn't wait to take a sip, and her beautiful eyes lit up immediately,"Hey! This wine is sweet and sour and mellow, with a unique flavor. It's even better than the nectar brewed by my mother!"

Seeing Princess Longji's relaxed expression, Jiang Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief,"Longji, I didn't lie to you."


The Qingluan Sword fell to the ground, and Princess Longji instantly threw herself into Jiang Feng's arms,"Jiang Feng, I'm sorry, I wronged you."

Princess Longji hugged Jiang Feng as if no one was around, her tone full of self-blame.

The fragrance of osmanthus is unique, and the wine must be brewed from osmanthus. Princess Longji has no doubt about it.

This noble princess is also a person of temperament, who dares to love and hate, distinguishes right from wrong, and admits her mistakes.

"It's okay, I forgive you, you are my sweetheart.……"Jiang Feng smiled calmly, and took the opportunity to hug Princess Longji's slender waist and hugged her tightly.

After a few sweet words, the crisis immediately disappeared. Princess Longji's fair face showed a bright smile again, and she talked happily with Jiang Feng.

""Jiang Feng, when will you marry me?"

Princess Longji suddenly asked.

Although she had wronged Jiang Feng, the existence of the fairy Chang'e still made her feel a sense of crisis, so she wanted to marry Jiang Feng as soon as possible and become a real couple.

That way, she would feel at ease.

"Ah this……"Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, his eyes rolled back, and he pretended to faint.

""Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng, what's wrong with you?" Princess Longji hurriedly supported Jiang Feng, panicking.

"Princess, the boss has been trying so hard to make pills and has wasted too much energy. He needs to rest."Zhao Xiaowu immediately stepped forward and said

"So that's it."Princess Longji breathed a sigh of relief, and then personally carried Jiang Feng into the room and put him safely on the bed.

Not long after, Jiang Feng fell into a deep sleep.

After a few days of recuperation, Jiang Feng finally recovered his vitality and became energetic and lively again.

"Boss, according to the servants, just now, the God of War went to the Imperial Stables."Zhao Xiaowu suddenly reported.

Long before, Jiang Feng had instructed Zhao Xiaowu to secretly send people to monitor the every move of the Imperial Stables and report any situation to him as soon as possible.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up. The previous encounter between Sun Wukong and Marshal Tianfeng in Tianhe must have made the monkey's heart loose.

Now that the God of War has come to the Imperial Stables, it is exactly the same as what he described in his diary. This must be a big test for Sun Wukong.

Whether he believes the contents of the diary, and thus turns over to become the master, fights against fate, and opposes Buddhism, may depend on this time.

This step is crucial, and Jiang Feng decided to go and investigate in person.

Not long after, Jiang Feng came to the Imperial Stables quietly.

With his cultivation, no one can detect it.

""Mr. Wu Qu, thank you for your kindness."

In the main hall, Sun Wukong cupped his hands and said with a smile. However,

Mr. Wu Qu had a stern expression and did not appreciate it at all. He then walked in and sat in Sun Wukong's seat, and then ordered in a domineering manner:"Bimawen, go and get me a royal horse."

"I go to hold the horse?" Sun Wukong pointed at himself, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

Wu Qu Xingjun snorted coldly,"If you don't hold the horse, who will?"

Seeing this, Sun Wukong also sneered in response,"The Jade Emperor asked me to serve as an official in heaven, but he didn't ask me to hold the horse with you."

"How dare you!" Wu Qu Xingjun stood up and shouted angrily,"I have official business to attend to. Can you bear the consequences of not leading the horse?"

Sun Wukong would not accept this."Go lead the horse yourself!"

Wu Qu Xingjun was so angry that he was about to hit him.

Several of Sun Wukong's subordinates hurried forward to stop him."Please calm down, sir. I will lead the horse.……"

But Sun Wukong stopped them and said,"Please go and lead the horse yourself."

"I will come to the Jade Emperor to settle accounts with you after I finish my business!"

Wu Qu Xingjun did not bother too much. He snorted angrily and went to get the horse himself.

However, just as he got on the horse, Sun Wukong whistled, and the celestial horse neighed, throwing Wu Qu Xingjun off the horse on the spot.

These days, Sun Wukong fed the celestial horses and became friends with them. These celestial horses are all psychic and naturally listen to Sun Wukong.

Wu Qu Xingjun was humiliated and completely furious,"How dare you tease me."

He pointed at Sun Wukong's nose, his eyes were about to burst into fire.

Sun Wukong laughed non-stop,"Wu Qu Xingjun, you dare to show off in front of me, I, the Lord Bi Ma Wen, should teach you a lesson."

When Wu Qu Xingjun heard this, he laughed out loud,"You, a little Bi Ma Wen who is not up to the standard, dare to call yourself a lord, you are simply shameless!"

"Hmm?" Sun Wukong couldn't help but frowned, finally realizing that something was wrong, and immediately asked several of his men,"What did he just say?"

"He said you are a lowly Bimawen"

"What rank is"not in the mainstream"? But"great"?"Sun Wukong continued to ask.

Several subordinates looked embarrassed, but finally told the truth.

"Small and tasteless, extremely small"

"The head of the horse"

"What!"Sun Wukong was shocked and furious,"You are so good, Lord Wu Qu, you wanted to make me a groom."

"Letting you be a groom is already a compliment to you, hahaha……"Wu Qu Xingjun burst into laughter.

Sun Wukong was so angry that he trembled. He took off his official uniform on the spot, tore up the official document and threw it directly on Wu Qu Xingjun's face, and then went down to the lower world in anger.

This scene was exactly the same as the plot designed by Western Buddhism.

In the dark, Jiang Feng frowned deeply. Did his plan fail? Sun Wukong was indifferent to the diary he wrote and had already thrown it out of his mind?

"This shouldn't be the case. This monkey has experienced two identical plots. It's impossible for him to not have any reaction!" Jiang Feng couldn't understand it.

But at this moment, he seemed to notice something, and his pupils shrank fiercely. He saw that Monkey King had gone back and returned to the Imperial Stables, and searched in the main hall, and finally picked up the diary in a dark corner.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile, his layout was successful.

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