Suddenly, a colorful cloud descended from the sky, and a woman in white stood on it. It was the Bodhisattva Guanyin. She was dressed in white clothes that were whiter than snow, and she looked like a fairy. But when she walked, she put her hands together, and her appearance was solemn, which was obviously different from Taoism.

In the Miro Palace, Jiang Feng saw the Buddha's light that filled the sky, and his mind was moved.

There was no need to think about it. It must be that the Western Buddhist sect noticed something unusual and came here to punish them.

Jiang Feng had already made preparations, and he immediately stood up and went to the Lingxiao Palace.


Lingxiao Palace

""I didn't know that Venerable Guanyin was coming. I'm sorry for not welcoming you in person. I hope you can forgive me!" The Jade Emperor said very politely on the Heavenly Emperor's chair.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's status in Western Buddhism is very important, and even he needs to respect her and not neglect her.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's pretty face was as cold as a mountain. She immediately asked straight to the point:"Great Venerable, why don't you keep your promise and proceed according to my Western plan?"

The Jade Emperor naturally knew the intention of Guanyin Bodhisattva, but he could never show it. Hearing this, he frowned,"What is the reason for this, Bodhisattva? I am the Supreme of the Three Realms. My words are golden. How can I go back on my word?"

"Besides, I have been carrying out the Journey to the West plan set by the Tathagata Buddha. If the Buddhist sect successfully completes the Journey to the West, my Heavenly Court will also be proud of it and gain merits. Why would I get into trouble over such a matter?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva's expression did not fluctuate at all, and she did not show her joy or anger on her face. I don't know what she was thinking, and then she asked:"Why hasn't Sun Wukong rebelled against Heaven yet?"

"I am also puzzled," the Jade Emperor looked confused, and then asked suspiciously:"Could it be that the Journey to the West plan you made is wrong? After all, the future is mysterious and unpredictable, and it changes rapidly. No one can accurately predict it?"

The Jade Emperor put the blame on the Western Buddhist sect.

""It's impossible," Guanyin Bodhisattva rejected it immediately, saying firmly,"This journey to the west was jointly calculated by the two founders of our Buddhism, Jie Yin Buddha and Zhunti Buddha Mother. It was designed based on Sun Wukong's personality, the trend of heaven, the breath of destiny and other factors. There is no way there could be any mistakes."

"Why is that?"The Jade Emperor frowned, his acting was superb.

In fact, he was not acting completely, to be more precise, it was half true and half false.

He knew it was Jiang Feng's doing, but he had no idea how Jiang Feng planned it and how it was executed.

""Great Heavenly Venerable, since you knew the situation had changed, why didn't you report it to Tathagata earlier, but kept delaying until now?" Guanyin Bodhisattva asked again.

This made the Jade Emperor a little unhappy. After all, he was the Supreme of the Three Realms. You, Guanyin Bodhisattva, asked him three questions as soon as you came, and accused him of an offence. How could he save face?

But at this moment, an ambiguous voice suddenly came from outside the hall,"Guanyin Bodhisattva, what you said is wrong. My Heavenly Court is in charge of the Three Realms and is supreme. We are not a subordinate of your Western Buddhism. Why should I report it to you? What's the reason?""

There is no doubt that the person who came was Jiang Feng. He had a smile on his face and was in high spirits. It was obvious that he had made sufficient preparations.

However, what surprised him a little was that the Western Buddhist sect actually sent Guanyin Bodhisattva to come, but it also showed how much importance those old bald donkeys attached to this matter. When he came closer, Jiang Feng couldn't help but look at Guanyin Bodhisattva. This was the first time he saw this legendary female Bodhisattva with great compassion.

At that moment, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up. This Guanyin was wearing a fairy dress, white clothes fluttering, with a graceful figure, holy and noble, almost comparable to the fairy Chang'e.

However, that high-handed, unsmiling, ascetic and indifferent expression made people very disgusted.

At the same time, Guanyin Bodhisattva was also looking at Jiang Feng.

She recognized Jiang Feng at the first time. This heavenly judicial god who had a close relationship with Nuwa and caused the direct obliteration of Lingji Bodhisattva, she remembered it in her heart.

"God Jiang, Sun Wukong was about to rebel against the Heaven, but he turned back halfway. Could it be that someone deliberately instigated him to go against the Western Buddhism?"Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly stared at Jiang Feng and asked.

Obviously, she had done her homework before coming here, and she had doubts about Jiang Feng in her heart, although there was no evidence.

But when it comes to going against the Western Buddhism, Jiang Feng must be the number one suspect.

"Who knows? This is your Western Buddhist business, this god has no right to intervene, and I don't have the time to intervene."Jiang Feng sneered.

Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't help but frowned, this Jiang Feng was indeed a big troublemaker, sharp-tongued, and not an ordinary person.

After thinking for a moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva turned around and said to the Jade Emperor:"Well, let's not talk about the past for now, can you please order Sun Wukong to be demoted to the mortal world, and then order the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing and Nezha the Third Prince to go down to the mortal world to capture him, so that the journey to the west can be put on the right track?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva kept in mind the instructions of Tathagata Buddha. The most urgent task was to get everything back on track first. As for the person who made trouble behind the scenes, it would not be too late to settle accounts later.

"this……"The Jade Emperor frowned, not knowing how to respond.

"This is absolutely not allowed," Jiang Feng said immediately and refused without hesitation,"Bimawen Sun Wukong works in the Imperial Stables, works hard, does his job flawlessly, and fulfills his duties conscientiously. Even I, the God of Justice, can't find any fault with him. Why should he be demoted to the mortal world?"

"If this is true, wouldn't the world laugh at your majesty for abusing your power? Besides, this is not part of the Journey to the West plan, and your majesty has no obligation to cooperate."

"My dear minister, what you said makes sense!" The Jade Emperor agreed with a smile, and then immediately replied:"Guanyin Bodhisattva, I cannot agree with you on this matter."

"What!" Guanyin Bodhisattva was shocked, but she could do nothing.

"Then can I go to the Imperial Stables to take a look at the monkey?"

Since the Heavenly Court would not do anything, Guanyin Bodhisattva had to solve it herself.

"Of course, that's fine."The Jade Emperor had no reason to refuse. If he didn't agree, then the Western Buddhist sect would have to doubt his intentions.

Upon hearing this, Guanyin Bodhisattva left without saying a word, with a stern face and a wave of his sleeves.

"" Guanyin Bodhisattva, wait a minute!" But at this moment, Jiang Feng suddenly stretched out an arm and blocked Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva had finally come to the heaven, so Jiang Feng certainly wanted to squeeze out her value.

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face suddenly darkened,"Jiang Tianshen, what do you mean?"

"Guanyin Bodhisattva, I'm sure you've heard that I'm now the new generation leader of Jiejiao, and the golden-haired beast you ride is one of the seven immortals who accompanied the previous leader of Jiejiao, Tongtian."

"I hope you can release him immediately and let him return to Jiejiao. Otherwise, you may not be able to get out of the gate of Lingxiao Palace!"

Jiang Feng's expression was cold and his words were sonorous, shaking the entire Lingxiao Palace.

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